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Middle School SAT Vocabulary

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1 Middle School SAT Vocabulary
List 1

2 Abduct Adhere Aspire Blemish Deface Nocturnal Perplex Salutation
List 1 Words Abduct Adhere Aspire Blemish Deface Nocturnal Perplex Salutation Whimsical Wrath Study the definitions, synonyms, & antonyms, and know how to use them in a sentence.

3 Abduct (v) to kidnap or take by force
The abduction of the child from his home caused widespread panic in the small town. Synonym: capture Antonym: rescue Also: abducted, abduction

4 Adhere (v) to hold firmly to or stick to something
I will always adhere to what I believe in, even when others don’t agree. Synonyms: glue, cling Antonym: loosen Also: adhesive, adhering

5 Aspire (v) to seek to accomplish a goal
She aspires to sing on Broadway one day. Synonyms: desire, hope Antonym: detest Also: aspiring, aspiration

6 Blemish (n) a flaw that tarnishes the appearance of something
The tardy left a blemish on my perfect attendance record. Synonyms: imperfection, mark Antonyms: clear, beauty Also: blemishes

7 Deface (v) to ruin the appearance of
The principal suspended them for defacing the statue. Synonyms: injure, violate Antonyms: rebuild, protect Also: defacing

8 Nocturnal (adj) relating to something that occurs at night
Legends about vampires claim the immortal beings are nocturnal. Synonyms: night, nighttime Antonyms: day, diurnal

9 Perplex (v) to confuse or make difficult
I became perplexed when my algebra teacher used negative numbers. Synonym: complex Antonym: easy Also: perplexed, perplexing

10 Salutation (n) a formal greeting
We always write salutations to say hello in our letters to the soldiers. Synonym: welcome Antonym: farewell Also: salutes

11 Whimsical (adj) fanciful or fantasy-like
The whimsical girl had daydreams about unicorns and knights. Synonyms: romantic, impractical Antonyms: realistic, practical Also: whimsy

12 Wrath (n) anger and feelings of revenge
After his father was killed by the mob, the son was full of wrath and vowed revenge. Synonyms: fury, outrage Antonyms: patience, calmness

13 Assignment-List 1 Using at least five of the words from this week’s list, write a short story that is only as long as one side of a paper. Underline or highlight the words that you use. You MUST use them correctly in order to receive credit. It’s best to choose the words that you need to study.

14 List 1 Review Click on each synonym for the correct answer.
Click on the picture on the word slides to take you back to the review.

15 List 1 Review Flaw Fury Violate Night Glue Hope Fantasy-like
Formal greeting Confuse Violate Night Glue Capture Hope

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