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History Liverpool free royal town came into existence in Only 500 heads were the populations yet on the middle of the 16. century. The city started.

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2 History Liverpool free royal town came into existence in Only 500 heads were the populations yet on the middle of the 16. century. The city started growing duly for trade in the 17. century. The first wet dock of England opened in Liverpool in the Immigration Irish historied in In 1851 about the city 1:4 part of nationality Irish. They fought a lot in the world war. The war after beginning the build the new buildings. Liverpool became the centre of the culture in the years. The unemployment was big in the years. The city's renewal began on the end of the 20. century, which lasts even for the today's day.

3 Location: In north West England, the eastern side of Mersey estuary going on.
Population: Area: 5000

4 Sport

5 Liverpool FC


7 Royal Liver Building

8 Anglikan Catedral

9 Written by: Hegyi lénárd Koppány Szép Máté Nagy Máté Vilics Krisztián

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