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Catalog Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Catalog Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Catalog Management

2 Summary Organizational units What’s in a store What’s in a product

3 Organizational Units We sell products out of a store
Stores can be organized into groups A store has a one or more catalogs Catalogs have product categories Product categories have products

4 The Store General Inventory Shopping cart Shipping Payments Orders

5 The Store (Illustration)

6 The Store: General The store name and whether this is a test store or not Define the visual appearance This is really just a CSS style

7 The Store: Inventory Where is the inventory stored? Hold for review
Require inventory to process order How to reserve inventory Whether to manage lot numbers

8 The Store: Shopping Cart
Describe how shopping cart behaves

9 The Store: Shipping Allow different items to have different payment types

10 The Store: Payments Credit validity and credit card behavior

11 The Catalog A store has catalogs
And a catalog is organized hierarchically so that users can find products

12 The Catalog

13 Products There are facets to products in OFBiz and most ERPs
Catalogs and Product categories contain products Pricing are rules that determine the price of a product at an instant in time There are also promotions Warehouse inventory is an instance of a product It occupies a place in the warehouse and might have a lot number Products have features

14 Products: Header A product gets and ID when created and has a type
And there are many products types Raw materials, finished goods, assemblies…

15 Products: Type and Category
Virtual products are configurable things Bikes are the same but have a different color Accessories I’ll not go that far Primary category contains the catalog category

16 Product: Dates and Inventory
Products have dates that describe when a product is available, discontinued, etc..

17 Product: Measurements
Products have general measurements (sizes and dimensions)

18 Products: Pricing Products have pricing schedules

19 Products: Pricing

20 Products: Promotions Products can have promotions
Promotions have general characteristics Promotions have rules Promotions apply to a store

21 Products: Promotions

22 Products: Promotions xx

23 Products: Promotions Promotion rules have conditions and actions

24 Products: Promotions Promotions apply to a store

25 Products: Associations
Products can be associated with other products That’s how the catalogs work

26 Products: Keywords And we setup keywords for search

27 Products: Features Product features give us another way to deal with things like colors and sizes Preature types Feature categories

28 Features (Types) Feature types are features possessed by a product (color or size)

29 Features (Categories)
Feature categories belong to a type

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