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Senate Bill 129 Impacts to Cosmetology

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1 Senate Bill 129 Impacts to Cosmetology
May 8th Apollo Career Center

2 Background Information
How was SB 129 Drafted? Career technical education serves as the model. Driven by labor market data and examination scores by a national panel. Designed to decrease barriers for students who wish to be licensed in the cosmetology industry. Increases schools flexibility while creating equality among schools Timeline

3 Contact Information for support Kris Jordan Charleta Tavares Vernon Sykes Kenny Yuko Cecil Thomas

4 Hour Reductions Cosmetology Pg.50
Increased Distance Learning Option Cosmetology 1000 hours 50 hours of professional and business development 70 hours of general sciences 75 hours shampoo, rinse and scalp treatments 150 hours texture services 175 hours hair coloring 175 hours hairstyling 175 hours hair cutting 65 hours nail care 65 hours skin care

5 Other Programs Pg.51 First bullet point here Secondbullet point here
Current Hours Proposed Hair Design 1200 600 Esthetics 300 Manicuring 200 100 First bullet point here Secondbullet point here Third bullet point here

6 Cosmetology Curriculum Pg.18
Increases distance learning option for theory.(pg.19) Adds the ability for cosmetologists to shave the face with a disposable safety razor.(pg.18)

7 Examination Pg.34,46,48 Cosmetology Hair Design Esthetician Manicurist
800 hours Hair Design 400 hours Esthetician 150 hours Manicurist 50 hours Upon completion of the remaining hours of the curriculum and submission of proper documentation students could apply for official licensure.

8 Advanced Licensure Pg.20,58 Advanced Licensure will be eliminated
Independent Contractors required to register. Eliminates License requirement.

9 Instructors Requirements Pg.52
Current examination requirement under SB 213 , September 11, 2017, will remain effect Bill will add a 5 year work experience requirement for those seeking instructors license.

10 Boutique Services Pg.17 Currently includes braiding, threading and shampooing. Adds eyelash extensions and wig services to the list of services.

11 Apprenticeship Pg.77-79 Completion of a 12 month program in a licensed salon. Program must be 32 hours per week for a total of 1800 hours. Trainer must be a licensed cosmetology instructor. Salon may charge up to $ for apprentices training. Apprentice must be compensated at least minimum wage per hour. At conclusion of he program the apprentice can apply for examination.

12 Mobile Salon Pg.20-21 Defines the specifications of what can be considered a mobile salon. This can also include licensees who provide services homebound clients a their residence.

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