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The Quest for a Unified Product Identifier

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2 The Quest for a Unified Product Identifier
Caitlin Dezzani Taylor Gomberg, Fredrikson and Associates Wines Vines Analytics

3 Link Critical Enterprise Wide Data
Data Management Link Critical Enterprise Wide Data General Ledger Employees Customers Vendors Products Capital Assets

4 Shipment and Pricing Data
Depletions Data RAD Data Scan Data Products Shipment and Pricing Data Inventory DTC Sales

5 Anatomized DTC Shipments
Entities! Distributor Database Winery Database Marketing Company Annual Production Avg. Bottle Price Winery Location % DTC Sales Tasting Room? Custom Crush? Parent Company Anatomized DTC Shipments GFA Shipment Data UPC Brand Database Scan Data GFA FOB Pricing UPC Product Identifier

6 Things to consider with UPC mapping
There can be multiple UPCs associated to a product. UPCs are often re-used for different vintages, and sometimes even new varietals. Not all products have UPC

7 Example of Mapping Scan Data Internal Database FOB Pricing Data UPC
Product Sales Turning Leaf Chardonnay $400 Turning Leaf Merlot $200 $20 Turning Leaf Cab. Sauv. $300 UPI 123546 789101 567891 FOB Price Product $45 Turning Leaf Chardonnay Turning Leaf Merlot Turning Leaf Cab. Sauv. Turning Leaf Slice and dice using Winery level data! Gallo

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