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Ronald Reagan Chapters 31, 32, 33.

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Presentation on theme: "Ronald Reagan Chapters 31, 32, 33."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ronald Reagan Chapters 31, 32, 33

2 Growing Up Dixon Family

3 Eureka College Activities Leadership Reagan was a “C” student

4 After Eureka Broadcasting Acting Married Life

5 Beginnings of a Politician
Goldwater speech California Governor In Office

6 Running for President Campaigned in 1968 New Conservatives:
Who were they? What did they stand for? Ran against John Anderson and George Bush in 1980 Results:

7 Transition to the White House
Cabinet Reaganomics Deficit spending

8 Foreign Policy Central America El Salvador Grenada Iran Contra Affair

9 Foreign Policy Israel Iran Hostage Affair

10 Reagan vs. the Soviets Outlined in “Eureka Speech”
Saw them as a Evil Empire Goal was to outspend them Reagan pushed to close the defense gap Reagan got lucky that Gorbachev came to power

11 Comparing the Countries
West East

12 Working for Peace Gorbachev Reforms Geneva Summit Arms Limitations

13 Reagan Legacy Shining city on the hill Teflon President
Economy back on track

14 Legacy continued Deficit Spending The Fall of Communism
From the heart of America/ Common man

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