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Ch 17- The Civil War What was immediate cause of the Civil War?

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Presentation on theme: "Ch 17- The Civil War What was immediate cause of the Civil War?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch 17- The Civil War What was immediate cause of the Civil War?

2 A Nation Divided: North had to fight back.
Why? What were they trying to protect? Southerners believed that they had the right to leave the Union. What made them think that? And why else did they want a war?

3 Four states joined the Confederacy.
1861 Four states joined the Confederacy. Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas The last four states were border states Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and Delaware

4 Read page 487 ¶ Martial law? Why is this important? Good idea? Bad?

5 WAR LEADERS- Comparing Presidents
CSA- Jefferson Davis: President of the Confederacy U.S. Military Academy at West Point Widely respected-honesty & courage USA- Abraham Lincoln No national experience Strong leader and a fine war planner

6 Battles- Union plans- Navy to blockade southern ports
Seize control of the Mississippi River Then seize Richmond (capital) Virginia WHY?

7 Confederate Plans: Fighting defensively- How is this ironic overall between the battle plans and the motivation to leave the union?

8 Union heading towards Richmond
First Battle of the CW Battle of Bull Run p491- Union heading towards Richmond Confederacy meets the Union at small Virginia stream Union troops panicked and ran

9 Naval Action Monitor (Union) v. Merrimack/Virginia (Confederate)
Started off as wooden ships and were covered in iron plates The monitor sank 15 miles down the river Neither side won, but this battle changed naval warfare.

10 LIFESTYLE: How was the life’s of the soldiers hard?
Most soldiers were under the age of 21 Medicine was not readily advance like today Doctor’s didn’t know how germs cause infections and diseases POW’s? Andersonville

11 Define Copperheads? Read page 501 N or S? For or against?

12 Why was this controversial? Did it give too much power to Lincoln?
Habeas Corpus? (p 502) Why was this controversial? Did it give too much power to Lincoln?

13 ECONOMY! North was able to pay for the war by taxing people more.
Income tax? Inflation? South followed north’s lead by placing taxes on the people to pay for the war.

14 Chancellorsville VA, 1863 over twice as many union soldiers
Union- Hooker; Confed- Lee, Jackson Lee’s “perfect battle” How did the Union lose? incompetent leaders Hooker lost his nerve, no offensive strategy

15 After many losses Lee attacks the Union again
Gettysburg After many losses Lee attacks the Union again Lee ordered Picket’s Charge… which failed Lee admitted defeat at Gettysburg WHY IS GETTYSBURG SO FAMOUS? Lincoln disappointed by attack because the Confederates got away ,

16 Sherman’s March to the Sea:
Total War: Destroying everything… Food, shelters, equipment Grant ordered General Sherman to capture Atlanta 1864 Sherman’s troops rip up RR tracks. killed livestock and tore up fields burned barns, homes, and bridges. Southern reaction?

17 Surrender: Grant began a drive to capture Richmond in May 1864
w/fresh supply, Grant took Richmond Lee Appomattox Court House to General Grant

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