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Duplin Health Science Academy: JSCC Nursing Pathway

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1 Duplin Health Science Academy: JSCC Nursing Pathway
ELECTIVES GRADE ENGLISH MATH SCIENCE SOCIAL STUDIES SECONDARY 9 English I or Honors English l Math l/Honors Math l or Honors Math ll Earth Science/Honors Biology or Physical Science World History/Honors World History/Civics or Honors Civics Health/PE Health Team Relations Biomedical Technology MS Word or Introduction to Math l (if needed) 10 English II or Honors English ll Math ll/Honors Math ll/Math lll or Honors Math lll Biology/Honors Biology/Physical Science/ Chemistry or Honors Chemistry Civics/Honors Civics/American History l/Honors American History l or Honors Turning Point of American History If taking American History then must take one of the following: American History ll/Honors American History ll/AP US History OR Elective Health Science l or Health Science l Honors Foreign Language-For NC Scholar OR Anatomy & Physiology NCVPS (Highly Recommended) Foreign Language ll-For NC Scholar OR MS Excel/Anatomy & Physiology NCVPS (Highly Recommended) 11 English III or Honors English lll Math lll/Honors Math lll/Pre-Calculus or Advanced Functions Chemistry/ Honors Chemistry or AP Biology if science and history requirement is met American History I/Honors American History l or Honors Turning Point in American History If taking American History then must take one of the following: American History ll/ Honors American History ll/AP US History OR Foreign Language ll Health Science Il or Health Science ll Honors English 111 ACA 122 AND/OR PSYCH 150 12 English IV OR Honors English IV Pre-Calculus/ Advanced Functions or AP Calculus Biology 168 Fall Semester Biology 169 Spring Semester English 112 Psych 150/ACA 122 or (Elective of choice) Psych 241 JSCC Fine Arts Class Upon successful completion of the pathway, students will earn a Duplin Health Sciences Academy certificate of completion. JSCC will award 50 extra point for completion of the pathway to compete for slots in the Associate Degree Nursing or Practical Nursing Programs. Required Courses Elective Courses College Courses

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