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Evaluating European Social Fund “adaptability” measures

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Presentation on theme: "Evaluating European Social Fund “adaptability” measures"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evaluating European Social Fund “adaptability” measures
in the period Lion Cristina

2 Overview of the presentation
Identifying the evaluation object The evaluation carried out during the period Future perspective for adaptability measures evaluation

3 Defining the evaluation object in the Italian context
In Italy adaptability measures supported by ESF are mainly concentrated on continuing training (training for employees) In Italy there is a low rate of investments in continuing training by enterprises compared to other European countries

4 Enterprises investment in continuing training
Public financing of continuing training is aimed at supporting/developing: Enterprises investment in continuing training Employees access to continuing training Competitiveness of enterprises Adaptability of workers Employability of workers

5 From policy objectives to evaluation questions
Did public support modify the behaviour of employers and employees vis-à-vis continuing training? What kind of effects on employees and enterprises can be assessed?

6 Evaluation activities during 2000-2006
Evaluation of outputs Evaluation of outcomes Monitoring system allowed to quantify the following outputs indicators: Number of enterprises (economic sector and dimension) Numbers of employees (gender, age, education) Avarage duration of projects Avarage cost of projects Cost per participants

7 Outcomes evaluation: enterprise side
Metodology and data: Two sample groups of enterprise Data on added value, R&S investments

8 Outcomes evaluation: employees side
Methdology and data: Survey on employees Outcomes indicators: Contract Salary Work condition and organization

9 Future perspective 1. Assess the possibility to carry out survey on employers and employees 2. Take into consideration the overall adaptability strategy: Innovative forms of work organisation Ensuring better access to training Improving working condition Anticipation and positive management of change

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