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Information Technology

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1 Information Technology
Centre for Business, Information Technology and Enterprise Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct Information Technology Ver.3

2 Academic Integrity Honesty and integrity are valued
in all academic activities at Wintec. Plagiarism and academic misconduct are taken very seriously. It is important that any work you submit is your own. Failure to do so will result in harsh penalties. We encourage you to use the information, advice and workshops provided by Wintec. Academic integrity is ultimately your responsibility, but Wintec has a lot of resources to offer help and advice if you need it. If you submit any material for assessment that isn’t our own you are not only missing out on the opportunity to benefit from the education that you’ve enrolled in but you are defrauding Wintec – and disrespecting your fellow students. Wintec has strict provisions on the penalties for academic misconduct

3 Plagiarism and Academic Misconduct (Cheating)
We will NOT accept any form of plagiarism or academic misconduct (cheating) in ANY form!!

4 What is Plagiarism? Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words, ideas, tables, diagrams without acknowledgement, intentionally or unintentionally, and claiming it as their own. Even if you plagiarise by accident it is still misconduct. Patch writing is also plagiarism.

5 Turnitin Example

6 Academic Misconduct – CHEATING?
Academic misconduct also includes dishonest practices such as taking unpermitted information into an exam or in-class test and other forms of cheating such as helping your friends or classmates which result in a student obtaining an unearned academic benefit.

7 Academic Misconduct – what is it?
Acquiring or buying online assignments or enlisting online services to do your assignments is forbidden and deemed as a serious breach of academic misconduct.

8 Academic Misconduct – what is it?
The use of any Online website Rephraser text generator that will rewrite blocks of text into additional, readable text is also deemed as academic misconduct.

9 Academic Misconduct what is it?
Copying your friends assignments or assessments and claiming that it is your own work is also deemed academic misconduct. Giving your work or assignments to others is also deemed as academic misconduct. Acquiring past assignments from friends or classmates and submitting them as your own is also seen as academic misconduct.

10 Example of Exam Misconduct

11 Example of Exam Misconduct

12 Example of Exam Misconduct

13 Example of Exam Misconduct

Again we will NOT accept PLAGIARISM or CHEATING in any form within our Information Technology courses. If you are caught the consequences to you can have a major impact on your studies and your job prospects.

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