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Assembly Language * * * * * * * 8051 Timer

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1 Assembly Language * * * * * * * 8051 Timer
CSE 285 Computer Organization & Assembly Language * * * * * * * Timer Programming in Assembly CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

2 8051 Timers -- Basics 8051 Timers “count up,” incrementing the Timer’s respective “count register” each time there is a triggering clock pulse. When the “count register” rolls over from all 1’s to all 0’s, a “Timer Flag” bit will be raised to indicate “Timer Overflow.” Once the “Timer Flag” is set, the programmer must clear it before it can be set again (don’t forget this) Once the “Timer Flag” is set, the Timer does not stop counting, thus the programmer will usually stop the Timer to handle the event (don’t forget this) Once a Timer overflows, the programmer must reload the initial start value to begin counting up from (don’t forget this) We may configure a timer channel to generate an internal interrupt in the event of the “Timer Flag” being set. Otherwise, we will have to “test” for it in the program (e.g. Wait_Timer0: jnb TF0,Wait_Timer0 ;wait for T0 Flag The “triggering clock pulse” that causes a timer’s count register to be incremented comes from one of two sources: (1) The 8051’s external oscillator frequency ÷ 12 (2) A “1  0” transition event (i.e. falling edge) on an external input CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

3 8051 Timers 8051 has two Timers; 8052 has three timers.
Timer 0 and Timer 1 are 16 bits wide Both may be used as (1) timers or (2) event counters A timer allows program to keep track of elapsed time What real-life app’s keep count?? A counter allows program to count external events Both are configured by Special Function Registers TCON (88H) – Timer CONtrol (control/status for both T1 and T0) TMOD (89H) – Timer MODe (mode for both T1 and T0) TH0/TL0 (8CH/8AH) – Timer 0 High/Low bytes TH1/TL1 (8DH/8BH) – Timer 1 High/Low bytes Timer 2, although similar, has special operational modes T2CON (C8H) – Timer 2 Control (control/status for only T2) T2MOD (C9H) – Timer 2 Mode (mode for only T2) RCAP2(H/L) (CBH/CAH) – Timer 2 Reload/Capture bytes TH2/TL2 (CDH/CCH) – Timer 2 High/Low bytes CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

4 Timer Registers - TMOD TMOD (89H) (Timer Mode Control Register—not bit addressable) Bit Name Timer Comments 7 Gate 1 Gate Bit – Normally “0”; if “1” Timer1 only runs when INT1* = 1 6 C/T* 1 Counter/Timer select ( 0 = Timer / 1 = Counter) 5 M1 1 Timer Mode 00: 13 bit timer (not used much) 4 M Select 01: 16 bit timer 3 Gate 0 (same) 2 C/T* 0 (same) 1 M (same) 0 M (same) 10: 8 bit timer, auto-reload 11: Split mode Overflow Flag TLx(8) THx(5) Timer Clock TFx M0 TL1(8) TH1(8) Timer Clock Overflow Flag M3 TL0(8) TF0 TH0(8) FOSC 12 TF1 TLx(8) THx(8) Timer Clock TFx M1 TLx(8) THx(8) Timer Clock TFx M2 reload CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

5 Timer Registers - TCON TCON (88H) (Timer Control Register—bit addressable) Bit Name Address Comments 7 TF Fh Timer1 overflow flag. Set by hardware on T1 overflow; clear by software or automatically cleared by hardware when 8051 vectors to “Timer ISR” 6 TR Eh Timer1 run-control, set/cleared by software to turn Timer1 on/off 5 TF Dh Timer0 overflow flag. Set by hardware on T0 overflow; clear by software or automatically cleared by hardware when vectors to “Timer ISR” 4 TR Ch Timer0 run-control bit, set/cleared by software to turn Timer0 on/off 3 IE Bh External Interrupt1 edge flag. Set by hardware when a falling edge is detected on INT1* input; clear by software or automatically cleared by hardware when 8051 vectors to “Timer ISR” 2 IT Ah External Interrupt1 type control, set/cleared by software. (1=detect falling edge, 0=detect low-level) 1 IE h External Interrupt0 edge flag 0 IT h External Interrupt0 type control Bits 7, 5, 3 and 1 are status flags, bits 6, 4, 2 and 0 are control bits Bits 7, 6, 3 and 2 are for using Timer1 Bits 5, 4, 1 and 0 are for using Timer0 CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

