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Section 1: The War Begins Section 2: The War in the East

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1 Section 1: The War Begins Section 2: The War in the East
CHAPTER 19 The Civil War Section 1: The War Begins Section 2: The War in the East Section 3: The War in the West Section 4: Life during the War Section 5: The Tide of the War Turns

2 SECTION 1 The War Begins Question: What events led to the bombardment of Fort Sumter, and why was this event important?

3 The War Begins SECTION 1 Events at Fort Sumter
Lincoln became president. The South took over federal forts. Federal troops refused to surrender. Confederate guns opened fire. The Civil War began.

4 SECTION 2 The War in the East Question: Which battles did the Confederates win in Virginia, and what was a key Union victory?

5 The War in the East SECTION 2 Civil War Victories Importance
Confederacy First Battle of Bull Run Seven Days’ Battles Second Battle of Bull Run dashed Union’s hopes of a quick and easy win forced a Union retreat from the area around Richmond helped drive Union forces out of Virginia Union Battle of Antietam stopped the Confederate’s northward advance

6 SECTION 3 The War in the West Question: What were the strategies and implications of the various battles, and why was the fall of Vicksburg, Mississippi important?

7 The War in the West SECTION 3 Strategies Implications
Battle of Shiloh Union holds its ground, despite surprise attack. gave Union greater control of the Mississippi River valley. Siege of Vicksburg Union attacked southern forces at Jackson, obliterating Vicksburg’s reinforcements. gave the Union total control of the Mississippi River, cutting off the western states (AK, LA, TX) Battle of Pea Ridge Fought to protect Union forts in the Midwest. gave the Union control over Missouri

8 SECTION 4 Life during the War Question: How did northerners and southerners respond to the draft laws?

9 Life during the War SECTION 4 North Both South
Some people criticized its inequality: rich people were far less likely to be drafted than poor people. People took up arms against officials. Anti-draft riots broke out.

10 Question: What events led to the end of the war?
SECTION 5 The Tide of the War Turns Question: What events led to the end of the war?

11 The Tide of the War Turns
SECTION 5 The Tide of the War Turns July 1–3, 1863: The Battle of Gettysburg takes place, ending in Union Victory. May–June, 1864: The Wilderness Campaign weakens Lee’s forces in Virginia. Sept. 2, 1864: Atlanta falls to Sherman’s forces. Dec. 10, 1864: Sherman’s army invades Savannah. April 2, 1865: Grant surrounds Lee’s army in Richmond. April 9, 1865: Lee surrenders to Grant.

12 Chapter Wrap-Up CHAPTER 19
1. How did ironclads reflect the changes that new technology brought to the war? 2. What effect did the war have on the South’s economy? 3. How did northerners and southerners oppose the war, and how did the Union and Confederate governments respond?

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