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How to treat organophosphate poisoning (Nerve agent/insecticide)

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Presentation on theme: "How to treat organophosphate poisoning (Nerve agent/insecticide)"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to treat organophosphate poisoning (Nerve agent/insecticide)
Duodote: Be prepared How to treat organophosphate poisoning (Nerve agent/insecticide)

2 Indications DuoDote is for the treatment of organophosphate poisonings
No contraindications in the presence of organophosphate poisoning Shall be administered by EMSP Self administration Patient administration Intended for initial sign & symptom management…not to replace definitive medical treatment

3 safety Prevention is “Best Practice” When managing ensure you use PPE:
Appropriate mask Gloves Sleeves Etc.

4 safety Increased Susceptibility to Atropine: Elderly Children
Pregnant female

5 Organophosphorus nerve agents
Tabun Sarin Soman VX

6 Routes of exposure Eyes Nose Airways Combination of all 3
May be a delay between time of exposure and S/S

7 Organophosphorus insecticides
40 registered in the US (2009) Exposure: Hand to mouth Inhalation Absorption Nausea, vomiting, muscle contractions, difficulty breathing/CP, salivation, weakness, paralysis, seizures, and possible death

8 Exposure risk Mixing Loading Transporting Spill

9 Recognize poisoning Blurred vision (miosis) Teary eyes Runny nose
Salivation (drooling) Chest tightness or difficulty breathing Nausea and vomiting Wheezing, coughing, or increased airway secretions Stomach cramps Tachycardia or bradycardia

10 Recognize severe poisoning
Strange or confused behavior Severe difficulty breathing or copious secretions from lungs/airway Involuntary urination and defecation Convulsions Unconsciousness

11 Effect on the body OP binds with acetylcholinesterase
Preventing breakdown of acetylcholine Acetylcholine buildup Change in heart rate Excess salivation Sweating Tearing Runny nose Breathing difficulties Loss of bladder and bowel control

12 How duodote works (atropine & pralidoxime chloride
Reactivates acetylcholinesterase Relieves symptoms caused by excessive activity of nicotinic receptors Minor role in relieving increased activity of muscarinic receptors

13 How duodote works (atropine & pralidoxime chloride
Relieves airway constriction Reduces secretions Reverses the contractions of smooth muscles Decreases bronchoconstriction Reduces hyperactivity in gastrointestinal musculature

14 Atropine Blocks some of the muscarinic cholinergic receptors
Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle Secretory glands Neurons Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system

15 Together (Pralidoxime & Atropine)
Restore cholinergic nerve function

16 Duodote auto-injector
BinaJect technology 2 separate liquid-filled chambers 2 drugs delivered sequentially through single needle Designed to be administered by EMSP

17 Initial dosing 2 or More Mild Symptoms 1 Duodote to med-outer thigh
Wait 10 – 15 minutes for change If no additional S/S or no severe signs no additional injections needed Transport patient for definitive medical attention

18 Worsening symptoms If S/S worsen or the patient exhibits additional S/S: Administer 2 additional Duodotes in rapid succession Seek medical attention

19 Severe s/s upon initial presentation
Administer 3 Duodotes Immediately medical attention

20 Administering Open container Place in dominant hand
Green (needle) down Remove grey safety cap Keep fingers from either end

21 Administering Injection site is mid-outer thigh
Administer through trousers Ensure nothing is in pocket Administer at 90 degree angle Hold for 10 seconds Once removed inspect for presence of needle

22 Administering If no needle is present attempt to administer again
Once removed bend the needle on hard surface Package all used Duodotes and send with patient

23 Special populations Safety in children has not been established
Pregnancy – Risk versus Benefit Elderly and Children more susceptible to Atropine effect

24 storage 77 degrees Excursions up to 86 degrees Keep from freezing
Protect from light

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