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Leadership and Group behaviour

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership and Group behaviour"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership and Group behaviour
Dr Joan Harvey Dr George Erdos

2 Leadership Authority Power Leadership Management Traditional
Charismatic Legal-rational Power Referent Expert Gatekeeper Reward Legitimate Coercive Leadership Transactional Transformational Management Style is personality-based and relatively unchanging Skills can be acquired

3 Leadership studies The trait ‘great man’ approach Skills approach
Personality Authoritarian or democratic Skills approach Communications Delegating Empathy Style approach Authoritarian Democratic Laissez-faire Contingency approach Leader-member relations Amount of task structure Leader’s position power Transformational approach Motivation, EI and empathy, “spiritual values”: honesty, integrity, humility

4 Leadership and management
Strategic Leadership Study of CEOs and higher executives Transactional management Economic type of relationship, one of exchange Transformational leadership Motivation, EI, developmental

5 Leadership Effectiveness
Qualities of leaders of virtual global teams (Keyworth and Leidner, 2002) Dealing with paradox and contradiction Acting in mentoring roles Empathy towards team members Asserting authority without being overbearing or inflexible Regular detailed and prompt communications

6 Leadership Effectiveness 2
Leadership effectiveness relates to EI Proven correlation that explains more variance than many measures Leadership effectiveness relating to ‘spiritual values’ Relationship between integrity, honesty and humility and LE Corporate governance and ethical leadership Of increasing importance in LE studies

7 Groups Social facilitation and social loafing Groupthink
Deindividuation [like a mob] Group membership and norms Polarisation and risky shift Group dynamics and team organization Decision making and negotiation

8 Thank you for listening
Drs Joan Harvey and George Erdos Newcastle University

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