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Program Overview: 46 year collaboration between DCPS and DCCPTA
54,287 students screened in school year 5,344 students referred and parents notified 1,344 trained volunteers participated with screening 6,161 hours were spent conducting screenings in… 161 schools (including 21 charter schools)
SCREENING OUTCOMES: Our screenings identified serious issues such as:
cataracts ocular allergies glaucoma legally blind – 20/200 or worse in the best eye. Correctable to 20/25 or better amblyopia – if not detected and treated at early age, blindness could result nystagmus
Prior to Screening Contact Vision Screening coordinator to schedule screening Sign up volunteers to assist with screening Print three forms from DCPS Wellness website: Vision Screening Class List, Referral letter (approximately 10% of your total enrollment) and Grade Level Referral List (one per grade level). Directions for printing documents is located inside the “Essentials Folder” (Green Folder) Locate Red Folder in Vision Materials and have all volunteers sign in
Equipment and Materials
DCPS Vision Services Provides: Supplies including “Magic Shoes”; Red and Black Pens; 20’ Ribbon Eye Occluders “To The Parent Of” Envelopes Snellen Charts with LEA cards or SLOAN letter cards Schools Provide (Printed from DCPS Wellness Website): Vision Screening Class List Student Referral Form Grade Level Referral List
Setting Up for Vision Screening
Space used for screening must be at least 25 feet Tables or desks will be necessary for setting up machines Chairs should be provided for screeners Machines should be taped down front and back – approximately ½ inch off edge of table to allow mask to move up and down “Magic Shoes” should be taped down at 10 feet to heel. These will be used for PK – 2nd grade. For 3rd – 5th, place a piece of tape at 20 feet. Copies of Vision Screening Class Lists should be placed at each screening station along with red and black pens and occluders.
Vision Screening Class List
Vision Screening Class Lists must be completed prior to the screening. The form can be found on the district website. If a student is absent or has been opted out by parent, check the “A” or “O” respectively. For students who already have prescribed eyeglasses indicate “Y” or “N” under “Glasses Y/N” whether they are wearing the glasses the day of the screening or not. Students who do not pass but have new glasses or a permanent difficulty (confirmed by teacher or another adult) check box “R”.
Grading Criteria Passing for PK is 20/40
Passing for K – 3rd grade is 20/30 Passing for 4th – 5th grade is 20/25 Start screening on the passing line for each grade level A student must get one more than half to pass a line If a student does not get one more than half correct, raise the mask and screen on the next line up. Continue raising the mask until the student passes a line. The student’s acuity will be the lowest line the student can read.
Special Education Students
Students with the following exceptionalities screen at line higher: InD – Intellectual Disabilities (Formerly TMH, EMH, PMH) EBD – Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities AD – Autistic Disorder DD – Developmentally Delayed The passing criteria for PK-3rd grade is 20/40. 4th and 5th grade students should pass at 20/30. Any student with cross or wall eye, droopy lid, etc., unless already under a doctor’s care, should be referred. All other students falling under ESE – Hearing Impaired, Physically Impaired, Specific Learning Disabilities, Speech and Language Impaired, Gifted – will screen using the General Education criteria.
Screening Screening with LEA symbols or Apple-House-Umbrella requires two people – screener and pointer Review symbols with PK and K prior to screening. A copy of the symbols being used should be placed at each screening station Verify the student’s name on registration form Using one occluder per student, hold occluder over left eye. 2nd grade and above may hold their own occluder Screen right eye first – reading from left to right. Screen left eye reading from right to left Occluders should be discarded after screening.
Recording Results Once acuity has been determined, write the score in the box below the respective eye. Passing scores must be written in BLACK. Failing scores must be written in RED. If a student cannot see the top line on the chart, write the line # in the box below the respective eye with a “+” indicating the child’s score is higher than the chart’s maximum score If a student passes the screening, check “P”. If student does not pass, check “F”.
Re-Screening If a student does not pass the initial screening, then they must immediately be placed in another line and be screened a second time. Write the student’s name and failing acuity on their occluder. The student should take the occluder to the second screening. Criteria is identical for re-screening. If student passes re-screening, check the box “P” under respective eye in rescreening results section. If student doesn’t pass re-screening, write failing acuity in box under respective eye and check the box “F” in the rescreening results section. Students marked as absent must have two additional opportunities to screen.
Screening for Symptoms
Students with observed symptoms such as eyes turn in or turn out, should be referred. Note under Comments Section – Other Symptoms. Students with eyelid drooping over half the eye, should be referred. Any unusual appearance, please note observation under Comments Section-Other Symptoms. A second volunteer should corroborate observation
The Paperwork 1 manila envelopes per grade level – marked Vision Screening Class Lists. All envelopes provided by Screening Services Upon completion of screening, copies must be made of ALL Vision Screening Class Lists. All Referred students should be written on Referral List Make a copy of Referral List Provide copies of ALL Vision Screening Class Lists and Referral Lists to School Counselor and/or School Nurse
Referral Letter Prepare a Referral Letter for each student who does not pass the vision screening Be sure to complete the top section of the letter using the re-screening results for acuity Write the student’s name on the “To The Parent Of” envelope. Include the teacher’s name in the bottom right corner of the envelope Seal letter in envelope and give envelopes to teachers to go home with student
Referral List Each Referral list should include date, school name, school # and grade level. Each referred student’s name will be entered on the list along with teacher’s name (elementary only). Be sure to include whether a student was screened with glasses and the students’ acuity. A copy must be made of Referral list and provided to School Counselor and/or School Nurse. Referral List should be placed in corresponding grade level Class List Envelope
Wrapping It Up After all paperwork has been completed, place manila envelopes and all unused materials along with Essentials Folder (green folder), in box to be returned to Vision Services Place Snellen Charts in box. Please indicate any problems with charts so that they may be repaired before sending them out to another school Be sure to include Volunteer Sheet in Red Folder Seal box and tape Return Label (found in the Green folder) Place box in school mail
Final Checklist Did all referred students receive re-screening?
Were there three attempts to screen absent students? Was a Referral Letter written for all referred students? Was a copy made of ALL Class Lists? Was a photocopy of Class Lists and Referral List provided to School Counselor and/or School Nurse?
Contact: Any additional questions, please contact
Tracy Scott – or (904) Edie Brooks – or (904)
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