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An Overview of Accounting in the new Junior Cycle Specification

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1 An Overview of Accounting in the new Junior Cycle Specification
Mr David Walsh Saturday 16th September 2017

2 Business Studies Specification
The new Junior Cycle Business Studies specification was introduced into all schools in September The main change for us as business studies teachers is that we are moving from a syllabus with a strong focus on content to a learning outcomes-based specification.

3 Business Studies Specification…
‘The specification for Junior Cycle Business Studies focuses on improving students’ understanding of the business environment and on developing skills for life, work and further study through three inter-connected strands: Personal finance, Enterprise and Our economy.’ Understanding and skills for life work

4 Learning Outcomes… Learning outcomes are ‘statements that describe what knowledge and understanding, skills and values students should be able to demonstrate after a period of learning’. There are 37 learning outcomes in total across the three stands of the Junior Cycle Business Studies: 13 learning outcomes in Personal Finance 13 learning outcomes in Enterprise 11 learning outcomes in Our Economy

5 Strand 1: Personal Finance
This strand focuses on students developing a set of skills, knowledge and values that allows them to make informed decisions to effectively and responsibly manage their financial resources. The 13 learning outcomes in this strand are set out on page 14 of the Business Studies specification. They include areas such as income and expenditure, financial lifecycle, consumer rights and borrowing.

6 Strand 2: Enterprise The Enterprise strand encourages students to identify opportunities and turn them into practical and targeted activities within business and wider society through the development and application of their understanding, skills and values. It develops students’ basic understanding of the financial, marketing and operational functions of an organisation. There are 13 learning outcomes in this strand. They are set out on page 15 of the Business Studies specification. They include areas such as entrepreneurship, marketing, sources of finance and bookkeeping.

7 Strand 3: Our Economy The ‘Our Economy’ strand enables students to understand the dynamic relationship between the local, national and international economic situation. It develops students’ ability to identify and understand basic economic concepts as they relate to personal finance, enterprise and the Irish economy.

8 Accounting Opportunities
There are 10 learning outcomes which specifically and directly align with Accounting Themes. These are set out on pages of the Business Studies specification. They include areas such as: Recording Income and Expenditure Preparing & Analysing Budgets Determining Financial Position Organisations Cash Account Preparing Final accounts

9 Glossaries in the Business Studies Specification
The Business Studies specifications contains two glossaries: The Glossary of business terms is Appendix 1 on page 23 of the Business Studies specification The Glossary of action verbs is Appendix 2 on page 25 of the Business Studies specification. These glossaries are provided as an aid to the Business Studies teacher when working with the learning outcomes from the three strands. The glossary of ‘Action Verbs’ clarifies the learning outcomes and will be aligned with the command words used in assessments

10 Learning Journey… The Framework for Junior Cycle 2015 and the Business Studies specification make it clear that everything we do is to support student learning. The Framework document highlights the greater prominence given to classroom-based assessment as part of teaching and learning. This will involve realigning assessment as an integral aspect of our teaching and learning. The three-year journey is built upon, and underpinned by, formative assessment. The Framework stresses the role and value of formative assessment.

11 Changes in Assessment…
The most significant change in the new Junior Cycle is in the area of assessment. There is a substantial body of research evidence to show that educational outcomes for students can be improved by broadening the approach to assessment. There is also a recognition that no single assessment event can provide evidence of the full range of student achievement. All assessment in junior cycle should have as its primary purpose the support of student learning.

12 The Learning Journey 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

13 First Year Business Studies
Using Learning Outcomes from across the strands, we create rich learning experiences. Students’ learning is being built through their engagement with these rich learning experiences. Examples include: Student taking responsibility for their learning Collaborative learning Promoting higher-order thinking processes Assessment that is broader than pen and paper tests, that gives a fuller picture of the student and supports them in their learning with formative assessment, effective questioning and feedback being vital.

14 Planning for Business Studies
Built around the 37 learning outcomes in the specification. Create a unit of learning by linking learning outcomes from across the three strands. Students of Business Studies interact with all three stands over the three years of study. The Accounting elements of Junior Cycle Business Studies are embedded across each of the three years of study, through the linking of the learning outcomes contained in each of the three Business Studies strands.

