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Finish Textile Machine maintenance

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1 Finish Textile Machine maintenance

2 Di susun Oleh : ASEP RUCHIYAT S, S.Pd Bk Teks
Finish Textile Machine maintenance Di susun Oleh : ASEP RUCHIYAT S, S.Pd Bk Teks

3 Elementary Interest Which Studied
Explaining light cures [of] machine Executing sweeping of machine Executing Iubrication [at] machine Improve; Repairing light damage [of] machine.

4 Target Iubrication Forming Iubricant coat [among/between] area which is have friction Lessen heat effect of have friction Weaken voice effect of friction

5 Iubricant function Mengurangi starving for and friction
Making cool hot shares Closing piston ante-room and cylinder wall Trapping combustion remains and dirt.

6 Types lubricating oil 1). Oli Machine ( Engine) 2). Transmission Oli 3). Hydraulic Oli 4). Gear Oli and axis 5). Special Oli-oli

7 Grade / fat level storey
for tardy rotatory machine [of] heavy denganbeban for rotatory machine quickly with burden of ringat for machine operating on the condition of heat for machine operating on cool condition.

8 Term lubricating oil a. Viscosity b. Viscosiity Index c. Flash Poin d. Fire Point

9 Term lubricating oil e. Pour Point f. Cloud Point g. Demulsification h. Foaming.

10 Terms [at] fat 1). Point Penetration 2). Point Drop 3). Bleeding

11 Terms [at] fat 4). Ability Pump 5). Stability Shear 6). Thickeners 7). Saponification

12 Analisis kondisi pelumas
Colour blow hot and cold for example becoming black which designate the existence of abundant warm-up, becoming to turn white effect of there Viscosity kontaminasi change , for example becoming Too dirty watery or there are abundant sediment. 

13 Iubrication ways 1). System Soak 2). System Sprinkling 3). System of Sirkulasi

14 Iubrication ways 4). System Dropp 5). System Fog of oli 6). Fat Nepel 7). Iubrication Alone

15 thank

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