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The Whole Course Experience

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1 The Whole Course Experience


3 4-7 modules Your first job is to chunk your course into…
Search for alternate organizational metaphors Often requires re-chunking your course. Textbooks often implicitly push you to a chapter a week – resist

4 Introduction to Materials Engineering
Sequentially “cover” the topics in textbook order Glass and Ceramics Concrete Composites Metals Electronic / Optical / Semiconductors Polymers/ Plastics

5 Introduction to Materials Engineering
New Structure: Two questions Why did this material break/fail/melt/catch fire? How could we pick a better material for the job? The classes of materials can still be the “chunks” that become the modules - but now they are organized around answering the same two essential questions. Answering both questions motivates students to want and need to understand the underlying science of each class of material.

6 Chunking your own course
Are there Essential Questions that your course tries to answer? Are there Major Principles around which your course could be organized? Are there Big Ideas that inform every element of your course? Can you use Perspectives or Contextual Factors to organize your course material? Can you use Skills or Levels or Types of Thinking to organize your content

7 Chunking Card Sort Activity 20 + 10 minutes
Your job is to create a 24 hour “Welcome to University Teaching” for new faculty.

8 Putting Your TBL Knowledge to Work

9 You have reconfigured your course around active learning strategies
You have reconfigured your course around active learning strategies. The course is going well, but there is a vocal minority of students who passionately dislike active learning. The group of unhappy students has gone to your department chair to complain “you are not teaching them.” What is the most effective way for you to respond? And why? Ignore the students – some students will be unhappy no matter what you do. Explain your rationales for using active learning to your department chair. Meet with the unhappy students to fully hear and respond to their concerns. Spend some class time responding publically to concerns and reiterating your rationales for using active learning.

10 After the second RAP in your new TBL course, a group of students come to office hours to complain about their low scores and that the “ RATs are too hard.” These are not your typical complainers – these are high performers – their scores on the individual RATs are in the low 70% range. So far, the class average on the iRATs is 62% and the tRATs is 93%. What should you do to best address their concerns? Explain that the RAP process is all about learning, and the tRAT scores in the 90% range means the RAP process is working, as it should. Don’t worry about it, some students are always unhappy. Make the RAP questions easier. Lower the amount of the course grade associated with the iRAT.

11 After the third RAP in your new TBL course, you notice attendance is dropping and many students don’t seem prepared. What is the first thing you should do to remedy this situation? Give students a pep talk about the importance of being prepared. Make the RATs worth more of the course grade. Don’t worry about it, since it is a student’s choice whether to be prepared or not. Ask in class how students are preparing for RATs to try to identify the source of their difficulties.

12 You are enjoying the RAP process and the wonderful energy in the room when students are using the IF-AT cards during the tRATs. In fact, you like the RAP process so much; you have decided to have them every week! What will likely be the most likely outcome? Students will do better in activities because they are more accountable for being prepared. Students will feel over tested and begin to resent the RAP process. Student will be forced to stay on top of material and will be better prepared for midterms and final.

13 4S Team Tasks The heart of TBL – students putting the knowledge they have abstractly learned from readings to do analysis and make concrete decisions about a specific situation and publically report their decision

14 Significant Problem What does my new knowledge empower me to do
Significant Problem What does my new knowledge empower me to do? How is it useful in responding to questions that matter to me? Specific Choice Yikes!!! we have to commit to a concrete answer, and multiple options are all credible! Same Problem We need to take this seriously—everybody else is going to have an answer, and we don’t want our team to look bad in comparison. Simultaneous Report I’m a little anxious about making a public claim, but I’m excited to see what everybody else said and discuss it. Design that drives student enthusiasm and motivation

15 4S Team Task Examples

16 a. Chi-square goodness of fit test
A pharmaceutical company wants to determine whether a sleeping pill is effective. They randomly assign individuals either to take a sleeping pill or to take a placebo. They compare the amount of time participants are asleep. They hypothesize the sleeping pill group will sleep longer than the placebo group. a. Chi-square goodness of fit test b. Contingency table analysis (chi-square test of independence) c. This can’t be analyzed using a chi-square!! Source: Marie Thomas

17 A patient with a Brain Stem Stroke has collapsed a lung from intractable hiccups and feed-tube aspirates. He was admitted to intensive care to deal with the subsequent pneumonia. A few weeks later he is moved to a regular ward and the PRN order for Baclofen has expired (Baclofen, Gabapentin family of drugs - off label use to control intractable hiccups). The patient has begun to hiccup again and is growing increasingly distressed that nothing is being done. The patient’s wife has repeatedly come to the nurse’s station demanding action. It is Friday night of a long weekend and the doctor on call is not returning the page. The Doctor had made is very clear to the nurses, that he is not to be called. It appears to be a doctor oversight that it was not renewed. The wife persistently demands action and the nurse begins to cry. The head nurse intervenes. The head nurse should: Do nothing, but continue to attempt to contact the doctor Give the patient the pill and note it in the chart Give the pill, chart it, and continue calling the doctor   Mark a pill as spoiled and leave it with the patient

18 The blood was drawn from the men in the fed state
The blood was drawn from the men in the fed state. Which one of the statements below provides the best support for their being in the fed state? A. Glucagon levels in the men are too high to indicate the fasted state. B. Glucose levels in the men are the strongest indicators of the fed state. C. The observed levels of liver synthesized plasma proteins albumin and transferrin are diagnostic for the fed state. D. Low levels of free fatty acids and ketone bodies (acetoacetate and -OH butyrate) coupled with relatively high levels of insulin suggest the fed state. E. The RQ near 1 rules out vigorous exercise and must be related to the fed state.

