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Extending the life of essential sub surface assets

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Presentation on theme: "Extending the life of essential sub surface assets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extending the life of essential sub surface assets
A practical approach to guarantee structural competence in pipeline and culvert rehabilitation Peter Marchant ITS Pipetech Pty Ltd

2 What ? Why ? How ? A B Investigate Define scope C
Investigate the issues Understand the problem B Define the outcome Provide the information C Understand the Value not the Cost What ? Why ? How ? Investigate Define scope

3 Define the Structural requirements
Class I Lining Non Structural Water Quality – Internal Protection Class II Lining Semi Structural Close fit & Interactive, spans small holes and cracks Class III Lining Semi Structural – Composite with Host Generally burst pressure is less than MAOP Class IV Lining Fully Structural – Independent of Host Will survive catastrophic Host failure Structural: A liner that renews the deteriorated pipe's structural and hydraulic capacity. These linings have a developed ring stiffness that is self-supporting and capable of accommodating active and passive loadings without any development of the host pipe. Stronger than MAOP Non-Structural: This form of rehabilitation for repairing deteriorated pipelines to prevent further deterioration. These linings are unable to support loading without harnessing the aid of the strength of the host pipe and are as such classified as composites or quality improvement linings. Typical examples are spray lining of water mains, or grout sealing of cracked or leaking sewers Not able to take MAOP without strength from host AWWA M28 Rehabilitation of Water mains

4 Trenchless Technologies available
Considerations Location Access Ground Size Loading Life expectancy 3rd Party Issues Options Fold form “Rolldown” Slipline Pressureline Sprayed Lining CIPP Wound ribbon lining Insitu Cast lining

5 Pre Design Considerations
Size and condition of the host pipe Degree of deterioration and integrity of the host pipe and associated structures Condition, number and frequency of branch connections Active and passive loading Design life expectancy Soil and backfill condition Presence of Voiding Ground water regime Location, proximity and access Chemical and fire resistance Future use and requirements

6 Sliplining Discrete Slipline Continuous Slipline

7 Sliplining Disadvantages Advantages Loss of Cross Sectional Area
Suitable for wide range of pipe Diameters 100 to 3000 m Several Materials HDPE Fiber Glass Concrete PVC Cheap & quick to install Disadvantages Loss of Cross Sectional Area Reduced hydraulic performance Launch and reception pits required Dig downs on lateral connections Not suitable for bends Requires grout to fill gap between liner and host

8 Pressureline Advantages
Ability to install long sections in one operation Quick Maximises available pipe diameter Flow capacity close to original pipeline design Chemically resistant to most substances Caters for high pressure pipelines and rising mains High ware resistance Disadvantages Surface excavation is required for connection of laterals Not suitable for curved sections of pipe Not all HDPE pipe is suitable for reduction – dependent on the resin component Can incur long term pipe damage if not undertaken properly

9 CIPP Cured in Place Pipe
Pull in Place lining Inversion lining

10 CIPP Cured in Place Pipe - Inversion
Disadvantages: Susceptible to wrinkling and cross sectional irregularity if pre-lining repairs insufficient Is only able to line to the smallest section of deformity present inside the existing pipe Not suitable for severely deformed pipe Bypass pumping usually needed Limited ability to accommodate pipe diameter variations Reliant on host pipe strength for composite design Carcinogenic by-products from curing process Top hat lateral connections reduce lining diameter even further Low ring stiffness Slow curing times Advantages: Close fit liner minimises loss of pipe bore on main lining Installed without surface excavation Suitable for non-circular shapes Longest international track record for close fit liners Handles pipeline curves- vertical and horizontal to 22 degrees 50-year design life

11 CIPP Cured in Place Pipe – Expansion
Advantages: Close fit expansion liner minimises loss of pipe bore Installed without surface excavation Suitable for non-circular shapes Longest international track record for close fit liners Handles most pipeline curves- vertical and horizontal to 45 degrees Top hat seals are not required for lateral connections Very strong ring stiffness able to support SM1600 loading Quick curing times No residual contaminates from curing process Structurally stand alone 75-year design life Able to accommodate high levels of deformity in existing pipelines

12 Rolldown – Fold and Form
Advantages: Close fit liner minimises loss of pipe bore Typically installed without digging Will accommodate slow radius bends Installation may be possible without bypass pumping Disadvantages: Groundwater and infiltration can affect success of liner reversion Shrinkage can be a problem after installation (particularly for polyethylene liners) Susceptible to cross-sectional irregularities if pre-lining repairs not sufficient Surface excavation required for lateral connections Long term stress in liner pipe 

13 Spiral Wound Liners

14 Spiral Wound Liners Advantages:
Can be installed without an overflow pumping system Diameter can vary according to the actual diameter of the host pipe Circular cross section so does not take shape of deteriorated host pipe No shrinkage after installation Can be installed from existing access points Disadvantages: Requires structural grout to seal the gap between the lining and the host Mechanical expansion joints not assured of achieving a regular shape Requires top hats insertion for lateral connections that reduced internal diameter and creates steps inside the lining Limited ability to line around bends Requires uniform compacted backfill around existing pipe which if severely deteriorated may affect design assumptions

15 Cast Insitu Reinforced Concrete Lining

16 Cast Insitu Reinforced Concrete Lining
Advantages: Can be installed without an overflow pumping system Diameter and profile can vary according to the actual diameter of the host pipe or culvert Suitable for all non-circular profiles Fully structural and independent of the host structure Can accommodate changes of shape Can accommodate bends of any degree and radius Can be installed in vertical, inclined or horizontal aspects No shrinkage after installation 120-year design life Can be designed to take any loading with minimal cover Design for profiles from 1200mm to 9000mm Requires minimal surface access- (every 800m)

17 Take home message Renewal of pipelines, conduits and culverts no longer requires the use of open cut replacement methods Cost effective structural rehabilitation solutions meeting AS5100, AS3600 AS3725 & AS2566 standards Repair methods allow for continued use of assets, negating a need for lengthy shut down periods, reducing community impact Reduced carbon footprint- Less surface movement Lower cost repair methods with less waste and less environmental and less community impact

18 Thank you for your attention

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