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SoftWorkload What’s New For You? SoftGene on the Scene!

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Presentation on theme: "SoftWorkload What’s New For You? SoftGene on the Scene!"— Presentation transcript:

1 SoftWorkload What’s New For You? SoftGene on the Scene!
Good Morning Everyone. Welcome to SoftWorkload featuring SoftGene, specifically our new SoftWorkload Cytogenetics accomplishments for you. My name is Betty Kramer and today, in conjunction with SCC SoftComputer SoftWorkload Programmer, Michal Kukula, we are prepared to share SoftWorkload’s 2014 accomplishments for you, our valued Clients. Today’s presentation is 50 to 55 minutes duration. We have reserved 5 to 10 minutes at the end for your SoftWorkload questions. Betty Kramer Michal Kukula

2 WKL CAPTURES & REPORTS Lab, Mic, BB, AP, Gene, Cytogenetics
SoftWorkload captures and reports Integration with SCC modules includes SoftLab SoftMic SoftBank SoftPath SoftGene SoftCytogenetics SoftReports

3 WKL CAPTURES & REPORTS With R&D: TotalQC Integration 2014
We also are working to integrate with TotalQC in 2014 – 2015 SoftTotalQC

4 Why in the world would any SCC Client want SoftWorkload?
Tried & True! Simple! Effective! Est 1996 SoftWorkload CAPTURES SoftWorkload REPORTS Integrated with all hallmark SCC Products SoftScape  SoftWorkload’s GUI Look  SoftWorkload Advanced Reporting Time is money! SoftWorkload’s essence! Stable Reliable Dependable Flexible SoftWorkload is tried and true. SoftWorkload has been around for a long time, since the early 1990’s. Est 1996 SoftWorkload is integrated with all of SCC’s hallmark show case of products > LAB, MIC, BB, AP, Gene, SoftReports SoftWorkload is now GUI > yep! SoftScape. You can opt for the tried and true Workload legacy or Workload SoftScape SoftWorkload has advanced into the relm of accomplished advanced reporting ops. SoftWorkload now features choice options in reporting and will share with you today, some of tehse. SoftWorkload is an excellent capturing and reporting tool to use within your LIS. Why? Simple, stable, reliable, dependable, and It is even flexible. No Risk To Health as it does not alter any Patient Demographics nor Laboratory results.

5 SoftWorkload Reporting Formats 4 in one Methodology Table
Clients must use at least 1 Reporting Format Clients may use 2 or 3 ….up to a maximum of 4 Regulatory Use Considerations: AMERICAN LMIP Laboratory Management Index Program CAP College of American Pathologist CANADIAN MIS Standards 2011, 2013, 2015 … Q 2 years Clients are welcome to create own reporting Methodology: MANAG Workload Internal Reg SoftWorkload provides a Methodology Table in Workload General Setup of option 4-SETUP Clients must use at least one Methodology or “Reporting Format” to use Workload. SoftWorkload provides a max total of 4 Methodologies, also known as “Reporting Formats” for use. An analogy would be: I could create 4 different reports for myself as a person if I were to consider Activities reporting …. I could create a report for myself as a Mom I could create a report for myself as a Worker I could create a report for myself as a Driver of an automobile I could create a report for myself as a Gardener working in the garden Each Reporting Format would then have different Activities. Workload is all about capturing time for the work you do, all the Activities you accomplish. So you see, can have 4 different reporting formats, reporting different kinds of Activities for each of the 4 reporting formats.

6 SoftWorkload presents …
SoftWorkload Cytogenetics 2 new SoftGene Capturing Schedules 20 new Cytogenetic Basic Routines SoftWorkload Reports Today’s SoftWorkload presentation is a Hallmark Feature Presentation presenting SoftWorkload Cytogenetics. Today, we will show you the 2 new SoftGene Capturing Schedules and the 20 new SoftWorkload Cytogenetic Basic Routines We have also included SoftWorkload Reports, a variety of Reports, as a courtesy for our old and new Clients, We shall show you our latest and greatest SoftWorkload reporting accomplishments.

