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Alexander the Great: Conqueror of the World

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1 Alexander the Great: Conqueror of the World

2 Important People in Alexander’s Life
Phillip II – His Father Olympias – His Mother Darius III – King of Persia Roxanne – His wife Parmenio – Main General Cleitus – Best Friend

3 The Life of Alexander the Great
Spring 334 B.C. – Alexander leaves Macedonia and goes to Anatolia (Asian part of Turkey) 1st Battle with Persians at the River Granicus

4 Battle of the River Granicus
25,000 Macedonians vs. 40,000 Persians and Greeks Greeks are used by Persians as the main fighting force 18,000 Greeks die; only 120 Macedonians

5 Gordian Knot After Granicus, Alexander goes to Gordian
Challenges the Gordian Knot Untie the knot and control Asia Alexander unties the knot


7 Battle of Issus Autumn 333 B.C. Mt. pass in Syria
Darius III’s army is greatly outnumbered by Alexander Persians destroyed


9 Siege of Tyre Summer and Winter of 332 B.C. Tyre = Island city
Alexander builds a land bridge to reach it


11 Alexander in Egypt Dec. 332 B.C.
2 things 1). Founds the city of Alexandria in N. Egypt Named after himself 2).From Alexandria, visits Siwa (Temple of Zeus-Ammon) Priests proclaim Alexander a god there

12 Battle of Gaugamela Oct. 1 331 B.C. Alexander vs. Darius III
Alexander’s Greatest Victory Wins b/c he defeats the Scythed or War Chariot Mouse Trap Caltrap




16 Gaugamela 47,000 Macedonians 100,000 Persians
10,000 Persian Immortals (always 10,000) Bodyguards


18 Alexander and Persepolis
Alexander is proclaimed king at Babylon Still wants Persian Empire and Darius III Darius III is found dead on the side of the road Killed by his own mean Alexander is furious Burns Persepolis

19 Alexander and World Culture
Great respect for culture Alexander wears Persian clothes, his men marry Persian Women, has Persian officers in his army, puts his face on the money Reasons: 1). No Revolts 2). Believes all cultures have value

20 Alexander with the horns of Ammon


22 Central Asia Obsessed w/ conquering the world
Crosses the Hindu-Kush Mountains, 1st ever Conquers Afghanistan (Bactria in the ancient world) Takes a wife, Roxanne Roxanne is Bactrian

23 Alexander kills his friend Cleitus in Bactria

24 India Macedonians move into India Campaign ends there
Battle of the Hydapses River Alexander the Great vs. King Porus

25 Hydapses River Porus had elephants
1st time Europeans had seen elephants Alex wins, but it is bloody

26 Alexander’s Empire

27 The End of Alexander Alexander cannot take all of India
Men had enough; demand to go back Alexander catches a fever on his way back Dies in Babylon in 323 B.C.


29 Diving the Empire Alexander had a son by Roxanne (Alexander IV)
Macedonians do not want an Afghan king Empire is divided between 3 generals 1). Ptolemy – Egypt 2). Seleucid – Persia 3). Antigonus and Demterius – Greece Alexander’s son is murdered

30 The Ancient World After Alexander

31 Quelling Rebellion Alexander’s Former generals need to establish their power Demetrius the Besieger uses this….

32 Helepolis – “The Taker of Cities”

33 Helepolis Name means “The Taker of Cities”
Invented Demetrius the Conqueror A massive siege tower used during the siege of Rhodes 130 ft. high, 65 feet wide Divided into 9 stories Each story equipped w/ a catapult

34 Hellenic Age Period of great Greek influence following Alexander
Empire spread Greek Culture

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