6 Clocking Sources C/T* bit in TMOD controls whether it is a timer or a counter On-chip oscillator Divide By 12 Timer Clock T0 or T1 pin C/T* P3.4 = T0 P3.5 = T1 C/T*=0 C/T*= 1 0 is up 1 is down F F ÷ 12 MHz crystal 921.6 KHz ( uSec) 12.00 MHz crystal 1.0 MHz (1.0 uSec) Osc. P1 P2 P1 S S2 S S4 S S6 One machine cycle In counter mode (C/T*=1) the external input (T0 or T1) is sampled in S5P2 of every machine cycle. Timer reg’s are incremented in response to 1-to-0 transition. Since it takes two machine cycles (2 us) to recognize a transition (10) , the maximum external frequency is 500 KHz (assuming 12MHz operation). CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

7 Calculating 8051 Timer Values to Load
When 8051 Timers are used in “Timer” mode, the incrementing period (Tinc) is 1/(F÷12) Example 1: if F=12 MHz then Tinc = 1 µsec. Example 2: if F= MHz then Tinc = µsec. Divide the desired delay time needed by Tinc to obtain # increments (Ninc) Perform Ninc (Dinc) Convert Dinc to the 4-digit hexadecimal value in the form yyxx Load TH with “yy” and TL with “xx”. TH  yy, TL  xx Example: if F=12 MHz, find the Timer value to load to create a 50 ms delay Ninc = 50E-3 / 1E-6 = 50,000 Dinc = 65,536 – 50,000 = 15,536 15,536  0x3CB0; therefore yy=0x3C and xx=0xB0 TH  0x3C; TL  0xB0 CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

8 Minimum and Maximum 8051 Delays
What are the minimum and maximum delays that we can create ? Let’s assume the 8051 is operating at 12MHz so Timers can be incremented at 1Mhz (once every µsec). Minimum delay is limited not by timer clock frequency but by software. Example: Write a code segment to create a waveform with the shortest possible period: clr P2.0 ;square wave on P2.0 Quick_Loop: cpl P2.0 ;toggle for hi to lo sjmp Quick_Loop ; and lo to hi sequence What are the Frequency and duty cycle of this waveform? Maximum delays using Timers are based upon the timer register size 8-bit timer: max count is 0 to FFh, thus max overflow occurs after 256 increments 16-bit timer: max count is 0 to FFFFh, thus max overflow occurs after increments Maximum delay for 12MHz 8051 is µsec, or 65.5 msec Maximum delay for MHz 8051 is 65536* µsec = 71.1 msec As with software delay routines, we can have 16-bit timer sections embedded in software loops to create unlimited delays CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

9 Timer Diagram (disable Gate)
so that Timer1 is enabled to count When TR=1 and Gate = “0” these signals are always “1” Block Diagram of Timer 1 CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

10 Timer Diagram (enable Gate)
Timer1 only counts When INT1* = 1 Timer1 will not count When TR=1 and Gate = “1” this signal will be “0” this signal is only “1” when INT1* is deasserted (i.e. “1”) when INT1* goes low (i.e. asserted) Block Diagram of Timer 1 CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

