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ISA - Instruction Set Architecture

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1 ISA - Instruction Set Architecture
Programmer’s Point of View Copyright © Curt Hill

2 View point At this level we disregard the following important levels
Digital logic level Micro-program level Cache memory Anything hidden in the CPU Except as they impact the instructions Only things that are of interest to the programmer Copyright © Curt Hill

3 We are concerned with Memory models Registers
Number and type of registers Some registers are hidden and so we can disregard The IR is invisible to us The PC may be accessible or not so we may have to consider it The instructions, which is where we will spend the most time Copyright © Curt Hill

4 Who uses this level? Machine language programmers
There are hardly any of these Assembly language programmers Even these are scarce but still viable There is a one to one correspondence between machine and assembly language in most cases Compilers The compiler writer generates code very close to machine language code Therefore the ISA must be well understood Copyright © Curt Hill

5 Memory model issues Unit of addressability Alignment
Memory partitioning Copyright © Curt Hill

6 Addressability What is the smallest unit that can be addressed? Bit
B1700 used a bit addressable scheme Byte Most machines are byte addressable Word A few are word addressable When the word is short that is no problem Copyright © Curt Hill

7 Examples 8080 had a 8 bit word 8086-80286 had a 16 bit word
Byte addressable or word addressable? had a 16 bit word Byte addressable 80386-Pentium had a 32 bit word PDP-8 had a 12 bit word IBM 360 had a 32 bit word CDC Cyber had a 60 bit word Word addressable Copyright © Curt Hill

8 Alignment Even in byte addressable machine there may be times when there is a requirement to align operands on boundaries This is the issue of alignment Are there ramifications of having any operand on any address? Sometimes it is an error and sometimes it is a performance issue Copyright © Curt Hill

9 Alignment Examples IBM 360 required words to be on addresses divisible by 4 The successor IBM 370 dropped the requirement but the program ran faster if the alignment was maintained PDP 11 16 bit word but byte addressable had even and odd addresses Pentiums have a 32 bit word but fetch things 64 bits at a time They run faster if you waste a few bytes and align operands on addresses divisible by 8 What you especially want to avoid is a single reference that spans two double words Copyright © Curt Hill

10 Partitioning memory Some machines have a single address space which can contain data, instructions or whatever Others partition the memory such that code goes in one part and data in another This allows for a doubling of the address space since the context of the reference selects the memory The Intel machines from 8086 up look like they partition memory but actually do not Copyright © Curt Hill

11 Serialization If two commands occur in sequence will they be executed sequentially? St 10,X -- store reg 10 to x L 5,X – load x into reg 5 This would assume that the load gets the contents saved by the store Does that always happen? Copyright © Curt Hill

12 Violation of serialization
In pipelined systems and some kinds of microprogramming this may not be the case If you serialize memory references you slow performance Or you may just specify that there may be a delay that is imposed on Stores This makes the compiler writers job substantially more difficult, not to mention the assembler Copyright © Curt Hill

13 Other topics Register types Instruction Format Addressing Modes
Assembly language programming Copyright © Curt Hill

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