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Scientific Method.

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1 Scientific Method

2 Ball Bouncing Experiment
Which type of ball- a golf ball, tennis ball, or racquet ball bounces the highest? Conduct an experiment to find out an answer to this question. How should we design this experiment?

3 Ball Bouncing Experiment
What could we do to make our experiment more accurate? Location Dropping each ball Recording bounce height Anything else?

4 Scientific Method The scientific method is an organized way to answer science questions. It includes six steps. 1. Ask a question 2. Do research/Use what you know 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Design and conduct an experiment 5. Record, organize, and analyze data 6. Draw a conclusion It is important to note that the scientific method is not the only way to conduct an experiment.

5 1. Ask a Question What do you wonder about the world around you?
Example: What type of ball bounces the highest, a golf ball, racquet ball, or tennis ball?

6 2. Do Research or Use What You Know
You can think about what you already know about the subject, but it is also good to do research to gain a better understanding. When you do research, be careful because not resources, especially on the Internet, are reliable. If a website allows anyone to post a comment or reply (like,,, etc.), it's probably not reliable. Try limiting your search to websites that end with .edu, .gov, or .org.

7 3. Form a Hypothesis A hypothesis is usually written as an
if/then statement. It is also a prediction of what you think is going to happen during the experiment. You must be able to test your hypothesis. Example: If I put drop a tennis ball, racquet ball, and a golf ball at the same height, then the golf ball will bounce the highest.

8 4. Plan and Conduct Experiment
You must create a list of materials and write out the procedures before beginning. The instructions should be brief but clear. Example: 1. You will need a tennis ball, racquet ball, golf ball, and two meter sticks. 2. Drop each ball from a standard height three times each. 3. Record the bounce height of each test. 4. Find the average bounce height for each ball.

9 5. Record, Organize, and Analyze Data
Write down your results. Many times your data will be organized in a table. Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Average golf ball racquet ball tennis

10 Class Data Write your group’s averages below.
golf ball racquet ball tennis

11 6. Draw a Conclusion A conclusion needs to be a complete sentence that explains the outcome of the experiment. Example: In our experiment, the _________ ball bounced the highest.

12 Variables Variables are factors that influence the outcome of an experiment. A) Independent variable- what is changed from test to test What is the independent variable in our experiment? type of ball B) Dependent variable- what is measured during each test What is the dependent variable in our experiment? bounce height

13 Variables C) Constants- all the things that are kept the same in an experiment, make experiment fair What are the constants in our experiment? Starting drop height, drop location, etc. D) Control- a standard test that is used a comparison There was not a control in our experiment.

14 BrainPop Example Watch a Brainpop video on the scientific method and identify each step and the different variables. ntificinquiry/scientificmethod/previe w.weml

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