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Practice for the I. schoolwork

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1 Practice for the I. schoolwork

2 Writing a formal letter – a letter of complaint

3 What is a letter of complaint?
A complaint letter is a letter written by a customer commenting on poor service/product. It usually outlines the fault(s) with the service ... Usually in the letter there would also be a suggested conclusion e.g. a refund.

4 Introduction (uvod): Addressing (oslovljavanje) has to be formal:
Dear Sir/ Madam Introducing the topic, giving backround (uvod u pismo, pozadina događaja): I am writing to complain about ...

5 Example of an introduction:
Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inform you that the goods we ordered from your company have not been supplied correctly. (23 words)

6 Body (glavni dio): Problem – cause and effect (uzrok i posljedice problema koji je nastao). Solution (vaš prijedlog za rješenje) Warning (it is optional) (upozorenje, nije obavezno staviti u pismo).

7 Example of a body: On 29 September 2014 we placed an order with your firm for 12,000 ultra super long-life batteries. The consignment arrived yesterday but contained only 1,200 batteries. This error put our firm in a difficult position, as we had to make some emergency purchases to fulfill our commitments to all our customers. This caused us considerable inconvenience.

8 Example of a body: I am writing to ask you to please make up the shortfall immediately and to ensure that such errors do not happen again. Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our supplies. ( 90 words)

9 Conclusion (zaključak):
Closing (završetak pisma, završne misli): In conclusion I would like to ... Sign with (potpis) first and last name: Yours truly, James Smith

10 Example of a conclusion:
Could I please ask you to look into these matters - not only on my behalf, but also on behalf of your company, too. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours faithfully, Michael Leung (34 words)

11 Politeness (pristojnost)
The tone of complaint letters should not be aggressive or insulting, as this would annoy the reader and not encourage them to solve the problem ( pismo ne smije biti previše agresivno ni vrijeđati).

12 Content (sadržaj) The content should contain enough details so that the receiver does not have to write back requesting more. (pismo treba sadržavati dovoljno detalja/ podataka da čitatelj shvati o čemu se točno radi).

13 Remember!! 130 – 200 words Three paragraphs (tri odlomka): introduction, body, and conclusion Indent (uvući) each paragraph The letter HAS TO BE FORMAL – formal words phrases ...

14 Remember!! Be careful about grammar and vocabulary that you use 

15 Further information:

16 Write a good letter and get a good grade. Good luck .

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