7 “Old” CGD Capturing Schedule Capturing by SoftGene Daily Occurrence
For Clients with the Gene module, you will recognize the CGD Capturing Schedule which is Capturing by SoftGene daily occurrence. Again, this is ‘old’ and still in use for our Workload Gene Clients. Ela Wiercioch, SoftWorkload Architect Programmer manages Workload’s extended capturing, supplemental capturing. All Workload Capturing Schedules are hard coded by SCC and the Capturing Schedules are what actually provides the Workload capturing the Basic Routines.

8 “New” GDT Capturing Schedule Capturing by Genetics Daily Occurrence
New this year, 2014 For Clients with Cytogenetics, is the new GDT Capturing Schedule which Captures by Genetics daily occurrence. Again, this is ‘new’ and now available for 4.5 for any Workload Client with Cytogenetics. Ela Wiercioch, SoftWorkload Architect Programmer manages Workload’s extended capturing, supplemental capturing. All Workload Capturing Schedules are hard coded by SCC and the Capturing Schedules are what actually provides the Workload capturing for the Basic Routines.

9 “New” GOR Capturing Schedule Capturing by Genetics Orders
New this year, 2014 for our Clients with Cytogenetics, is the new GOR Capturing Schedule which Captures by Genetics orders. Again, this is ‘new’ and now available for 4.5 for any Workload Client with Cytogenetics. Ela Wiercioch, SoftWorkload Architect Programmer manages Workload’s extended capturing, supplemental capturing. All Workload Capturing Schedules are hard coded by SCC and the Capturing Schedules are what actually provides the Workload capturing for the Basic Routines.

10 GDT Capturing is by Date
Workload has a variety of ways to capture Workload. Workload capturing can be accomplished via the Ad-Hoc Capturing area, which is manual on demand capturing. Capturing can be accomplished via the crontab which automates capturing, behind the scenes, to provide Daily Capturing and Extended Capturing. For those of you in the audience today that are new to Workload, you are probably wondering what capturing is all about. What are you capturing? You are capturing Activities. Each and every Activity that is defined and saved in Workload can be captured. These Activities are one of two types of Activities. They are Patient Activities, also known as Service Recipient Activities and Non-Patient Activities, known as Non-Service Recipient Activities. All modules integrated with Workload can capture and report Workload The new GDT Capturing Schedule is by Date for Capturing by Genetics daily occurrence. The format is yyyyy-mm-dd year-month-day

11 GOR Capturing is by Order # Example Capture Range of Orders
Again …………..Workload has a variety of ways to capture Workload. Workload capturing can be accomplished via the Ad-Hoc Capturing area, which is manual on demand capturing. Capturing can be accomplished via the crontab which automates capturing, behind the scenes, to provide Daily Capturing and Extended Capturing. What are you capturing? You are capturing Activities. Each and every Activity that is defined and saved in Workload can be captured. These Activities are one of two types of Activities. They are Patient Activities, also known as Service Recipient Activities and Non-Patient Activities, known as Non-Service Recipient Activities. All modules integrated with Workload can capture and report Workload. The new GOR Capturing Schedule is by Source Type: O order Number GOR capturing is Capturing by Genetics orders. The format is: the Cytogenetic order number This screenshot is an example of Ad-Hoc Capturing by Genetic Order # RANGE Notice the from field and the to field. When capture completed, 21 sources were scanned and 23 records created/updated.

12 GOR Capturing is by Order # Example Capture Single Order
This example Genetic order capturing screenshot is indicative of Ad-Hoc Capturing of a single order number. Notice the from field and the to field. When capture completed, 1 source (1 order) was scanned and 7 records created/updated. Let’s take a look and see the results using the View Workload Capture. (go to next screen)

13 View Workload Capture Single Order # 140000051
View Workload is one area whereby you can vaildate your Workload capturing. With View, you can check to see if your Workload Activity(ies) are capturing correctly. It is quick and easy to use. Let’s move on to the new Cytogenetics ………. Workload team worked diligently over the course of the last 2 years to prepare the new Worklaod Cytogenetics especially for you our valued Client customers. We hope you will like what we have worked hard to accomplish for you.