15 The Learning Journey 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

16 Second Year Business Studies
In Second Year, students progress through the course working with learning outcomes from across the three strands. Towards the end of Second Year, students complete their first Classroom-Based Assessment (CBA1). It is a group project completed over a four-week period. The groups are made up of 3-5 students who produce a word group project. Students complete a student reflection form and a research template at the end, which sets out their individual contributions to the group project. This CBA1 is called Business in Action. There are three options: Enterprise in Action Finance in Action Economics in Action

17 CBA1: Business in Action
Details Assessment 3 options: Enterprise in Action Finance in Action Economics in Action 4 areas of activity: Conducting research Evaluating information Developing action plans Reporting findings Assessed by the teacher using descriptors not grades Assessed at a common level using Features of Quality Subject Learning and Assessment Review meeting (SLAR)

18 CBA1: Finance in Action Students are given an opportunity to identify and research a financial challenge for a consumer or an organisation (profit or not-for-profit). As per the Assessment Guidelines on page 10.

19 CBA1: Finance in Action As part of this action project students will:
Investigate and research a chosen financial challenge for an individual or an organisation (for-profit or not-for-profit). Evaluate their research findings. The evaluation may describe some causes for the financial challenge, identify the costs on different key stakeholders and classify the positive and negative impacts on income and expenditure. Support their analysis with tabular and graphic representations. Develop an action plan to address the financial challenge based on their evaluation of the research findings. Compile a project to summarise their work.

20 The Learning Journey 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year

21 Classroom-Based Assessment 2: Presentation
This is an individual task. A three-minute presentation. It is awarded a descriptor using features of quality set out in the guidelines. And then… After this CBA is completed, it is followed by a Subject Learning and Assessment Review (SLAR) meeting.

22 Classroom-Based Assessment 2: Presentation
The presentation requires students to investigate and present on a business-related topic. Some potential topics are: Field visit to a local enterprise Investigation of the impact of an organisation on a community Consumerism Investigation of a current economic issue Careers in business.

23 SLAR Meetings Take place after each Classroom-Based Assessment.
Teachers have an opportunity to discuss the descriptors applied to the students’ work. The review process is centred on teachers discussing student work at structured meetings. It will play an important role in helping teachers to develop an understanding of standards and expectations by enabling them to reflect on the evidence of students’ work and to share the learning and teaching strategies supporting that work. As per Eoghan’s advice ‘I’d talk up that SLARs are not a procedural event but a place when teachers get to share teaching strategies and build a shared understanding of standards’

24 The Assessment Task After CBA 2, students will also have to complete an Assessment Task. This will be sent from the school to the SEC to be included with their final exam. The SEC assesses it for certification. It is a reflection on the CBA2 and is completed in a pro-forma booklet that will be issued to schools. The Assessment Task is sent away with the final exam in June. It is worth 10% of the overall final grade awarded and acts as the bridge between the second CBA and the Final exam.

25 The Final Examination The Final exam takes place in June of Third Year. It is set, marked and certified by the SEC. There is one examination paper at a common level. The examination will be no longer than two hours in duration. During this assessment, students will be required to engage with, demonstrate comprehension of, and provide written responses to stimulus material. In any year, the learning outcomes to be assessed will constitute a sample of the 37 learning outcomes.

26 1st Year 3rd Year 2nd Year The Learning Journey
Financial operations embedded across the three years

27 Business Studies Specification
It is the ‘go to document’ for the Business Studies teachers Available at:

28 Assessment Guidelines
A full description all the assessment parts is available in ‘Junior Cycle Business Studies – Guidelines for the Classroom-Based Assessments and Assessment Task’. This booklet is published by the NCCA and is available at:

29 Supports Available… Website:

30 JCT Website: Business Studies

31 JCT Website: Business Studies Planning Section…next steps
Finance in Action Year Two Plan..

32 Supports Available… Website:

33 Thank you. Additional Support… The JCT Business Studies Team:
Thank you.

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