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Managing Your Work and Time

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Presentation on theme: "Managing Your Work and Time"— Presentation transcript:

1 Managing Your Work and Time

2 Goal – help everyone organize and manage their time better
Learning Objectives: Examine your own effective time management styles Use proven methods to organize your work area Asses the barriers to getting organized Follow proactive strategies to limit interruptions

3 Hopper Organizing Style
Easily distracted Enjoy variety and a change of pace Desire immediate gratification Like to feel you are busy

4 Hopper Solutions Slow down to reflect Eliminate distractions
Close Door Phone straight to voic Break projects into mini-goals Use timer to keep on task Relax and reward yourself along the way

5 Perfectionist Plus Organizing Style
Hard time distinguishing between high standards and superhuman expectation May be trying to please someone from your past Believe you can do everything yourself I'm never pleased with anything, I'm a perfectionist, it's part of who I am.  

6 Perfectionist Plus Solutions
Look at the bottom line Are you trying to please someone from your past Say no to new activities Identify high-priority activities Relax and reward yourself along the way

7 Allergic to Details Organizing Style
Enjoy dealing with the broad picture Too impatient for follow-ups Like to move quickly Resist routine tasks

8 Allergic to Details Solutions
Basic routines Minimize the problem of forgetting Record thoughts Reminders notes – where you won’t miss them All materials and equipment nearby Devise follow-up procedures and carry out Relax and reward yourself along the way

9 Fence Sitter Organizing Style
Don’t know what you really want Afraid to make wrong choice Can’t get started Afraid of unknown

10 Fence Sitter Solutions
Learn to evaluate needs and desires Break down decisions into smaller steps Pay attention to instincts Get input from colleague Pinpoint fears Use ranking system for alternatives Relax and reward yourself along the way

11 Cliff hanger Organizing Style
Wait until last time to start work Estimate time inaccurately Thrive on stress Need pressure to perform

12 Cliff hanger Solutions
Aware of how long things really take Don’t for inspiration to start a task Create mini-goals Move up deadlines Make “to do” list and check frequently Relax and reward yourself along the way

13 What organizational style are you:
Hopper Perfectionist Plus Fence Sitter Cliff Hanger Allergic to Details

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