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Presentation on theme: "CHILD CARE PROGRAM COMPARISON"— Presentation transcript:

Child Care Types and Programs

2 TYPES OF CHILD CARE: CUSTODIAL: Care for basic needs
DEVELOPMENTAL: Intellectual development COMPREHENSIVE: Combines both custodial and developmental care

3 Types of Child Care Programs
Family Day Care Day Care center Montessori School Head Start Nursery School Latch Key Program Parent Cooperative Lab School On-Site Day Care Play Groups

4 FAMILY DAY CARE DESCRIPTION: Child care within a family residence for profit. Should provide care for 4 or more children but no more than 6, except for school age. TEACHER ROLE: Give personal attention in a home environment. ADVANTAGES: Homelike, low ratios (1-7 including own children) DISADVANTAGES: Not structured, they can go about their daily jobs, and not have total thought to your child. Difficult to enforce licensing and credentials of caregiver. LOCAL PROGRAMS: Neighbors

5 DAY CARE CENTERS DESCRIPTION: Full or Half time child care. 13 or more children ages 4 weeks to 13 years. License required. Informal play TEACHER ROLE: Well trained, skills meet licensing standards, regulated training. ADVANTAGES: Cares for basic needs of child, they have concern for the child only. DISADVANTAGES: Crowded and commercialized. Ratios high. LOCAL PROGRAMS: Kindercare, Small World

6 MONTESSORI SCHOOLS DESCRIPTION: Learn by doing and on their own by playing with Montessori toys. Freedom within limits….Use concrete objects, task learning and 5 senses TEACHER ROLE: Evaluate child’s needs, prepare environment and present materials. ADVANTAGES: Skill based, teaches self motivation and basic life skills DISADVANTAGES: Low teacher interaction, High noise, for profit LOCAL PROGRAMS: LaPetite, Montessori

7 HEAD START DESCRIPTION: Federally funded program for low-income child. Gives Academic head start to enter Kindergarten at a higher level. Gives total health plan and nutrition. TEACHER ROLE: Work with parents as a team. ADVANTAGES: Meals, shots, health care, professional staff, gov. funded, transportation, counseling provided. DISADVANTAGES: Children may have emotional problems LOCAL PROGRAMS: Local Elementary Schools

DESCRIPTION: Kindergarten prep for intellectual development. TEACHER ROLE: Plan and prepare developmental Curriculum ADVANTAGES: Developmentally planned program for overall growth DISADVANTAGES: High cost ($90-140/month) LOCAL PROGRAMS: Bravo

9 LATCH KEY PROGRAMS DESCRIPTION: Care for school-age child before & after school. TEACHER ROLE: supervise homework and extra curricular activities. ADVANTAGES: Fun activities, safe DISADVANTAGES: Sponsors to fund program LOCAL PROGRAMS: Boy and girls Club

10 PARENT COOPERATIVES DESCRIPTION: Parents involved and work as aides.
TEACHER ROLE: Hired Teacher…parent rotation for each lesson. Teach only… no management responsibilities. ADVANTAGES: Less costs. Parents know what child is learning & make decisions, collect fees DISADVANTAGES: Lack of control on teachers, lack of continuity and consistency or rules. LOCAL PROGRAMS: Charter School

11 LAB SCHOOLS DESCRIPTION: Located on a post secondary/high school campus. #1 goal is to teach student teachers, not the child. TEACHER ROLE: Teach other teachers, Receiving training on job, Try out new curriculum and research. ADVANTAGES: Ratios low, curriculum checked by a professional DISADVANTAGES: It is a lab to train students, not teach the child LOCAL PROGRAMS: Weber State, USU, Local High schools

12 ON-SITE DAY CARE DESCRIPTION: Work located Day Care. Parents can work near child and drop in during the day. TEACHER ROLE: Provide custodial care, and possibly some developmental. ADVANTAGES: Promotes families, sick child care provided, parent has less sick days DISADVANTAGES: Child has a longer drive LOCAL PROGRAMS: Syracuse High, U of U Medical Center and various businesses

13 PLAY GROUPS DESCRIPTION: Parents take turns caring for each others children. TEACHER ROLE: Plan activity for the day ADVANTAGES: Trade instead of pay money DISADVANTAGES: May not be fair unless a system has a way to control LOCAL PROGRAMS: Individual homes, Joy School

14 Quality Child Care Well planned schedule
Balance between quiet and active time Balanced indoor & outdoor time Encourages independence Promotes self esteem Fairness used & taught Parent communication is strong Clean and Safe Nutrition is a priority


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