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Scope R&D Participants/Infrastructure

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1 Scope R&D Participants/Infrastructure
CMS Upgrade Plans Scope R&D Participants/Infrastructure 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

2 The tracker is the key detector which will require upgrading for SLHC
CMS from LHC to SLHC 1032 cm-2 s-1 1033 Tracker Occupancy Calorimeter pile-up (noise increase) 1035 1034 The tracker is the key detector which will require upgrading for SLHC I. Osborne 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

3 CMS Tracking System Up-date - January 07
TIB+ Inserted into TOB+ Seen from the - End J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

4 Wishes for a new tracker for CMS
PD TIB TOB Higher Granularity Need more channels to achieve the same performance with much higher occupancy More channels implies more power required Less material Improve the physics performance How to do this? Reduce power consumed Reduces cable plant Also reduces mass of cooling system Change geometry ? Change the number or layers ? Trigger Primitives Requires new ideas How to do this keeping in mind the above wishes for reduced material/power? Upgraded tracker needs to keep in mind all of the above Design a new tracking system Detailed simulation required TOB TID TIB TEC PD 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

5 Key issues for tracker upgrades
Power How to get current needed to the electronics More complicated front ends will want more power DC-DC converters, Serial powering Material Budget Can we build a better/lighter tracker? Tracker R&D focus Performance and detector layout Sensor material and operation Outer tracker readout system definition Pixel system and triggering Manufacture and material budget From Physics TDR Vol 1 (LHCC ) 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

6 Radiation environment for trackers
Except for the very innermost layers current technologies should survive SLHC R. Horisberger 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

7 Level 1 Trigger Level 1 Trigger has no discrimination for PT > ~ 20 GeV/c The trigger/daq system of CMS will require an upgrade to cope with the higher occupancies and data rates at SLHC Keep L1 rate at 100KHz Increase L1 Latency (double) Increase DAQ Bandwidth One of the key issues for CMS is the requirement to include some element of tracking in the Level 1 Trigger There may not be enough rejection power using the muon and calorimeter triggers to handle the higher luminosity conditions at SLHC Although some elements of the L1 trigger can provide better PT resolution Adding tracking information at Level 1 gives the ability to adjust PT thresholds 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

8 Tracking Trigger? Full tracking information not required
High momentum tracks are straighter so pixels line up Search Window γ 1mm (y-z) 1cm Geometrical pT-cut - J. Jones, A. Rose, C. Foudas LECC 2005 Why not use the inner tracking devices in the trigger? Number of hits in tracking devices on each trigger is enormous How to correlate information internally in order to form segments? Full tracking information not required Cut on high PT gives substantial reduction in Level 1 rate Possible topic requiring substantial R&D “Stacked” pixels which can measure pT of track segments locally Two layers about 1mm apart that could communicate 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

9 Calorimeters/Muons ECAL
Crystal calorimeter electronics designed to operate in SLHC conditions VPT in Endcap and Endcap crystals themselves may darken at SLHC Very difficult to replace HCAL HF may be blocked by potential changes to the interaction region This has a direct impact mainly in the case of looking for WW scattering Both Calorimeters suffer degraded resolution at SLHC affects electron ID, Jet resolutions MUON system front end electronics look fairly robust at SLHC Cathode Strip Chambers/RPC Forward : Drift Tubes /RPC Barrel Trigger electronics for the muon systems would most likely need to be replaced/updated Some of the front end components contribute to the trigger and might need to be replaced Some Electronics is “less” radiation hard (FPGA) Coping with higher rate/different bunch crossing frequency May have to limit coverage in ( > 2) due to radiation splash This effect will be known better after first data taking, potential additional cost of chamber replacement 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

10 CMS IP Upgrade (25ns option)
Triplet moves closer to IP Magnetic elements so deep inside the CMS detector may produce serious backgrounds in the tracker as well as occluding the HF Calorimeter Dipole inside end disks 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

11 Roadmap for tracker/trigger upgrades
Within 5 years of LHC start New layers within the volume of the current Pixel tracker which incorporate some tracking information for Level 1 Trigger Room within the current envelope for additional layers “Pathfinder” for full tracking trigger Proof of principle, prototype for larger system Elements of new Level 1 trigger Utilize the new tracking information Upgrade to full new tracker system by SLHC (8-10 years from LHC Startup) Includes full upgrade to trigger system In 1999 (8 years ago) CMS Tracker TDR had been submittted, detailed studies were being performed on MSGCs, and a TDR Addendum for an all Silicon version of the tracker was being submitted It is already nearly too late to consider any very ambitious upgrades which would be ready for a run in 2016 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

12 SLHC R&D:Next steps Expression of Interest
Brief case for upgrade Outlines scope of upgrade work What detectors/Timescale Submitted to LHCC March 2007 Prepare funding agencies CERN FP7 EU Proposal Create upgrade management structures for SLHC machine project and CMS/ATLAS upgrade projects Some technical work on upgrades Power for trackers Some machine elements 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

13 CMS Detector Replacements
Inner Tracker 30 MChf Outer Tracker 90 MChf Level 1 Trigger 20 MChf DAQ 10 MChf Other Front Ends Infrastructure 15 MChf Total 175 MChf Across collaboration very wide participation Interest from most European and NMS collaborators ~ 900 FTE Materials Cost for Collaboration (CORE) R&D costs - likely to be 15-20% of this 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

14 Some of the Identified R&D areas
Pixel technology Hybrid - cheaper bonding MAPS/SOI - need an answer now if it can be used Geometry How many different sensors Layout of inner/outer pixels Triggering layers How many/Where Readout Current ROC to 130 nm New ROC to push Col hit info for stacks Correlator Chip Link and Control technology GBT Optical Links Radiation tolerance and robustness of 130nm/90nm Technology for a very inner layer Different sensor Power/Material DC-DC/Serial power Low mass cooling Request to CERN management: Ask LHCC to Peer-Review common electronic projects for SLHC Many of these topics lend themselves to Common R&D Will have a clear need for P irradiation (ala PSI), possible, although not definite case for GIF type facility Large scale bonding activity Testbeams 20 Sep 2007 J. Nash - CMS R&D for SLHC

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