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Welcome to Ms. Mallick's Class

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1 Welcome to Ms. Mallick's Class
Seventh Grade Advanced Language Arts

2 STUDY SKILLS Organization MALLICK WEB PAGE Homework & Documents
LATE WORK POLICY Assignments ideally turned in on scheduled due date! Late work - “pink slip” (assignment completion reflection) Afterschool homework help or Catch-Up Cafe STUDENT PLANNER FAMILY ACCESS Contact Information – preferred method Phone – Students should use their planner on a daily basis. Mallick’s Webpage for homework and documents. Late Work Policy - Pink slip (assignment completion reflection) – late work will affect the students Work Ethic grade. Organization

Common Core Standards WRITING READING Embedded skills VOCABULARY ROOT WORDS GRAMMAR AND PUNCTUATION SPEAKING AND LISTENING SKILLS Writing: Common Core standards – Narrative, Informational, Argumentative – Writing Fundamentals program. Grammar and punctuation: Grammar exercises imbedded and direct instruction. Vocabulary: Root Words and vocabulary imbedded in the reading that we will be doing, both in the literature anthology and novels. Oral presentations: Group projects, PowerPoints, Literature Circles/ Socratic Seminar Reading: novels-projects, seminars, quizzes

4 WRITING Modes (7th Focus) peer writing groups
Narrative (personal memoir) peer writing groups Informational (book review) Argumentative (photo essay) research Common Core State Standards Formats: Essays PowerPoint (photo essay) short & extended responses Modes: Common Core standards – Narrative, Informational, Argumentative – Writing Fundamentals program. Research will be integrated into both informational and argumentative writing. Six Traits of Writing: Ideas, Organization, Sentence Fluency, Conventions, Word Choice, Voice

5 READING Literature Text Junior Great Books Whole Class Novel
Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet Readers Workshop (thematic book bins) Courage to Be an Individual Nonfiction Shared Inquiry Analysis of Literary Elements setting, character, plot, theme, etc. Literature Circles (book discussion) Upfront magazine (non-fiction) Scope magazine (short stories) Independent Reading goal setting and reading logs

6 GRADING Grade Composition 70% - Assessment 30% - Assignments
(Writing Essays, Projects, etc) Students are expected to complete all assessment pieces. 30% - Assignments (Process work, accountability quizzes) Missing work 50% (“zero score”) = “F” Student Success Indicators Scored as 4,3,2 or 1. These will be reported as comments on the student’s report card. Work Habits Initiative Collaboration Citizenship

7 Integrating Technology
PowerPoint Individual and Group Presentations Office 365 - Students should have accounts Google documents and slides - Great for group projects and writing Word Processing Internet Based Research Publisher brochures and newsletters

8 Go Dawgs! Experienced Educator Educator for 35 years Issaquah S.D.
7th grade Advanced Language – 2014-current 7th grade Social Studies 7th grade Humanities Plus Architecture Elective Program Assistant IMS (building level program development & student discipline) Challenge Elective (highly capable students) 6th grade Humanities Principal’s internship IMS K-12 Special Education - Tonasket S.D Credentials Continuing Education (ongoing) – life-long learner Administrator’s credential (1990) M.Ed. – University of Washington (1990) Educator’s certification (1981) Bachelor of Sciences – University of Washington (1981) Go Dawgs!

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