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The System of Lifelong Learning for Nurses in Czech Republic

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1 The System of Lifelong Learning for Nurses in Czech Republic
Petra Jureniková Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic Fakulty of Medicine Department of Nursing

2 Act Act No. 94/2004 of Coll Secondary medical schools (4-year postgraduation study) to: higher-level medical universities schools

3 Lifelong education R E G I S T Doctoral (24 – 28 year) U N I V E R S T
Master ( year) Specialisation education Bachelor (19 – 22 year) Higher-level medical school (19 – 22 year) Secondary school (15 – 19 year) Elementary school (6 -15 year)

4 Higher-level medical schools and universities (bachelor)
In the course of studies, nurses have to pass at least 4600 hours of theoretical education of practical lessons, of which it is at least 2300 hours and at most hours of practical lessons: Compulsory basic subjects Compulsory technical subjects Compulsory optional subjects Optional subjects

5 Compulsory basic subjects
Ethics, Philosophy, Medical law in relation to nursing, Management, Economics and insurance, Public health, Health lifestyle, the protection of public health, General and developmental psychology, Health psychology, Fundamentals of pedagogy and education in nursing, …

6 Compulsory technical subjects
Nursing, Nursing Theory, Nursing process and the needs of humans, Nursing procedures, Multicultural nursing, Research in nursing, …

7 Technical nursing practice
1. grade hours 2. grade hours 3. grade hours

8 Concluding of studies is conditioned
Accomplishing of objectives of the study and education agenda, obtaining of the determined number of credits in the specified composition (i.e. compulsory, compulsory optional and optional) and meeting of determined study duties by the time given by the maximum duration of the study.

9 University education is completed with the state final examination consisting of:
Presentation of the final paper Examination of the nursing subjects Nursing in clinical fields Humanities

10 Higher-level education final examination
Presentation of the graduate paper Examination of the nursing subjects Nursing in clinical specializations Examination of foreign languages

11 Lifelong education R E G I S T Doctoral (24 – 28 year) U N I V E R S T
Master ( year) Specialisation education Bachelor (19 – 22 year) Higher-level medical school (19 – 22 year) Secondary school (15 – 19 year) Elementary school (6 -15 year)

12 Universities (Master)
Specialization education Study of 2 years Department of Nursing MU in Brno: Nursing care in gerontology Intensive care

13 Lifelong education R E G I S T Doctoral (24 – 28 year) U N I V E R S T
Master ( year) Specialisation education Bachelor (19 – 22 year) Higher-level medical school (19 – 22 year) Secondary school (15 – 19 year) Elementary school (6 -15 year)

14 Specialisation education
Intensive care Peri-surgical care Nursing care in pediatrics Intensive care in pediatrics Nursing care in internal medicine specializations Nursing care in surgical specializations Nursing care in psychiatry Perfusiology.

15 Specialization education
18 – 24 months 560 – 640 hours of theoretical and practical lessons Education is organized in modules Ended with a certification examination

16 Lifelong education R E G I S T Doctoral (24 – 28 year) U N I V E R S T
Master ( year) Specialisation education Bachelor (19 – 22 year) Higher-level medical school (19 – 22 year) Secondary school (15 – 19 year) Elementary school (6 -15 year)

17 The Act No. 96/2004 of Coll. Groups working without or with professional supervision Certificate for performing of medical occupation without professional supervision: certificate nurse lifelong education

18 Register collect 40 credits of lifelong education within 10 years

19 Credits Magister study, Specialization study Innovation courses
E-learning courses Seminars Professional internships Conferences Publication activity Lecturing activity Certified courses

20 Thank you for your attention

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