14 SoftWorkload Activity: CULACTG Monitoring of Growth
This screen depicts for you and example of a Workload Activity Definition for SoftGene All Activities are created by the Workload system, Client User This Activity features Monitoring of Growth The Code: CULACTG is hard once created Note the Basic Routine selected for this Activity when it was created. Workload Gene Cytogenetic Basic Routine CULACTG Item for Count is CLT Culture The MIS Code is this code is located, pulled from the MIS Standards 2013 Unit Value is UV is the same as time. UV of 2.0 is the same as 2 minutes of time. See next screen. Will show you the Links associated (connected) to the Workload Gene Cytogenetic Basic Routine CULACTG

15 SoftWorkload Activity CULACTG ‘m’ modify view and F7 key shows LINKS
Once you invoke the ‘m’ modify the Activity Definition screen opens up and you can see the Links of Capture Routines. All Links are hard coded to the Basic Routine. Each Basic Routine is different, with different Link requirements. Again All Activities are created by the Workload system, Client User. As such, the Links of Capture Routines. This Activity features Monitoring of Growth and the Code: CULACTG is hard, once created. As in the previous screen, please note the Basic Routine selected for this Activity when it was created. Workload Gene Cytogenetic Basic Routine CULACTG Item for Count is CLT Culture On this screen, you can now see the Links required for the Basic Routine CULACTG which is the Basic Routine selected for this Activity CULACTG IMPORTANT: at least one Link must be selected if a Link is required. The symbol < adjacent the Link field indicates there are more Links selected, and these Links are behind the scenes. The additional Links are selected by invoking the F7 key > F7 key again (yes, twice)

16 SoftWorkload Activity CULACTG F7 again followed by F2 shows pick list

17 SoftWorkload Cytogenetic GOR Capturing Links
DEP Department Code ATC Analysis Test Code RST Result Type CUA Culture Action Code CUT Culture Type RGA Reagent Action Code RGN Reagent ID SPM Specimen Type The brand new Capturing Schedule, GOR, Capturing by Genetic orders includes the following Link Types as outlined for you here. What is a Link? Who knows what a Link is? For those who do not know what a link is, briefly …. Basic Routines, which we will be sharing with you momentarily are the Link coordinators, if you will. The Basic Routines, across the board, no matter which module decide Links required by the Activities. This is because the Basic Routines are hard-coded by SCC. The Basic Routines are responsible for the actual capturing, in conjunction with the Capturing Schedules. Therefore, some Activities do not require any Link, some Activity Definitions require 1 Link, and some Activity Definitions require more than one Link. It all depends on the Basic Routine or combinations of Basic Routines that you choose for your Activity Templates, and then, ultimately, your Activity Definitions. SoftWorkload Cytogenetic GOR Capturing Link Types: DEP Department Code (Example: Cytogenetics Department ATC Analysis Test Code (Example: CA Chromosome Analysis, CFISH Generic Culture FISH RST Result Type (Examples: Normal, Abnormal, Undetermined, Cancelled) CUA Culture Action Code (Examples: !HARV Harvesting, !CSET Culture Setup, !CSUB Subculturing) CUT Culture Type (Examples: DIR Direct Harvest, FBT Flat-Bottom Tube, RBT Round Bottom Tube, CS In-situ coverslip) RGA Reagent Action Code (Examples: !RSIN Reagent Storage Check In !RSOUT Reagent Storage Check Out) RGN Reagent ID SPM Specimen Type (Examples: STEMCELLS, THYROID, UMBILICA (Umbilical cells), Placenta, Brain tissue

18 SoftWorkload Cytogenetic GOR Capturing Links
VOL Volume HRV Harvester ID SLA Slide Action Code ANT Analysis Type STN Stain Test Code SPA Spec. Action Code TBA Tube Action Code SoftWorkload Cytogenetic Links continued ……………… VOL Volume (Examples: LARGE Volume, SMALL Volume HRV Harvester ID (Examples: !ROUT Routine Harvester, !SYNC Synchronized Cultures, TECAN Tecan (In Situ) SLA Slide Action Code (Examples: !STN Staining, !SCR Slide Screening, !CSLD Preparing Culture Slides ) ANT Analysis Type (Examples: C Chromosome Analysis, G Culture FISH, H Direct FISH) STN Stain Test Code (Examples: FISH, DEB MMC, DAPI Counterstain, SO Spectrum Orange, SG Spectrum Green) SPA Spec. Action Code (Examples: Specimen Collected; Specimen Received) TBA Tube Action Code (Examples: !CSET Culture Setup, !ALQ Aliquot, !DSLD Preparing Direct Slides)

