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Vertical Articulation Initiative

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1 Vertical Articulation Initiative
Doug Alderfer School Board Meeting October 22, 2012

2 What is Vertical Articulation?
Educators (teachers, counselors, administrators) from different grade levels working together to develop both curriculum and instructional methods that provide a seamless transition from grade to grade with a particular focus on the shift that occurs between the three levels (elementary, middle and high).

3 Benefits of Vertical Articulation
Teachers can be confident that students enter a course with the knowledge and skills to be successful Teachers understand how what they teach fits into the students’ learning continuum Eliminates redundant topics providing the opportunity for more in-depth focus on additional topics Provides consistent content and instructional vocabulary making concepts easier for students to understand Prepares students for the next level of challenge by developing skills and strategies necessary for success in advanced class work Creates a culture of teamwork and ownership that focuses on the long term success of every student

4 Potential Challenges Vertical Articulation is HUGE. How to break it down in to a manageable size? The Blame Game Time for Collaboration It requires people to change how they think…it is no longer just about the one year the child is in a teacher’s class

5 Three Strands of Vertical Articulation
Strand 1 – Administration Strand 2 – Teachers Strand 3 - Students

6 Vertical Transition Plan
Initial Focus is on Strand 1 – Administrators Discussion groups at monthly administrative staff meetings Sessions for principals and assistant principals at the Your Day at School event on November 6 Have each school work at vertical articulation within the school Each building principal will visit the other schools in his/her attendance area Engage with the calendar committee to explore ways to increase opportunities for collaboration between levels Plan a Math Curriculum Academy in June 2013 to better articulate a K- 12 approach to mathematics instruction

7 Quote “Too often, the teachers at the elementary school level don’t know what their subject area counterparts are teaching at the middle level, and the middle level teachers are unaware of how the content they teach is being built upon at the high school level. As a result, teachers may not be spending enough time—or they may be spending too much time—on basic skills or content. The result is students who are lost or frantic or bored.” (Kowal, 2002)

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