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Trouble in the Streets Culture Wars.

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1 Trouble in the Streets Culture Wars

2 Class Objectives Understand the differences in society that drove the protests and sharp divisions between the “Establishment” and youth. Obtain information that will help you prepare for the debates next class.

3 Debates For next class, we will be debating issues of he 1960’s. You will be taking on one of three roles: Member of the establishment, Member of the Anti-establishment, or a Judge. Depending on your role, in preparation for the next class, you need to complete the following: Debaters: Prepare a summary of the points you want to emphasize in the debates. I will collect this at the end of the debates in class. This summary should be based on the information we have discussed about the issues that divide the younger generation and the establishment. It should be typed. Judge: You need to prepare a list of points on both sides of the debate. This should be typed. I will collect this at the end of class.

4 Debates We will be debating five different issues next class. The debates will be over the following issues: Law and Order Drugs Vietnam War Protests of the Government Communism and Capitalism

5 1950’s America Conformity:
Disagreement with government equals communist sympathizer Family: Father is the head of the household; everyone else is subservient to him and his opinion Demographics: 40 million babies born in the 50’s, many coming of age in the 60’s

6 Culture Clash Flash points in the 60’s: Family Values Civil Rights
Vietnam War

7 Flash Points Each of these areas created disagreement and protest.
Even protest by itself created controversy.

8 Perfect 1950’s Family

9 Women Feminism Movement Women’s Liberation Equal Pay Act; Title IX
Reaction of The Establishment?

10 Environmental Movement
Rachel Carson, Silent Springs Environmental Protection Agency 1970 Ralph Nader-Consumer Protection Reaction of The Establishment?

11 Minorities Civil Rights Movement: MLK nonviolent
Black Power Movement: Black Panthers; more violent Reaction of The Establishment?

12 Civil Rights Riots in US Cities Cassius Clay/Muhammad Ali
1968 Olympics

13 Assassinations President Kennedy: November, 1963
Malcolm X: February, 1965 Martin Luther King: March, 1968 Robert Kennedy: June, 1968

14 Family Values YouTube - Jefferson Airplane -White Rabbit-
Sexuality: Sixties - The Sexual Revolution of the 1960‘s Drugs: “Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out”; Dr Timothy Leary Psychedelic 60s: Timothy Leary

15 Hippies

16 Cultural Divide

17 Hippies?

18 Vietnam War Tet Offensive: Jan., 1968
Protests: YouTube DNC: Democratic nightmare in Chicago Burning Draft Cards Killings: YouTube - Kent State Massacre - (Find The Cost of Freedom; Vietnam)

19 Songs Ballad of the Green Berets- Ballad of the Green Berets - [HD] SSGT Barry SADLER – YouTube Fixin’ to Die Rag

20 All In the Family 1970’s TV comedy
Episode we will watch shows some of the deep divides between the older generation (establishment) and the younger generation.

21 On The Rainy River We will now a chapter from the book The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien. The chapter is titled On the Rainy River, and is the story of one man’s decision regarding Vietnam.

22 Homework For homework, you have two tasks:
1. Complete the preparation for the debates that will be held next class. The write-up is due at the end of next class. Please make sure that you have this information with you when you arrive at class. 2. Read the chapter from the book Matterhorn and answer the four questions I have posed to you from this reading and the one we complete in class.

23 Debates You have been divided up into groups of three: one person who argues for the establishment, one person who argues for the younger generation, and a judge. You will have up to five questions to debate, and you will rotate who you debate through the questions.

24 Format Each round of debates will be slightly different. I will give you the details at the beginning of each round.

25 National Anthem Before we start, we need to show our respect for our great country. Please stand for the playing of the National Anthem. Jimi Hendrix

26 Statement 1 The older generation in the US represents the Greatest Generation of Americans in the 20th Century. They have fought and saved the world from Hitler and stood up to communism wherever it rears its ugly head. With the protests across the county, the younger generation does not show the proper level of respect for them or for our government. The actions of the youth of this county are destroying all of the good in America and the rest of the world is losing its respect for us. Through your actions, the younger generation is destroying America and what has made her great.

27 Statement 2 Protestors are out of control and protests have become too violent. Police are not able to control these protests and thus law abiding citizens are at risk of being hurt. Over the last few years, 4 prominent people (JFK, Bobby Kennedy, MLK and Malcolm X) have all been assassinated. Therefore we need to give our police and the courts more power to control these protestors and other deviant people in our society. We need a new law that states that the police have the power to arrest anyone that they believe will harm others in our society.

28 Statement 3 The US should continue to fight in Vietnam. We are fighting to contain the spread of communism in the world. We were able to contain communism in Korea. If the US pulls out now, it is very likely that S Vietnam will fall and the country will unify under a communist government. We should continue to fight and help our allies the South Vietnamese.

29 Statement 4 The young people in the US today do not understand the problems of the world. Their approach to everything is simple and naïve. This approach leads to drug use, premarital sex, and a complete disregard to the teachings of the Bible. The young people need to follow the rules as established by society. This includes no drug use, waiting until marriage to engage in sex and following the teachings of the Church.

30 Statement 5 The Cold War has been a fight between Capitalism (US) and Communism (USSR) to prove which system is better. It has been going on for twenty years now and has been “fought” in myriad ways, such as the Space Race, Atomic arsenals, Olympic medals, as well as more conventional ways such as wars in Korea and Vietnam. Debate the relative merits of the Communism and Capitalism as both economic and political systems.

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