11 TMOD Gate Bit for Pulse Measurement
Using the Gate Bit set (i.e. 1) in conjunction with inputs INTx allows the measuring of the duration of external signals (a.k.a pulse measurement) In this example we measure duration of signal on INT0* Program Timer 0 to Mode 1 (16-bit timer) TH0/TL0  0000H Gate  1 TR0  1 When INT0* goes HIGH the OR-Gate is high and the count begins in 1 MHz increments (assuming 12MHz oscillator) When INT0* goes LOW the OR-Gate is low, counting will stop, and the count in TH0/TL0 is the number of microseconds that INT0* was asserted. You can program the 8051 to generate an interrupt on the HIGH to LOW transition on INT0* which tells you when to read the count CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

12 8-Bit Auto-Reload (Mode 2)
This provides an 8-bit timer (Timers 0 or 1) that will automatically refresh with the initial count upon reaching the terminal count TLx(8) THx(8) Timer Clock TFx Mode 2 reload THx is programmed with the base count TLx is the timer that will get incremented and will set the TFx bit when TLx “overflows” When TFx bit is set, the contents of THx is automatically copied to TLx and the counting continues CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

13 Split Timer Mode (Mode 3)
Timer 0 in mode 3 is split into two 8-bit timers TL0 and TH0 act as separate 8-bit timers with overflow setting the TF0 and TF1 flags respectively TH1(8) TL1(8) Timer Clock Overflow Flags TL0(8) TF0 TH0(8) TF1 Mode 3 Timer 1 is stopped in Mode 3 but can be started by switching it to another mode. The limitation is that the overflow flag, TF1, will not be affected by Timer1 overflowing. You can use T1 as a serial port BAUD rate generator Benefit: Mode 3 provides an extra 8-bit timer. CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

14 Sample Code 1 KHz Square Wave Generation Use Timer 0
(thus T=1.0 msec = 1000 µsec) Use Timer 0 Assuming 12 MHz 8051, thus 1 usec increment rate Duty cycle of 50%, therefore 500 µsec low-time and 500 µsec high-time 16-bit timer mode (delay longer than 256 µs so mode 2 can’t be used) = = 0xFE0C Thus, TH0  0xFE and TL0  0x0C Will need to be “tuned” if an exact output frequency is required ORG 5800H mov TMOD,# b ;16-bit timer0 mode Loop: mov TH0, #0FEh ;-500 (high byte) mov TL0, #0Ch ;-500 (low byte) setb TR0 ;start timer Wait: jnb TF0,Wait ;wait for overflow clr TR0 ;stop the timer clr TF0 ;clear timer overflow flag cpl P1.0 ;toggle port bit sjmp Loop ;repeat END CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

15 Timer 2 This third timer is only on the 8052 and derivatives
Five SFR’s: TL2, TH2, TCON2 and RCAP2L, RCAP2H TL2, TH2 and TCON2 are used similarly as with timers 0 and 1 RCAP2L and RCAP2H are for 16-bit auto-reload and 16-bit capture modes TCON2 Register Summary Bit Name Address Comments 7 TF CFh Timer2 overflow flag. (Not set when TCLK or RCLK = 1) 6 EXF CEh Timer2 external flag. Set on either a reload or capture 5 RCLK CDh Timer2 receiver clock. When set, Timer2 provides serial Rx baud clock 4 TCLK CCh Timer2 transmit clock. When set, Timer2 provides serial Tx baud clock 3 EXEN CBh Timer2 external enable. Enables reload/capture on T2EX falling edge 2 TR CAh Timer2 run control, set/cleared by software to turn Timer2 on/off 1 C/T C9h Timer2 counter/timer select (1=counter, 0=timer) 0 CP/RL2C C8h Timer2 capture/reload flag (1=capture enable, 0=reload enable) Like TCON, the TCON2 register is bit-addressable Bits 7 and 6 are status flags, the remaining 6 are control bits CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

16 Timer 2 16-bit Auto-reload Mode
Timer 2 in 16-bit Auto-reload mode CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

17 Timer 2 16-bit Capture Mode
Timer 2 in 16-bit Capture mode CSULB -- CECS 285 – Chapter Nine Fall R.W. Allison

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