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Technology, Entrepreneurship and Design in Sweden

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Presentation on theme: "Technology, Entrepreneurship and Design in Sweden"— Presentation transcript:

1 Technology, Entrepreneurship and Design in Sweden


3 Technology, Entrepreneurship and Design in Sweden
Professor Phillip H. Kim Technology entrepreneurship Social innovation

4 Course Participants Professor Anders Richtnér Stockholm School of Economics: Expert in innovation management & design Social Innovation Fellow at Babson College Joint course experience with Masters of International Business students at SSE Experience in the “inside” of Stockholm with local experts

5 Course Structure Weeklong Design Challenge
Company visits related to Technology, Entrepreneurship, and Design Cultural excursions and social experiences

6 Course Details Pre-travel academic session(required):
Friday, February 3rd, :00 pm – 9:00 pm Online orientation must be completed prior to academic session Course dates: (Depart US March 16) March 17-24, 2017 Cities: Stockholm Deliverables: Pre-departure Briefing (Group) at pre-travel academic session Design Challenge Exercises (Individual and Group) in Stockholm Final Presentation (Group) in Stockholm Integrative Journal Reflections (Individual) (due two weeks after end of course)

7 Eligibility/ Credits/Course Confirmation
Check website for eligibility: (graduate student/Babson Electives Abroad/Elective Abroad Eligibility) In good social and academic standing Min participants: 15; minimum must be reached for course to run (max of 20) 3 credits

8 Application Information
Application is now open! To apply, go to: (Graduate student/Babson Electives Abroad; choose course, ‘Apply Now’) Review course meeting/travel dates, deliverables and financial considerations Applications are accepted in the order they are received Deadline for initial application period: October 23rd (11:59 PM) Rolling applications accepted (as space is available) until 11/29/16 (application closes November 27th at 11:59 PM) You’ll have ~ 2 weeks to confirm your placement on the course (including a non-refundable deposit)

9 Messages from SSE students!

10 Technology, Entrepreneurship and Design in Sweden

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