19 SoftWorkload 4-SETUP Basic Routines for SoftGene
SoftWorkload is an SA Based application. This is to say, System Application based product. You can see here, in this screenshot, all of the various modules currently integrated with Workload. SoftReports is also completely and fully integrated, but this is an add on reporting feature, not noted within the Worklaod module itself. The SoftWorkload SETUPS feature a hierarchical arrangement, all sub-options expand, some numerous times. In fact, the entire SoftWorkload module is hierarchical. This screen highlights for you Workload SETUP > Basic Routines > SoftGene module Before we show you all of the new Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routines, I would like to first show you a list of all of the various LINKS associated with and for SoftWorkload Cytogenetic Activities. Go to next screen ……..

20 20 WKL SoftGene Basic Routines
Our Workload Team Architect, Mrs. Ela Wiercioch completed all of the software programming, hard-coding to provide Twenty (20) brand new Cytogenetic Basic Routines for Activity building. Each has its own hard-coded CODE with accompanying description. Each of the twenty (20) CytoGene Basic Routines returns a “Numeric value” Michal Kukula and I will now show you each of the new Cytogenetic Basic Routines and explain to you, a little bit about each one.

21 SoftGene Basic Routine CELANLG Captures: Number of cells analyzed
# 1. The first Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is CELANLG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of cells analyzed. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Chekpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Chekpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is Cell. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of cells analyzed.

22 SoftGene Basic Routine CELCNTG Captures: Number of cells counted
# 2. The next Cytogenetic Basic Routine is CELCNTG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of cells counted. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Chekpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Chekpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is Cell. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of cells counted.

23 SoftGene Basic Routine CELIMAG Captures: Number of cells imaged
# 3. The next Cytogenetic Basic Routine is CELIMAG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of cells imaged. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Chekpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is Cell. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of cells imaged.

24 SoftGene Basic Routine CELKARG Captures: Number of cells karyotyped
# 4. The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is CELKARG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of cells karyotyped. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is Cell. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of cells karyotyped.

25 SoftGene Basic Routine CELSCOG Captures: Number of cells scored
# 5. The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is CELSCOG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of cells scored. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is Cell. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of cells scored.

26 SoftGene Basic Routine CULACTG Captures: Number of specific culture actions
# 6. The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is CULACTG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of specific actions performed on culture. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link CUA Culture Action Code Link CUT Culture Type Item for Count is CUA. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of specific actions performed on culture

27 SoftGene Basic Routine CULREAG Captures: Number of reagents used on culture
# 7. The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is CULREAG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of reagents used on culture. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link RGA Reagent Action Code Link RGN Reagent ID Link CUT Culture Type Item for Count is Cell. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of reagents used on culture.

28 SoftGene Basic Routine DSLDVOL Captures: Number of direct slide actions
# 8. The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is DSLDVOL This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of direct slide actions. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link SPM Specimen Type Link VOL Volume Item for Count is SLA. Slide Action Code. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of direct slide actions.

29 SoftGene Basic Routine INTERPR Captures: Number of interpretations completed
# 9. The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is INTERPR This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of interpretations completed. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is ACT Action Code. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of interpretations completed.

30 SoftGene Basic Routine INTERRV Captures: Number of interpretations review completed
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is INTERRV This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of interpretations review completed. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is ACT Action Code. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of interpretations review completed.

31 SoftGene Basic Routine MANHRVG Captures: Number of manual harvested cultures
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is MANHRVG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of manual harvested cultures. This Basic Routine does require a Checkpoint. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine requires meeting the qualifying Checkpoint HRV Harvesting to qualify for capturing. 4 Routine Links: Link DEP Department Code Link CUT Culture Type Link SPM Specimen Type Link HRV Harvester ID Item for Count is CUT Culture Type. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of manual harvested cultures.

32 SoftGene Basic Routine SIGREPG Captures: Number of sign out reports from chromosome analysis
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is SIGREPG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of sign out reports from chromosome analysis. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link ATC Analysis Test Code Link RST Result Type Item for Count is ACT Action Code. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of sign out reports from chromosome analysis.

