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Intermodal Transport Cluster

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1 Intermodal Transport Cluster
Cluster as a priority in business and for applying to EU programmes and regional integration Vukovar, September 13, 2013

2 Key motivation Recognized the need for pooling and a common approach in the promotion, development, education, ... The absence of a common system for planning and monitoring of transportation The need for simplification of logistics processes - EDI and developing a standardized database The need for defining and developing new services

3 Model KIP Sea + Railway + Inland navigation + Road =
Intermodal Transport Cluster (KIP) Consortium Agreement - April 8th, 2010 - Pro-Rail Alliance - Inland Navigation Development Centre Ltd. - Association of Croatian Road Hauliers -Association of Ship Brokers and Agents of Croatia

4 Members Pula Port Authority Port of Ploče d.d. Rijeka Port Authority
Zadar Port Authority Šibenik Port Authority Split Port Authority Ploče Port Authority Dubrovnik Port Authority Port of Rijeka d.d. Port of Split d.d. Port of Ploče d.d. HŽ Holding Jadroagent d.d. Rijeka Transadria Hrvatski hidrografski institut Association of Croatian Road Hauliers Intermodalni promotivni centar Dunav-Jadran Association of Ship Brokers and Agents of Croatia Agencija za obalni linijski pomorski promet

5 Activities The development of intermodal transport system through:
Promotion, Informatization, Development projects.

6 Projects in implementation
Objective Lead Partner Budžet AdriaticMoS To form a Master Plan for the development of the Motorways of the Sea system in the Adriatic as a constituent part of the East Mediterranean Motorways of the Sea Master Plan. The project is being implemented by the Ministries of Transport from all Adriatic countries with the help of Faculties from Greece and Croatia. Rete Autostrade Mediterranee (IT) 1.8 mil eura ADRIMOB Modelling and development of the better passenger service in the Adriatic. Ravenna Porta Authority (IT) 2,8 mil eura

7 Projects in implementation
Name of the project Objective Programme Lead Partner INTERMODADRIA To increase the competitiveness of the SSS and its integration in the logistic chain To support infrastructure investments for connecting ports with the hinterland Contribution to harmonization and development of legal regulations and financial instruments that also contribute to modal shift Contribution to an increase in the attractiveness of port occupations and jobs IPA Adriatic CBC Ancona Port Authority (Italy) 2,5 mil. eura MEDNET Project aim is establishment and operation of the port authority network and experts in the Meditteranean area with an emphasis on exchange of experience in the work and management of port systems, custom procedures and custom simplification. This way, mutual understanding of these procedures will be improved and common information system in ports and other potential intermodal nodes will be introduced. IPA MED Rete Autostrade Mediterranee (Italy) 6,1 mil. eura

8 Projects in implementation
Name of the project Objective Programme Lead Partner Budžet projekta ADB multiplatform Main goal is development and establishment of the connection between the Adriatic and the Black Sea. Main activities are analysis of the needs and the freight flow, analysis of the potential routes and ports (Trieste/Kopar/Rijea), harmonization of the existing ICT tools for tracking railway transportation and education. IPA SEE Strategic Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) 5.6. mil. eura GIFT_SEE Main project objective is mapping and analysis of the current situation in the transport of the SEE region and drafting a proposition for the new policies and strategies related to infrastructure, ICT, legislation and harmonization with an aim of promoting innovative environmentally friendly intermodal freight corridors. Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (Greece) eura

9 Thank you for your attention!
Tanja Vujnović Tel Fax Mob

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