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College for Every Student

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1 College for Every Student
STEM Outreach On 18 NOV 2016, Cadets Horne and Chick along with Maj Shelton and MAJ Mogenson from West Point’s Center for Leadership and Diversity in STEM (CLD-STEM) led a robotics workshop for 39 students at Largo Middle School in Largo, FL. This workshop was a collaboration between CLD STEM and College for Every Student (CFES). The students built and programmed Lego Mindstorm Robots and then participated in a programming challenge. These activities helped them develop skills necessary for success in STEM including math, technology, collaboration, and creative problem solving skills. During the workshop, the cadets worked with the children to help them trouble shoot their design and how to get their robot to behave exactly how they wanted it to behave. The workshop allowed for students to interact with cadets and learn about West Point, the Army, and practical applications of STEM fields. Above: Two different groups of students intently program their Lego Mind Storm robots to make sure they perform as effectively as possible. Below: Students getting ready for the robotic obstacle course competition by trouble shooting their build and programming.

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