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1 Crawling

2 The development of Crawling
Your little individual tends to begin scooting forward on their belly between months of age. Typically your little individual takes their first official crawling “steps” on their hands and knees with their belly off the floor between 9-11 months of age. Your little individual will tend to use crawling as their primary means of mobility for around 4-6 months. This may appear a straight forward process, however the preparation leading up to crawling begins long before your little individual ever takes those first wonderful steps on their hands and knees.

3 Milestones acquired before crawling is achieved

4 Your little individual lays on his/her back, bends and straightens legs together or alternately.
Can roll onto back from the right and left side of his/her body Is bending and straightening arms together or alternately When holding your little individual in a standing positon they can weight bear through legs by bending of the knees and having feet flat on the ground. Your little individual is able to raise head and upper body 45 degrees when lying on tummy by weight bearing through the forearms or hands. 0-2 Months

5 Your little individual can maintain head and body posture in midline and can bring both hands to midline when lying on their back. Raises head and upper body 45 degrees, weight bearing through forearms to see objects. Can bring both feet to mouth when lying on back during play. Can roll from lying on his/her back to left or right side with opposing arm crossing the middle of their body. Lying on tummy, can stretch out arms or legs together or alternately off ground. Can lift arms and legs together or change between the two. 2-5 Months

6 When lying on tummy your little individual can raise upper trunk and move his/her weight to one side and can reach out with arm for a toy. Can reach out for feet their and hold them. From lying on tummy he/she can raise head and tummy by weight bearing through hands. Can shift own weight from lying on his/her back to one side. Uses one arm to support body and the stretching the other out for a toy/ person/ object. Can roll from back to tummy, pushing forward with lower body, followed by the tummy and the shoulders. Scoots forward on their tummy using their arms. 5-8 Months

7 In sitting position can reach for toys and maintain balance.
Can maneuver from lying on tummy or back into sitting position. Using both hands to play with toys. Using head to visually follow objects. Pushes up and weight bears through hands and knees and is seen to rock back and forth. Infant appears he/she is gearing up momentum to crawl. Can creep using his/her tummy as a base of stability, moving using and hands and knees. Legs move alternately. Your little individual is able to move his/ her weight over to one hand while reaching out with the other, avoiding dropping his/ her belly to the floor. This is usually witnessed shortly before an infant starts crawling. Your little individual then starts the wonderful exploration journey of crawling, this typically continues for 4-6 months. 8-11 Months

8 Here is a video of a little individual learning to crawl. Enjoy!

9 It is important to remember to use these milestones as guidelines
It is important to remember to use these milestones as guidelines. Your little individual is unique and may begin crawling earlier or later or may skip crawling and go straight to walking. The development of crawling depends on a range of factors such as your little individual’s motor skills, environment, motivation, regulation of the senses, strength, ability or opportunity to practice and developmental stage.

10 I hope you enjoyed this weeks slideshow
I hope you enjoyed this weeks slideshow. Next week I will post a slideshow on how your little individual benefits from crawling. Riona Heekin, Occupational Therapy student at Thrive Occupational Therapy.

11 References Kiley, C (2015). How Does Crawling Develop? Available at: Accessed: 16th Sept Pathways (2015). All Milestones. Available at: Accessed: 16th Sept 2015. Folio, M and Fewell, R (2000). Guide to Item Administration Peabody Developmental Motor Scales. 2nd edn. USA: Pro-ed.

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