33 SoftGene Basic Routine SLDACT Captures: Number of specific actions performed on slide
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is SLDACT This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of specific actions performed on slide. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link SLA Slide Action Code Link ANT Analysis Type Item for Count is SLA Slide Action Code. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of specific actions performed on slide.

34 SoftGene Basic Routine SLDACTS Captures: Number of specific slide action per stain
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is SLDACTS This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of specific actions performed on slide per stain. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link SLA Slide Action Code Link STN Stain Test Code Item for Count is SLA Slide Action Code. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of specific actions performed on a slide, per stain.

35 SoftGene Basic Routine SLDPROB Captures: Number of probes per FISH slide
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is SLDPROB This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of probes per FISH slide. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 1 Routine Link. Link DEP Department Code Item for Count is SLD Slide Type. This is the item for count. This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of probes per FISH slide.

36 SoftGene Basic Routine SLDREAG Captures: Number of reagents used on slide
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is SLDREAG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of reagents used on slide. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link RGA Reagent Action Code Link RGN Reagent ID Item for Count is RGA Reagent Action Code This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of reagents used on slide.

37 SoftGene Basic Routine SPMACTG Captures: Number of specific specimen actions
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is SPMACTG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of specific actions performed on specimen. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link SPA Spec. Action Code Link SPM Specimen Type Item for Count is SPA Spec. Action Code This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of specific actions performed on a specimen.

38 SoftGene Basic Routine SUBCULG Captures: Number of sub-culture per order
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is SUBCULG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of sub-culture per order. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 2 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link CUT Culture Type Item for Count is CUT Culture Type This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of sub-culture per order.

39 SoftGene Basic Routine TUBACTG Captures: Number of specific tube actions
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is TUBACTG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of specific actions performed on tube. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 3 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link TBA Tube Action Code Link SPM Specimen Type Item for Count is TBA Tube Action Code This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of specific actions performed on tube.

40 SoftGene Basic Routine TUBREAG Captures: Number of reagents used on tube
# The next Workload Cytogenetic Basic Routine is TUBREAG This Basic Routine is designed to capture Number of reagents used on tube. Does not require any Checkpoints. What is a Checkpoint? A Checkpoint is the qualifying agent. Checkpoint establishes any stop criterion. As you can see here ……….. this Basic Routine does not require meeting a Checkpoint in order to qualify for capturing. It does however, have 4 Routine Links. Link DEP Department Code Link RGA Reagent Action Code Link RGN Reagent ID Link SPM Specimen Type Item for Count is RGA Reagent Action Code This Basic Routine is designed to capture the number of reagents used on tube.

41 SoftWorkload Reporting Report Types and Views
Legacy - Sys Application Based Workload SoftReport pdf’s Workload SoftReport Excels Workload Ftp Excels Workload Oracle Views Workload has many different kinds of Reports. This screenshot provides a list of SoftWorkload Reports available to our SCC Clients Legacy – System Application Based. Native system reports. ASCII reports Workload SoftReport pdf’s – Workload is fully integrated with SoftReports Workload SoftReport Excels - new and completed 2012/2013 Workload Ftp Excels – new and completed 2013 Workload Oracle Views – new and completed 4th Quarter 2013/1st Quarter 2014

42 Where can I generate Reports in SoftWorkload?
1-CAPTURING Monitor Reports 2-Non-Patient Non-Patient Activities Reports 3-REPORTS Standard Calendar or Fiscal Calendar Reports COLUMN Category – define 1 COLUMN ROWS Categories – define 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 up to 7 ROWS 4-SETUP Statistical Report Definition is for defining “Custom Reports” Automated Non-Patient Scheduler is for “Aggregate Reports” Print Scheduler – “Automated Reports” 4 Reporting Time Frames for Reports: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Yearly 1-CAPTURING Monitor Reports 2-Non-Patient Non-Patient Activities Reports 3-REPORTS Standard Calendar or Fiscal Calendar Reports COLUMN Category – define 1 COLUMN ROWS Categories – define 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 up to 7 ROWS 4-SETUP Statistical Report Definition is for defining “Custom Reports” Automated Non-Patient Scheduler is for “Aggregate Reports” Print Scheduler – “Automated Reports” 4 Reporting Time Frames for Reports: Weekly Monthly Quarterly Yearly

