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Business Plan Presentation Nutrition4Sports

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1 Business Plan Presentation Nutrition4Sports

2 Nutrition4Sports Venture Mission and Strategy Business environment
Execution Risk Analysis Key Assumptions and Financials

3 Our Mission Create value for customers and UFS and raise the sales and help launching the new international brand. .

4 Our intent is to help UFS to increase their brand value
Strategic Intent Our intent is to help UFS to increase their brand value Key actions: Find new marketing channels for UFS Make an application/applications, improve UFS’ facebook sites Make a new ordering system And the main actions in order to achieve the intent.

5 Our Earnings Logic Customers are sportsmen like bodybuilders, athletes or keep-fit enthusiasts. They pay for nutrition supplements and sports equipments. Why: Improving recovery, getting in better shape (burning fat, building muscles) and need for new clothes and equipments. .

6 Business Environment Business environment
Description: Nutrition supplements and fighting equipments for sports Size: Getting bigger all the time Geography: Finland and International (consists of 19 countries) separately Trends: Fighting sports have become more and more popular, and people also use more nutritions Product/Service concept: UFS has stores all over Finland and an online shop, where customers can order items which are delivered to the customer.

7 Business Environment Competition:
Direct: Plenty of nutrition companies and almost all sport stores, which have similar product concepts, but different brands. Substitution: Food stores

8 Project Execution Key Milestones: (service and business)
New marketing channels Market research Complete business plan Complete the applications

9 Risk Analysis RISKS Market: Technology/Product: Technology/Product
Competitors offer lower prices. Marketing failure (lose customers). Target group (choosing the wrong one) Technology/Product: Price and quality Do people know about nutritions ACTIONS Market If UFS has higher prices, then we have to offer something better like distribution or something extra goods Keeping the customers by good offers and try to keep them interested in fighting sports and gym Market research, own experiences Technology/Product Marketing the good sides of products Tips for beginners

10 Key Assumptions And Financials
Summarize the assumptions under which this business plan is valid. Financials according to the F&C template, add NPV calculation and put a graph (NPV/time in this presentation)

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