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Self-assessment and Self-regulation in Effective Professional Performance of Trainee Translators and Interpreters Konrad Klimkowski (KUL) New Perspectives.

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Presentation on theme: "Self-assessment and Self-regulation in Effective Professional Performance of Trainee Translators and Interpreters Konrad Klimkowski (KUL) New Perspectives."— Presentation transcript:

1 Self-assessment and Self-regulation in Effective Professional Performance of Trainee Translators and Interpreters Konrad Klimkowski (KUL) New Perspectives in Assessment in Translation Training… University of Westminster, 4 September 2015

2 The integrative role of assessment
In effective instructional programs, assessment provides convincing evidence to the participants that the curriculum goals and objectives are being met. (Sawyer 2004: 5) As a result, they are in a better position to “understand, explain and predict” student performance. (Sawyer 2004: 6, Gripp 1994: 2)

3 The integrative role of assessment
Source: Sawyer (2004: 7)

4 Ipsative assessment (…) ipsative assessment, “in which the [student] evaluates his/her performance against his/her previous performance.” (Sawyer 2004: 106, Gripp 1994: vii) Ideally, ipsative assessment continues throughout the professional career. (…)

5 Ipsative assessment (…) ipsative assessment, “in which the [student] evaluates his/her performance against his/her previous performance.” (Sawyer 2004: 106, Gripp 1994: vii) Ideally, ipsative assessment continues throughout the professional career. (…)

6 scientific curriculum (process) and humanistic curriculum (interaction)
Is teaching or learning a primary perspective in thinking about assessment? If goals are pedagogical/educational TEACHING If goals are self-educational/LLL LEARNING

7 Teaching and learning We cannot teach another person directly, we can only facilitate his/her learning. This is an hypothesis with which any thoughtful teacher will agree. […] Operationally, however, most teachers utterly ignore this basic hypothesis. (Rogers 1951: 273)

8 scientific curriculum (process) and humanistic curriculum (interaction)
Scientific or scientistic (objectivist, proceduralist, content-oriented) Effect-driven or statistics-driven education The culture of credentialism

9 Procedural classroom student procedures content

10 Relational classroom self-assessment task assessment

11 Self-assessment as part of learning
Experiencing Reflecting Conceptualizing Applying based on Kolb (1984)

12 Self-assessment as part of learning
Experiencing Reflecting Conceptualizing Applying based on Kolb (1984)

13 Self-regulation Task analysis: requirements and resources Goal setting
Developing and implementing strategies Monitoring Adjustments

14 Self-regulation Task analysis: requirements and resources Goal setting
Developing and implementing strategies Monitoring Adjustments

15 Self-regulation Learners thus regulate their own learning by observing what they are able to do, then comparing what they have observed to a standard they have been offered either by way of expert modelling, tutor modelling, or other means of scaffolding (...), and making judgements about the quality of their performance, in order to finally make plans regarding what to do next. (Moser-Mercer 2008: 15)

16 Service Provision Competence
Knowing how to self-evaluate (questioning one's habits; being open to innovations; being concerned with quality; being ready to adapt to new situations/conditions) and take responsibility (EMT 2009: 4) Knowing how to establish and monitor quality standards (EMT 2009: 5)

17 Conclusion Assessment as communication-oriented process
Negotiating self-assessment for self-regulation Utilizing a variery of styles of assessment Encouraging polyphony

18 Information flow in assessment

19 Information flow in assessment

20 Information flow in assessment

21 Thanks! Feel free to download -

22 References Sawyer, David (2004) Fundamental Aspects of Interpreter Education: Curriculum and Assessment. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Gipps, Caroline, V. (1994) Beyond Testing: Towards a Theory of Educational Assessment. London and Washington, DC: Falmer. Rogers, Carl, R. (1951) Client-Centered Therapy. Its Current Practice, Implications and Theory. London: Constable. Kolb, David, A. (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development (Vol. 1). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Moser-Mercer, Barbara (2008) “Skill Acquisition in Interpreting. A Human Performance Perspective.” [In:] The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, 2(1); 1–28. EMT (2009) “Competences for Professional Translators, Experts in Multilingual and Multimedia Communication.” Available at: last retrieved

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