19 A patient come into emergency with the following symptoms...
   What is the first thing you would do? And why? B. What is the first test you would order? And why? C. What would be the worst thing to do? And why?

20 You are consulting for a new business owner who wants to open a dry-cleaning store in Norman, Oklahoma. Where would you recommend locating a new dry-cleaning business (and why)?

21 Push Pin in Map

22 Some 4S Task Reporting Options

23 Team Task Examples

24 Excel - Part 2

25 Excel Reporting Instructor enters numerical positions then displays all at once One page summary– principles and approach and not calculations (16 pt font or bigger) Excel – Part 3

26 A patient come into emergency with the following symptoms
A patient come into emergency with the following symptoms... (ADD appropriately COMPLEX SCENARIO HERE)    What is the first thing you would do? And why? B. What is the first test you would order? And why? C. What would be the worst thing to do? And why?

27 Small Whiteboards

28 The image on the left is the original data graphic provided to teams, and the image on the right is an overlay of the responses from two teams, each using their own color. Teams were required to interpret the data by identifying two linear features with lines and the location of one additional feature with a circle. Stacked Overheads Jones, 2009

29 Hot Seat 1

30 Pick Me or YouSpin for iPhone
Hot Seat 2 Pick Me or YouSpin for iPhone

31 Post-it note: Horse race

32 Team-Based Learning must be carefully implemented for best results!

33 Whole Course Experience
Build Well Chunking Not last minute Getting ready for semester Lesson planning Start Well Introducing TBL to your students Importance of First class Show students the value Respond Well Resistance is expected Helping students see the value Be emotionally ready Warning label Contrast with stories of Joy Build support network Like minded colleague Your campus learning centre Listserv

34 Be Very Organized TBL is not a last minute pedagogy
give yourself the gift of time When I interviewed people for my book…I asked…does TBL take more time to prepare….many said….NO….but it can feel like it…because ALL the preparation needs to be done up front….no wordsmithing PPT minutes before class

35 “Plans are useless, but planning is indispensable”
Dwight D. Eisenhower



38 Sell your Rationales Convince yourself first! Then you are ready to convince your students Periodically remind students When I interviewed people for my book…I asked…does TBL take more time to prepare….many said….NO….but it can feel like it…because ALL the preparation needs to be done up front….no wordsmithing PPT minutes before class

39 Expect Resistance “It is not a question of will there be resistance, but when and how much?” You need to practice your words and be emotionally ready for some push-back

40 “I have great resistance for the first couple of weeks, until they realize how much they are learning.” Mary Hadley Chemistry and Geology Minnesota State University

41 “The challenge is figuring out how to pitch the course and then managing the pushback, the resistance, and knowing in advance that the resistance is coming and there’s nothing wrong with it—it takes you two or three rounds to get to the point where you say, yeah, that’s okay.” Bill Roberson Faculty Developer Vancouver Island University

42 Start Well Importance of first class and selling TBL to your students (Gary Smith) Periodically recapping and showing your students the value (Laura Madson)

43 Tasks for First Day of Class
Introduce TBL (Sell it!) Form Teams Try TBL (Show it!)

44 Gary Smith First Day Questions
Thinking of what you want to get from your college education and this course, which of the following is most important to you? Tell me what I need to know Develop my ability to apply what I know Develop my life-long learning skills

45 “After the first couple of activities, at the end of the class, I try to save a few minutes to help students realize how much they have learned and to sort of translate what they just did into what a lecture could have looked like, so that they can see that all of the information that could have been in that lecture is what came up in their conversations.” Laura Madson Psychology New Mexico State University

46 Last Advice Workshop evaluation

47 Build your Support Network
Find a co-conspirator or like-minded colleague Reach out to your campus Teaching and Learning Centre Join the TBL listserv ( Attend TBLC Annual meeting (


49 Last Review of Road Ahead
Workshop evaluation

50 Start Course Design Chunk course materials into 5-7 modules. Write learning outcomes for modules. Draft preliminary 4S application activities Get RAP Ready Determine required starting, testable information. Select appropriate readings that have the above information. Develop RAT questions Match the RAT questions to IF-AT form Get 4S Ready Finish 4S team application activities. Select reporting format and mechanism for each task (ABCDE, scoring, ranking, limited words) Get Classroom Ready Refine instructions and polish question prompts. Check readings prepare students for RAT that prepares them for 4S activities. Print classroom documents (RATs, answer sheets, activities worksheets and instructions). Load the team folders.

51 “What do I see when TBL is implemented well
“What do I see when TBL is implemented well? Students excited about learning, and faculty falling in love with teaching. Lots of energy in the room. Lots of engagement. The way learning should be.” Holly Bender Veterinary Pathology Iowa State University

52 “The rewards are incredible
“The rewards are incredible. The energy in the classroom is phenomenal, and the feedback we’ve gotten from faculty is sky-high in terms of preference for TBL and not wanting to go back to lectures.” Chris Burns Microbiology University of Illinois

53 Clearing the Parking Lot
Workshop evaluation

54 Thank You

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