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Broadband Summary Translator Advisory Board

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Presentation on theme: "Broadband Summary Translator Advisory Board"— Presentation transcript:

1 Broadband Summary Translator Advisory Board 10.12.2014

2 Outline Summary of Phase I Summary of Phase II Proposed Phase III
Anticipated Outcomes 10/12/2014

3 Pitkin County Broadband Study Area

4 Phase I: Needs Assessment (2014)
Overarching Goals For Phase I: Abundant – service is available to everyone in the county; Affordable – ensure service is affordable, competitive with current, incumbent providers price points or even less than current price points; Reliable – speeds meet FCC standards for broadband; the service is not oversubscribed and is redundant; Sustainable – the network meets the expectations for service today and is adaptable to future technology needs 10/12/2014

5 Phase I: Needs Assessment (2014)
Outcomes: Internet connection, speed and reliability varies by region; 34% indicated they have a home-based business and another 10% have plans to start one in the next three years. Gap between internet expectations and current satisfaction; Developed a Fiber Middle Mile Network Model to includes: Backbone fiber from Glenwood Springs to Aspen Backbone fiber from Hwy 82 to Snowmass Village Backbone microwave from Hwy 82 down Frying Pan Backbone fiber from Hwy 82 to Redstone 10/12/2014

6 Phase I: Needs Assessment
Survey Respondent's Ranking of Importance versus Satisfaction of Internet Aspects 6/21/2016

7 Phase I Proposed Design:

8 Phase I: Needs Assessment
Phase I Proposed Middle Mile Solution Technology Capital Cost Core Route 82 Fiber $2.5 million Frying Pan $1.35 million Snowmass $774,000 Redstone/Marble $946,000 Drainages $5.7 million Pole replacement costs $666,000 Tower Routes Costs $1.75 million Total $13.7 million Phase 1 Findings ($14M Fiber solution) Task 1 Asset Infrastructure Review, Task 2 Network/Model Architecture (RFV Fiber picture and the tower network picture) DOLA Funding 6/21/2016

9 Phase II: Preliminary Design (2016)
Overarching Goals For Phase II: Develop a Middle Mile that leverages the existing infrastructure and provides the unserved and underserved drainages of the Broadband Study Area with competitively priced high speed data, internet and voice services (aka Broadband). Task 1: Asset Inventory - Inventory of existing assets, services and infrastructure in drainages of Roaring Fork Watershed. Task 2: Network Plan – Preliminary design of middle mile network with diversity of technology that optimizes existing infrastructure and costs. Task 3: Deployment Plan – Develop 5-year deployment strategy 10/12/2014

10 Phase II: Fiber Ring 6/21/2016 Fixed Wireless to Drainages Frying Pan
Old Snowmass/ Capitol Crystal River Valley (Redstone and Marble) Maroon/Castle East of Aspen 6/21/2016

11 Phase II: Conceptual Model

12 Phase II: Recommended Deployment
Fall Stage 1: DTRS tower sites operational by 2017 with Aggregation Point for ISPs Fall Stage 2: Pitkin County Microwave Network complete by Fall 2018 – Stage 3: Determine demand for services and siting locations for relay towers 10/14/2016

13 Proposed Phase III: Business Model
Anticipated Outcomes: Deployment Analysis: Aggregation of demand by Households Potential Tower Site Coverage Relay Tower Plan Location Ownership & Lease arrangements # Households Served Cost & anticipated revenues (by site and overall) Deployment Plan Construction Timeline Funding Stream Stakeholder Meetings Private – businesses and potential providers Public – local jurisdictions Residential – Caucuses and HOAs TIMELINE: Complete by April 1, 2017 to align with 2017 construction schedule 10/14/2016

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