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Towards understanding the Quark-Gluon Plasma
Theoretical overview: Towards understanding the Quark-Gluon Plasma November 14, 2006 Jean-Paul Blaizot, CNRS and ECT*
Fundamental questions
What is the form of matter at « extreme » temperature or density? What is the wave function of a hadron, a nucleus, at asymptotically high energy? SIMPLICITY emerges in asymptotic situations QCD matters !
Shifts of paradigms Some form of a quark-gluon plasma is produced in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions From the « ideal gas » to the « perfect liquid » (weakly or strongly coupled plasma)?
Some form of a quark-gluon plasma is
produced in ultra-relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions Large energy density achieved Collective behaviour observed Jet energy loss in matter Hints of gluon saturation « Perfect liquid », « sQGP »
From the « ideal gas » to the « perfect liquid »
''weakly or strongly coupled QGP''
Ideal QGP Asymptotic freedom At high temperature and/or density
matter is « simple » Most « signatures » based on this simple picture
Thermodynamical functions go to SB limit as T becomes large
Pressure SB Resummed Pert. Th. (SU(3) lattice gauge calculation from Karsch et al, hep-lat/ )
The QCD phase diagram B T Quark-Gluon Plasma Hadronic matter Colour
192MeV ? Quark-Gluon Plasma Hadronic matter Colour superconductor Nuclei B
Theory near Tc is difficult
Degrees of freedom? Remnants of confinement? Strong coupling? Voir expose d’ E. Shuryak (Signatures of strongly coupled QGP) … present experiments are Probing this region…
sQGP ? Experimental evidence for « liquid » rather than « gaseous » behavior Perturbation theory is ill behaved ''weakly or strongly coupled QGP'' New techniques to address strong coupling problems
Weakly or strongly coupled ?
Interaction energy<<Kinetic energy ? In the qgp, whether the degrees of freedom are weakly or strongly coupled depends on their momentum k Compare k with g x <fluctuations> Hard modes (k~T) dominate thermodynamics ; Pert. Th. OK Soft modes (k~gT) represent subleading contributions, require resummations Ultra-soft modes (k~g^2 T) remain strongly coupled
The effective coupling is not huge even close to Tc
(from M. Laine, Y. Schröder, hep-ph/ ) Effective coupling in dimensionally reduced theory Resummations are successful (from J.-P. B., E. Iancu, A. Rebhan: Nucl.Phys.A698: ,2002) Pure-glue SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
Perturbative QCD Weak coupling, few particles
Accurate calculations can be done Factorisation theorems (PHENIX, hep-ex/ )
Dense and hot matter Coupling may be weak, but many particles, or strong fields. If coupling weak, Calculations possible from 1st principles: QGP, CGC
AdS/CFT Duality N=4 Supersymmetric SU(Nc) Yang-Mills theory
Is dual to string theory on AdS5+S5 Duality: - strong coupling in one theory is weak coupling in the other - weak coupling string theory is classical (super)gravity Note : theory has conformal symmetry, the coupling Constant does not run, different from QCD
Thermodynamics in ADS/CFT
Simple limit of the entropy density at strong coupling QCD However does not immediately apply to QCD near Tc (no conformal symmetry) Cold
Many recent calculations
Transport coefficients, in particular the viscosity Energy loss parameter Photon production Thermodynamics Hydrodynamics Etc
Early stages of nucleus-nucleus collisions
- Initial wave function - Early thermalization … other facets of high density QCD
High density partonic systems
Parton density grows as x decreases
The saturation scale The growth of the gluon density is governed by non linear evolution equations and eventually « saturates » Whether a parton is in the saturated regime or not depends on its (transverse) momentum (saturated regime) (dilute regime)
beyond mean field (JIMWLK, BK)
Recent developments: beyond mean field (JIMWLK, BK) Important role of the fluctuations. Interesting connection with problems in non equilibrium statistical mechanics (reaction-diffusion phenomena) (from C. Marquet, hep-ph/ )
Early stage of nucleus-nucleus collisions
Conventional picture (mean field): Qs sets the scale at Which partons are set free, as well as their typical transverse momentum Role of fluctuations of Qs ? Anisotropy of initial momentum distributions may lead to plasma instabilities. Role in thermalization ?
Conclusions (1) Many exciting theoretical developments, new ideas
progress in lattice calculations, more precision, finite mu analytical techniques are developing theory of initial wave functions is rapidly progressing emergence of new methods to handle Strong coupling
Conclusions (2) What is the physical picture ?
Above 3Tc the degrees of freedom are quark and gluon quasiparticles With effective masses due to thermal fluctuations and Weak residual interactions Below 3Tc situation still unclear, But not obviously describable by strong coupling physics Note that our understanding of the early stages of the collisions remains based on weak coupling assumptions
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