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Mitchell, Alex, LèMãr, Jayden 1A Sports med

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Presentation on theme: "Mitchell, Alex, LèMãr, Jayden 1A Sports med"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitchell, Alex, LèMãr, Jayden 1A Sports med
Digestive System Mitchell, Alex, LèMãr, Jayden 1A Sports med

2 Digestive Anatomy Teeth Esophagus Uvula Stomach Duodenum Jejunum Llem
Cecum Ascending colon Gallbladder Pancreas Transverse colon Descending colon Rectum Anus

3 Functions of Anatomy Teeth: Chew Esophagus: Swallow Uvula: Throw up
Stomach: Holds food/bile Duodenum: Connects stomach to intestine Jejunum: Squeezer Llem: Connects large intestine Cecum: Connects small and large intestine Ascending colon: Carries feces from cecum to the transverse colon Gallbladder: Store and concentrate bile Pancreas: Produces enzymes and digestive jucies Transverse colon: Extract nutrients and water from digested food Descending colon: Stores remains of food that will empty into the rectum Rectum: Last stop before feces is eliminated Anus: Last part of digestive tract

4 Health Concerns Halitosis: Bad breath
Flatulence: Accumulation of gas in the stomach Eructation: Belching Gastroenteritis: Inflammation of stomach and g.i. Hiatal hernia: Part of stomach pushes through diaphragm muscle

5 Health Concerns Continued
Jaundice: Yellow tint in skin or eyes Cirrhosis: Chronic liver disease Cholecystitis: Inflammation of gallbladder Appendicitis: Inflammation of appendix Ulcerative Clots: Recurring ulcers and inflammation of large intestine Diverticulitis: Inflammation of small pouches in intestinal wall

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