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Bonnie M. Dobbs, PhD Tara Pidborochynski, MSc

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1 Capital Region Transportation Needs Assessment of Seniors and Persons with Disability
Bonnie M. Dobbs, PhD Tara Pidborochynski, MSc CRB Needs Assessment Road Shows November 21 & 24, 2016

2 Capital Region Transportation Needs Assessments
2015 2016 Figure 1. The Capital Region.

3 Overall Sample Adult Children Senior Drivers Senior Non-Drivers PWD

4 Questions # 1: What affects the transportation needs of seniors and PWD? # 2: What makes alternate transportation for seniors (ATS) and specialized transit (ST) services for PWD ‘user-friendly’? # 3: How important are specialized transit services in the Capital Region?

5 What affects the transportation needs of seniors and PWD?
Question # 1 What affects the transportation needs of seniors and PWD?

6 Unmet Transportation Needs
4.34 Average # of Unmet Transportation Needs 1.55 .33 Figure 2. Average # of unmet transportation needs in the last six months.

7 What Affects Transportation Needs?
Age Sex Income Driving Status Physical Health Disability Geographic Area

8 Geographic Areas Metro Core GA # 1 GA # 2 & 3
Figure 3. Geographic Areas (GA).

9 Unmet Transportation Needs x Group x Geographic Area
Figure 4. Average unmet transportation needs x Group x Geographic Area.

10 What makes ATS and ST services for PWD ‘user-friendly’?
Question # 2 What makes ATS and ST services for PWD ‘user-friendly’?

11 The 5 A’s of ‘User-Friendly’ Transportation
Description AVAILABILITY Available when needed (e.g., days, evenings; weekdays, weekends). ACCEPTABILITY Service quality is acceptable (advance scheduling; vehicles are clean and well-maintained; provides driver ‘sensitivity to seniors’ training). ACCESSIBILITY Provides ‘door-to-door’ and ‘door-through-door’ transportation; provides transportation to essential and non-essential activities. ADAPTABILITY Accommodates riders wanting to make multiple stops (trip chaining); allows for different types of routes (fixed vs. user response) and passenger service (single vs. group); accommodates wheelchairs and walkers). AFFORDABILITY Transportation is affordable (e.g., uses volunteer drivers to reduce costs, vouchers, or coupons available, etc.).

12 How important are specialized transit services in the Capital Region?
Question # 3 How important are specialized transit services in the Capital Region?

13 Importance of ATS/ST Services in the Community
Adults 45–64 Senior Drivers Senior Non-Drivers PWD Figure 5. Importance of availability of ATS/ST services in the community (‘somewhat/very important’).

14 Importance of IMT and RMT Services
Importance of IMT service Importance of RMT services Figure 6. Importance of IMT and RMT services in the community (‘somewhat/very important’).

15 Importance of Municipal Funding
Percent For ATS/ST services For IMT service For RMT services Figure 7. Importance of municipal funding for transportation/transit services (‘somewhat/very important’).

16 Going Forward Now have a better understanding of who is more likely to have unmet transportation needs in the Capital Region Have heard from > 2000 individuals that having ATS and STS in Capital Region communities is important Vast majority of respondents also told us that intermunicipal and regional transit services in the Capital Region are important, as is having municipal funding for these services These results can be used to inform on policies and practices

17 Next Steps Cost-benefit analyses of not having transportation services and implementing services

18 Contact Information Dr. Bonnie Dobbs Tara Pidborochynski

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