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RACE Innovation Let Teachers RACE

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Presentation on theme: "RACE Innovation Let Teachers RACE"— Presentation transcript:

1 RACE Innovation Let Teachers RACE
Happy Learning Educational Trust thane Venture by Volunteers of Vipassana International academy : Let the True Gurukul Education prevail

2 Organization : Trust Legal Name : Happy Learning Educational Trust
Website : Call Anil Registered Trust India office: Shop no 123 ,Lodha Boulevard Mall, Majiwade Junction, Thane west ,Maharashtra,India.Pincode TAX Benefits for Research and Development Applied for 80 GG 35 AC tax Deduction for 125% Volunteers of Vipassana Meditation center Igatpuri Website

3 Teachers Package : 6 Lacs Pm
A - Grade Teachers with Fluent English Preschool 500 per hour of Classes conducted 2 2.5 hours Each Preschool Timings 9 am to am & 12 pm to 2 pm Example : 5 hours Pay per Rs 500 = Rs 2500 per day of work Example 20 days = Rs 2500 * 20 days = Rs 50,000 Vipassana Meditation Compulsory from 8 am to 9 Zero payment / H 3 hours social work is compulsory every week A - Grade Teachers Rs 1000 /per hour for 5 hours per Rs5000 Example 20 days = Rs 5000 * 20 days = Rs 1,00,000

4 NASA Plans Selling Sales staff have only on commission basis payments.
30 Days NASA Innovation Trips plans for 6 lacs Rs12000 from ICICI bank Rs Referral per Kid or Parents for Teachers 24 Kids Free NASA Trip for Self or Family Kids pays online to your ICICI account only Viviana Mall Kiosk Selling Sat & Sun 11 am to 11pm Monthly target 20 kids ie 5 lacs commission

5 Preschool Kids Referrals
Rs 10,000 for 2 lacs Donation online from Kids account Promotions in Complex Conference Rooms Promotions in Rs 5000 for 5 hours session Promotions in Movie Rs 5000 for 5 hours session Promotion in Rs 5000 for 5 hours session Promotion in Kids park or Rs 5000 for 5 hours session Monthly Target 10 kids @ 4 families 1 lac PM Commission

6 C - Grade Teachers : Social work :CSR
C - Grade Teachers in the Interview will Qualify for CSR work Slums, Servants ,Watchman ,Auto man,Drivers ,Liftman etc. Teaching Orphans Rs 200 /per hour 5 hours Rs1000 per day 20 Rs 40,000 per month from Mon to Friday C – Grade Quality Rs 200 per Hour for 5 hours

7 Meditation & Goal Visualisation
Meditation Teachers will help in Daily counselling for teachers / Kids Goal Visualisation teachers will conduct session for Teachers Perna Choudhary Vipassana Meditation Center Teachers Mobile Website

8 Promotions of other products
Kesari Referrals other plans Dipesh Tours Robotics Aeromodelling Coding Painting Handicraft Foreign Languages

9 Learning Disabilities coaching
Dyslexia Coaching Teachers

10 Introduction Day 1 Venture by Volunteers from Vipassana Meditation Center World Head Quarters in Igatpuri center. We start True Gurukul Education in India. We teach Meditation + Education + Innovation + Entrepreunership One Day Trip to Global Vipassana Foundation Essel 10 am 2 hours Tour the website What is Vipassana ? What are the Benefits to happy lifestyle?

11 Igatpuri Center Day 2 Trip to Igatpuri center 6 am Mumbai Dadar Station Departure by Train Tour the Igatpuri 9.30 am Lunch at Meditation Center VRI introduction : website Mission Vision Training Application for Meditation Course for 12 days days Website Day 3 to Day 14 : 10 Days meditation course

12 Teachers Manual : Day 15 The Best Education is Personalised learning
Different strokes for different folks Personalised Learning at the pace of the child Individual Learning Plans for each kid. Checking every minute for understanding. Methodology of Teaching. Fun Loving methodology. Logical reasoning Make the Child the Teacher Teach back session for assessment on video

13 Quality Parameters : Day 16 ,17
How will you assess a child learning ability Monitoring Kids progress Keep Parents informed What Not to do? Motivate the child with feedback goodies. Peer Learning for Teachers and staff Kids learning for observation skills improvement Listening skills improvements Daily 10 minutes Discovery ,National Geography Channels

14 KYC Training : Day 20 ,21 ,22 Know Your Customers KYC Program
Understanding Customer Requirements Stalls in Viviana Mall, Clubs ,etc Building society, Conference : Parents meeting Kids Intelligence, Behaviour Assessment.

15 Quality Training Day 23, 24,25,26,27 Director Debashish Sarkar conducts 4 days workshop Lean Sigma Six Sigma Wow customer service Greenbelt course and certification within 3 months Website : Website

16 Analysis of Video Monitoring : Day 29
How to Analyse a Childs performance in learning . How to give feedback to Parents with our observation on Videos How to file documents How to double check for critical assessment Graphical Analysis of defects Understanding Quality Monitoring Parameters

17 Jungle Camp Yeor : 2 days program
Military training Team Building Yeor Hills Jungle camp Sunita Omkar Director Website

18 Think and Grow Rich : Day 5 days
Buy and Read and Analyse Teachers SWOT Analysis Think and grow Rich Book by Napolean Hill Teachers Mind sets has to be Rich to create Richness How different mind sets look at opportunities differently. How a teacher can Make or break a child with their behaviours. What are the teachers winning qualities? WOW Teachers

19 Drone Making in IIT Powai 2 Days
Akshaya Drona Aviation from IIT campus IIT Powai Vasundhara Jha Robotics Trainer in Thane Website:

20 Robotics Training 2 Days
Lego Mindstorm Robotics sets Investment Business Model Hands on Training 10 hours

21 We can guide you for all online courses

22 Art & Handicraft Mrs Gunjan Gite Textile Design NIFD INDORE,
Fine Art Gwalior University

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