43 SoftWorkload SoftReport pdf Monitor Report
This is an example of a SoftWorkload SoftReport pdf > Monitor Report > featuring a LAB Source Range Report

44 SoftWorkload SoftReport pdf Monthly Report
Workload SoftReport pdf Monthly Report by COLUMN Sorting Category: SYS System with Filter Value: M ROW Sorting Category: ACT Activity Code with Filter Value A_VITEK

45 MONTH Report by HRS HOURS & TEC User ID with Filter Values
Hours 0 to Page 1 of 2

46 MONTH Report by HRS HOURS & TEC User ID with Filter Values
Hours 12 to 23 Page 2 of 2

47 SoftWorkload SoftReport Excel ACT Activity Code & ITM Item Code

48 QUARTERLY Report, Split Screen Diagnosis Codes and SYS System: L

49 QUARTERLY Report with Filter Values Diagnosis Codes and SYS System: L

50 SoftWorkload SoftReport Excel LOC Location, DEP Department, WRK Workstation

51 SoftWorkload SoftReport Excel PAT Patient Type FAC Facility ITM Item Code

52 SoftWorkload Ftp Excel
Value:no. (Number) Value:uv (unit Value)

53 SoftWorkload Ftp Excel Value: no. The no
SoftWorkload Ftp Excel Value: no. The no. “Number” Record - Value 1 of 2

54 SoftWorkload Ftp Excel Value: uv The uv “Unit Value” Record - Value 2 of 2

55 Field List - SoftWorkload Oracle View First Methodology – Basic
Vw_wld_meth_first_basic Single Record Methodology: First Oracle Output Workload has new Oracle VIEWS! The “First” is representative of First Methodology of the Methodology Table Fields include: AA_ID provides a numeric index to the record form Workload database, as a reference System field is a one character Capital letter field for the module of captured workload data. No description. Source Type field provides a one character Capital letter code for the source type of captured workload data. No description. Source Number field provides an alphanumeric code of source type. It can be order #, case #, unit #, date, or other allowed source. Methodology ID field provides an alphanumeric code of Methodology code. Up to 5 characters allowed. No description next to code. Methodology STD Code field provides an alphanumeric code of Methodology standard code. Usually 5 digits, but can be up to 11. Activity Code field provides an alphanumeric code of Activity. Can be up to 7 characters long. Found in Worklaod Activity Definition screen Activity Description field provides an alphanumeric description of the Activity Activity Date field provides a numeric form of the date in format YYYYMMDD captured by workload Activity Time field provides a numeric form of the time in format hh:mm (the colon is NOT used) Tech field provides an alphanumeric code of the Tech ID captured by Workload. No description. Item Code field will provide an alphanumeric code of th eitem captured by workload. Can be many characters long. No description. Counter/no field provides a numeric count of the captured by workload items. Unit Value field provides a numeric value of units assigned in workload activity definition setup per each captured workload item Basic Routine Position field provides one capital letter code A, B, C, D, E or F for the basic routine Patient Type field provides one character code for the patient type captured by workload. Can be a Capital letter, lower case, or digit 0-9 Place Type field provides one characters code of the place type captured by workload. Capital letter W, D, S, U or L. No description. Place Code field provides an alphanumeric code of the place captured by workload. Can be up to 5 characters long. No description. PLTYPE field provides a one character code of the place type captured by workload. Capital letter W, D, S, U, or L. No description. DPTYPE field provides a one character code of the Department type captured by workload. Capital Letter D, S or U. No description. Item For Count field provides an alphanumeric code of the item for count captured by workload. No description. Only code. Service Type field provides one capital letter character code of the service type captured by workload. No description, One character code. Priority field provides a one capital letter character code of the priority captured by workload. No description. One character or empty. Ordering Depot field provides an alphanumeric code of the ordering depot captured by workload. No description. Only code. Ward/Clinic field provides an alphanumeric code of the ward/clinic captured by workload. No description. Only code. Doctor field provides an alphanumeric code of the Doctor ID captured by workload. No Doctor name in this field. Code or empty. Diagnosis field provides an alphanumeric code of the Diagnosis captured by workload. No description. Only code. MRN field provides an alphanumeric code of the Medical Record Number captured by workload. No description. Only code. Billing number field provides an alphanumeric code of the Billing Number captured by workload. No description. Only code.

