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MHS Scheduling for Future Seniors School Year

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Presentation on theme: "MHS Scheduling for Future Seniors School Year"— Presentation transcript:

1 MHS Scheduling for Future Seniors 2017-2018 School Year

2 Scheduling Lesson for 2017-2018
Graduation requirements Course of Study Handbook Course Request Sheet Recommendations Alternate Courses Deadlines Reminders

3 Graduation Requirements
4 -English 4 -Social Studies 4 -Math 3 -Science 1 -Physical Education/ Health .25 -Financial Literacy 9 -Electives 25.25 Proficient Score on the Algebra I, Biology, and English Literature Keystone Exams

4 The updated Course of Study was emailed to you or can be found on the district website:

5 English Department English Electives English 12 Honors English 12
AP Literature and Composition English Electives Intro to Mass Media Mass Media Studio Television/Video Production (CHS) Radio/Podcast Broadcasting Digital Media Production Contemporary Literature (.5) College Entrance Exam Test Prep (Reading/Writing) (.25) Drama I (.5) Drama II -Stagecraft (CHS) Public Speaking (.5) Communication/ Argumentation (CHS) Film and/as Literature I and II (.5) Creative Writing I and II (.5)

6 Social Studies Department
Political Systems/Economics Honors Political Systems Honors Economics American Politics CHS Principles of Economics CHS Social Studies Electives Psychology (.5) Intro to Sociology (.5) Psychology (CHS)

7 Math Department Algebra IA Statistics Algebra IB Trig/Algebra III
Geometry Honors Geometry Algebra II Honors Algebra II Pre Calc/Trig Honors Precalc/Trig Statistics Trig/Algebra III CHS Statistics Calculus Business Calc (CHS) AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Calculus III College Entrance Exam Test Prep(Math .25)

8 Science Department (Physical Sciences)
Fundamentals of Chemistry and Physics General Chemistry Honors General Chemistry CHS Chemistry AP Chemistry Organic Chemistry General Physics I General Physics II Honors Physics I Basic Physics for Science and Engineering (CHS)

9 Science Department (Life Sciences)
Biology Honors Biology Botany Principles of Biology (CHS) Honors Anatomy & Physiology Anatomy and Physiology (CHS)

10 Science Department (Biomedical Sciences)
Principles of Biomedical Science (Year 1) Human Body Systems (Year 2) Medical Interventions (Year 3) Biomedical Innovation (Year 4) Biological and Environmental Engineering

11 Science Dept. (Comprehensive Sciences)
Environmental Sciences (CHS) Meteorology I (.5) Meteorology II (.5) Introduction to Meteorology (CHS) Astronomy I (.5) Astronomy II (.5) Welcome to the Universe (.5) Forensic Science (.5)

12 Technology Education Department
Tech Lab (.5) Robotics (.5)

13 Tech. Ed. Dept. (Engineering Track)
Introduction to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Digital Electronics Civil Engineering and Architecture Computer Integrated Manufacturing Engineering Design and Development

14 Project Based Learning

15 Business Education Department
Intro to Business (.5) (Level 1) Marketing and Advertising (.5) (Level 1) Personal Money Management (.5) Accounting I (.5) Financial Accounting CHS (.5) Introduction to Business Management (.5) Hospitality and Tourism (.5) CHS Business Management CHS (.5) Principles of Marketing CHS (.5) Hospitality and Tourism CHS (.5) Sports, Arts, Entertainment, Event, Non-Profit, Marketing and Management App. CHS (.5)

16 Computer Science Intro to Programming Visual Basic (CHS)
Intermediate Programming Java (CHS) Intro to Web Design and Dev CHS (.5) Inter Web Design and Dev. CHS (.5) Smart Desk

Intro to Info Science (Advanced) CHS Computer Security CHS Cyber Security and the Law CHS

18 World Language Department
Spanish French Mandarin Chinese Levels I, II, III, IV, V Honors III, IV, V Spanish V CHS

19 Family and Consumer Science
Early Childhood Development (.5) Middle Childhood Development – Child Psychology of the Elementary Student Child and Adolescent Development (CDA Certification) Financial Literacy (.25)

20 Visual Arts Department
Drawing and Painting (I, II, III) (.5) 3D Art and Design I, II, III (.5) These semester courses will engage students in the process of creating three dimensional works of art Advanced Art (.5) This year long course will include drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics and art history. Students should see art faculty specific to course prerequisites and/or questions.

21 Music Department Music Tech Production I and II (.5)
Fundamentals of Music Theory (.5) Guitar Class I and II (.5 each) AP Music Theory Freshman Chorus Concert or Honors Concert Choir Freshman Band Concert Band or Honors Concert Band Percussion Ensemble or Honors Percussion Ensemble Jazz Ensemble or Honors Jazz Ensemble Marching Band (.5) – Do not include on your Course Request

22 Physical/Health Education Department
Team and Individual Sports (.5) Lifetime Activities (.5) Fitness (.5) Health (.5) Aquatic Conditioning (.5) Strength and Conditioning (.5) Partner’s Physical Education (.5) Advanced Physical Education (.5) Online Health I and II – You must complete the application process

23 Make sure you get an Application
Parkway Programs Auto Body Repair Automotive Technology Construction Cluster Electrical Systems Tech Masonry Welding Building Construction Tech HVAC Cosmetology Nail Tech Teacher License Culinary Arts Digital Multimedia Technology Health Assistant Information Technology Essentials Public Safety Technology SMARRT Veterinary Technology Make sure you get an Application

24 Additional Applications
Smart Desk Health Online I and II Work Study Dual Enrollment Independent Study

25 Teachers will make all recommendations for core courses and foreign language selections using the grade specific Course Request Sheet

26 Recommendations for next Year
Mr. Flaherty

27 Selecting Alternate Elective Courses
This section needs to be a list of DIFFERENT electives than selected above:


29 Course Selection Sheets are due back next week:
Deadline Course Selection Sheets are due back next week: Monday, February 13th

30 REMINDERS Core subject teachers will complete and sign the scheduling form. Make sure that you schedule exactly 7 credits unless you are a Parkway Student Check to see that you have the required credits for graduation. Check to see that you meet the prerequisites for a course. List alternative electives on the bottom of your sheet. These are required in case there is a conflict with your selections. Forms are to be reviewed and signed by your parent/guardian.

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