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Who were the ruling elite in the Ottoman society

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Presentation on theme: "Who were the ruling elite in the Ottoman society"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Lecture Midterm Review Mihrimah Sultan and mosque complexes of Royal Family

2 Who were the ruling elite in the Ottoman society
Who were the ruling elite in the Ottoman society? What is one of the major institution of the urban life?

Ruling elite (askeri) Sultan and his household Army central army (janissaries, kapıkulu sipahi etc) timar-holding cavalry Bureocrats Religio-administrative cadre (ulema, sing. alim) Privileges including tax exemption The subjects (reaya) Peasants, town and city dwellers, and nomads. Both Muslim and non-Muslim.

4 Urban Structure Vakf (waqf) : pious endowment Vakfiye : the deed of endowment, drawn up before a kadi, entered in his registers and confirmed by the sultan. Continued existence, because profits from a source, does not impair the capital Legal fiction, only God has propriety rights, even if government and states change in theory the continuation guaranteed. İmaret (complex): supported by a vakf may consist of mosque, fountain, tomb, schools (primary, hadith, medicine, law), hospital, sufi lodge, soup kitchen, carvanserai, hamam, shops

5 What do we learn about the history of Istanbul from the Foundation story about the Prophet Solaman from `Legends of Istanbul` composed in late fifteenth century?

6 What were some of the major periods in the history of Istanbul from the first Istanbulites until the Ottomans?

7 First settlements 7th millennium BC Greek Colony 7th cent BC Roman Empire 1st cent Byzantium 4th to 15th cents Constantine, 4th cent Justinian, 6th cent Golden Horn: Classical Greek and Roman Periods from Byzantion to Byzantium

8 Prehistoric Istanbul

9 Silahtarağa Fountain 2nd Century , Sarcophagus of a prince 4th Century, Hypogeum, 5th century.

10 Icon of St. Eudokia, 10th century.

11 What were some of the major monuments of the Byzantine Constantinople
What were some of the major monuments of the Byzantine Constantinople? What were their use and symbolic significance?

12 From the Hippodrome Egyptian Obelisk, 16th century BCE a pharoah commemorate a victory in Syria brought by Constantine but raised by Theodosius the Great Serpent Column, 5th cent BCE Greek cities celebrate vıctory over Persians brought by Constantine from Delphi

13 How did Mehmed II turn Byzantine Constantinople into Ottoman Istanbul?

14 Population of Istanbul Earliest Report from 1477

15 Rebuilding Complex of Mehmed II Covered market (right), aquedocs City Walls, Fortress of Yedikule (left, here a depiction from 17th century) İmarets by the ruling elite such as vezirs Rum Mehmed Paşa and Mahmud Paşa

16 If you wish to stand in high honor on the sultan’s threshold
You must be a Jew or a Persian or a Frank You must choose the name Habil, Kabil, Hamidi And behave like Zorzo: show no knowledge By a certain Çatladı, a courtier of Mehmed II Complexes built by the ruling elite Rum Mehmed Paşa complex (left) Mahmud Paşa Complex (right)

17 Symbolic Re-Structuring

18 Medal of Mehmet II, Bertoldo Di Giovanni, 1480s
What was the imperial image which Mehmed II tried to build through his patronage of arts and architecture? Medal of Mehmet II, Bertoldo Di Giovanni, 1480s

19 How does the architecture of the palace and its functions reflect the centralizing process of the Ottoman state? Identify the three courts and main buildings of the palace. Describe their functions.

20 What do we learn from an Imperial family’s patronage of architecture about the history of Ottoman Istanbul?

21 Süleymaniye Mosque, Istanbul.


23 Haseki Hürrem Baths in Sultanahmet (left)
Haseki Mosque Complex in Haseki, (right) and Floor plan of complex showing (1) mosque with 1612 extension, (2) madrasa, (3) elementary school, (4) hospice, (5) hospital

24 Review complexes of the Royal Family
4 5 6 3 1 2 Review complexes of the Royal Family Süleyman , 2. Haseki, 3. Mehmed 4. Cihangir 5. Mihrümah 6. Rüstem.

25 Mosque Complexes of Three Siblings Mehmed (top left), Cihangir (top right, here 19th century rebuilding), Mihrimah in Üsküdar (bottom left) and Edirnekapı (bottom right)

26 Mosques of Mihrimah Sultan in Üsküdar (left) and Rüstem Paşa in Eminönü (right)

27 Mihrimah Sultan Complex in Üsküdar
(1) mosque, (2) madrasa, (3) elementary school, (4) mausoleum of Cigalazade Sinan Pasa (d. 1605), (5) mausoleum of Edhem Pasa ( ), (6) cemetery garden

28 Rüstem Paşa Complex, Tahtakale (1) pre-existing bathhouse, (2) ablution fountain (3) Küçük Çukur Han, (4) Büyük Çukur Han, (5) Burmali Han (law court), (6) courtyard of the law court, (7) cemetery garden


30 Midterm Review What do you think is problematic with these sentences? In the 1500s, Ottoman Empire became the strongest power in the world. Enemies were afraid to come to face-to-face with the Ottomans in the battlefield. Mehmed II wanted to prove himself to the word from his childhood. There, behind the gates of İstanbul, Mehmed II saw a different world, his dream. Mehmed II took Alexander the Great as his model and he was interested in the chronicles of the popes. This education allowed him to become a successful sultan.

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