56 Field List – SoftWorkload Oracle View First Methodology – Complete
Vw_wld_meth_first_complete Single Record Methodology: First Oracle Output Workload has new Oracle VIEWS! The “First” is representative of First Methodology of the Methodology Table First Methodology – COMPLETE includes: AA_ID provides a numeric index to the record form Workload database, as a reference System field is a one character Capital letter field for the module of captured workload data Source Type field provides a one character Capital letter code for the source type and Description Source Number field provides an alphanumeric code of source type Methodology ID field provides an alphanumeric code of Methodology code Methodology STD Code field provides an alphanumeric code of Methodology standard code Activity Code field provides an alphanumeric code of Activity Activity Description field provides an alphanumeric description of the Activity Activity Date field provides a numeric form of the date in format YYYYMMDD captured by workload Activity Time field provides a numeric form of the time in format hh:mm (the colon is NOT used) Tech field provides an alphanumeric code of the Tech ID captured by Workload. There will a Phlebotomist name in this field. Item Code field will provide an alphanumeric code of the item captured by workload. Can be many characters long. Counter/no field provides a numeric count of the captured by workload items. Unit Value field provides a numeric value of units assigned in workload activity definition setup per each captured workload item Basic Routine Position field provides one capital letter code A, B, C, D, E or F for the Basic Routine position responsible for the captured workload record. No description. Patient Type field provides one character code of the Patient type captured by workload. Can be capital letter or lowercase letter, or single digit 0 to 9. Description. Place Type field provides a one character code of the place type captured by workload. Can be capital letter W, D, S, U, or L. Description, yes. Place Code field provides an alphanumeric code of the place code captured by workload. Can be up to 5 characters long. No description. Location field provides an alphanumeric code of the location captured by workload. Description, yes. Adjacent. Department field provides an alphanumeric code of the department captured by workload. Description, yes. Adjacent. Section field provides an alphanumeric code of the section captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. SubSection field provides an alphanumeric code of the subsection captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. Workstation field provides an alphanumeric code of the workstation captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. Item For Count field provides an alphanumeric code of the item for count captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. Service Type field provides one capital letter character code of the service type captured by workload. Description, Yes. Adjacent. Priority field provides a one capital letter character code of the priority captured by workload. Description, Yes. Adjacent. Ordering Depot field provides an alphanumeric code of the ordering depot captured by workload. No description. Only code. Ward/Clinic field provides an alphanumeric code of the ward/clinic captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent ward/clinic code. Doctor field provides an alphanumeric code of the Doctor ID captured by workload. There will be a Doctor name in this field, adjacent to the Doctor Code. Diagnosis field provides an alphanumeric code of the Diagnosis captured by workload. Many characters long. MRN field provides an alphanumeric code of the Medical Record Number captured by workload. No description. Only code. Billing number field provides an alphanumeric code of the Billing Number captured by workload. No description. Only code.

