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Quantitative analysis of the media reports

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1 Quantitative analysis of the media reports
Ipsos Média-, Reklám-, Piac- és Véleménykutató Zrt.

2 1. Managerial summary The total number of reports: Last year 3097 news mentioned IPSOS Média-, Reklám-, Piac- és Véleménykutató Zrt. Coverage in monthly news : The highest news activity was measured in March (432 articles), while the lowest media activity was in August (149 reports). Communication actors: The most mentioned character was Tibor Závecz in 2014, who had appeared 193 times on radio and television channels, 29 times in printed media and 130 times in online media. Type of media: Radio and TV channels 590 reports (the most: InfoRádió and ECHO TV) Newspapers 568 reports (the most: Népszava) Online websites 1939 reports (the most:

3 2. Releases by month

4 3. Type of media

5 4. Communication actors

6 5. Coverage in Broadcast media

7 6. Articles in print media

8 7. Articles in online media

9 6. Methodology summary The unit of analysis is media releases, which is evaluated according to different aspects. The analysed sample extends to Hungarian print and online media, radio and television broadcasts monitored by Observer Médiafigyelő Kft. The sample contains articles which mentioned Ipsos Média-, Reklám-, Piac- és Véleménykutató Zrt. The period is one year (1st January 2014 – 31st December 2014). Aspects examined in the analysis: Communication actor: who appeared in media from IPSOS. Radio and TV: the radio and television channels which observed by Observer. Newspaper: daily, weekly, monthly, periodical regional and national printed sheets which observed by Observer. Online: the online websites which observed by Observer.

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