57 Field List - SoftWorkload Oracle View First Methodology - Expanded
Vw_wld_meth_first_expanded Single Record Methodology: First Oracle Output Workload has new Oracle VIEWS! The “First” is representative of First Methodology of the Methodology Table First Methodology – EXPANDED includes: AA_ID provides a numeric index to the record form Workload database, as a reference System field is a one character Capital letter field for the module of captured workload data. No description. System_Desc field provides a one character, capital letter code for the module of captured workload data. Description, Yes. Adjacent. Source Type field provides a one character Capital letter code for the source type captured by workload data. Source Type_Desc field provides a one character Capital letter code for the source type captured by workload data and accompanying source type description. Source Number field provides an alphanumeric code of source type. It can be order #, case #, date, or other allowed workload source numbers. Methodology ID field provides an alphanumeric code of Methodology code. It can be up to 5 characters long. The code can be found in Workload General Setup. Methodology Desc field provides an alphanumeric code of Methodology standard code and accompanying 53 characters long Methodology description. “ Methodology STD Code field provides an alphanumeric code of Methodology standard code. Can be up to 11 characters long. Found Activity Definitions Setup screen. Activity Code field provides an alphanumeric code of Activity. It can be up to 7 (seven) characters long. Found in Activity Definitions Setup screen. Activity Description field provides an alphanumeric description of the Activity. The description can be found in Workload Activity Definitions Setup screen. Activity Date field provides a numeric form of the date in format YYYYMMDD captured by workload. Activity Date_Fmt field provides format M/DD/YYYY is date format captured by workload. Activity Time_Fmt field provides a numeric form of the time in format hh:mm (the colon ; is used in that form) captured by workload. Activity Hour field provides a numeric form of the time hour in format ## and is used in that form ( example 05 for the time 05:22) captured by workload Tech field provides an alphanumeric code of the Tech ID captured by Workload. Represents the Phlebotomist captured by workload. No description in this field. Tech_Name field provides an alphanumeric code of the Tech ID captured by workload. There will be a Phlebotomist name in this field, adjacent the Tech ID. Item Code field will provide an alphanumeric code of the item captured by workload. No description. Only code. Counter/no field provides a numeric count of the captured by workload items. Unit Value field provides a numeric value of units assigned in workload Activity Definition setup per each captured workload item. Basic Routine Position field provides one capital letter code A, B, C, D, E or F for the Basic Routine position responsible for the captured workload record. No descrip. Patient Type field provides one character code of the Patient type captured by workload. Can be a capital letter, lower case letter, or single digit 0 to 9. No description. Patient Type_Desc field provides one character code of the Patient Type captured by workload along with Patient Type description. Capital Letters, lower case, 0-9. Place Type field provides a one character code of the place type captured by workload. Can be capital letter W, D, S, U, or L. Description, yes. Place Code field provides an alphanumeric code of the place code captured by workload. Can be up to 5 characters long. No description. Location field provides an alphanumeric code of the location captured by workload. Description, yes. Adjacent. Department field provides an alphanumeric code of the department captured by workload. Description, yes. Adjacent. Section field provides an alphanumeric code of the section captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. SubSection field provides an alphanumeric code of the subsection captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. Workstation field provides an alphanumeric code of the workstation captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. Item For Count field provides an alphanumeric code of the item for count captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent. Service Type field provides one capital letter character code of the service type captured by workload. Description, Yes. Adjacent. Priority field provides a one capital letter character code of the priority captured by workload. Description, Yes. Adjacent. Ordering Depot field provides an alphanumeric code of the ordering depot captured by workload. No description. Only code. Ward/Clinic field provides an alphanumeric code of the ward/clinic captured by workload. Description. Yes. Adjacent ward/clinic code. Doctor field provides an alphanumeric code of the Doctor ID captured by workload. There will be a Doctor name in this field, adjacent to the Doctor Code. Diagnosis field provides an alphanumeric code of the Diagnosis captured by workload. Many characters long. MRN field provides an alphanumeric code of the Medical Record Number captured by workload. No description. Only code. Billing number field provides an alphanumeric code of the Billing Number captured by workload. No description. Only code.

58 SoftWorkload Team Rafal Wojnar, SoftWorkload Manager
Ela Wiercioch, SoftWorkload Architect Michal Kukula, SoftWorkload Programmer Betty Kramer, SoftWorkload PDS, IMP SCC SoftComputer SoftWorkload Team Rafal Wojnar, SoftWorkload Manager, Department of Research and Development Ela Wiercioch, SoftWorkload Architect, Department of Research and Development Michal Kukula, SoftWorkload Programmer, Department of Research and Development Betty Kramer, SoftWorkload Product Specialist, Implementation, Department of Research and Development

59 THANK YOU for Attending!
THANK YOU for attending ……………….. We greatly appreciate your time and attendance. We hope you enjoyed our presentation today. It has been our honor and privilege to present SoftWorkload “What’s New for You?” SoftGene is on Scene! Again, THANK YOU! Hope we see you next year, SNUG, 2015!!!

60 QUESTIONS ? SoftWorkload questions???
Please feel free to ask us Workload questions. We are here to help you, always. THANK YOU!

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