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Academic Honesty “Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington” by Michael Matti licensed by CC BY-NC 2.0.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Honesty “Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington” by Michael Matti licensed by CC BY-NC 2.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Honesty “Suzzallo Library at the University of Washington” by Michael Matti licensed by CC BY-NC 2.0

2 Cheating and plagiarism hamper your learning capabilities

3 Florida Tech Student Handbook
“The purpose of assignments is to develop your skills and measure your progress. Letting someone else do your work defeats the purpose of your education…” Florida Tech Student Handbook Studying students inside of Powell Library by Josh Lee, licensed by CC BY-SA 3.0

4 What is Academic Dishonesty?
“A Not-So-Subtle Cheating Technique” by Mr_Stein licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0


6 Which of the following is an example of plagiarism?
Not citing your sources in a paper. Rearranging words in a quotation and then using it in your paper without citing the source. Buying a paper online, or having someone else write a paper for you, and then turning it in as your own. Forgetting a citation. All of the above. A and C.

7 Is this plagiarism? You used quotation marks around a direct quotation, but forgot to include an in-text citation. Yes, this is still plagiarism.

8 Plagiarism is frequently unintentional
Students may forget to cite their sources Students may have trouble paraphrasing, and may accidentally make a direct quotation without meaning to

9 Four Types of Plagiarism

10 Unauthorized or unacknowledged collaborative work

11 Passing off another’s work as your own

12 Improper Paraphrasing

13 No citations or improper citations


15 Cheating, defined Florida Tech:
“Cheating Cheaters and the Cheaters Who Love Them” by Mr_Stein licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

16 Giving or receiving unauthorized exam materials or assistance “Exam” by Alberto G. licensed by CC BY 2.0

17 Taking an exam or quiz for another, in person or online “Quiz-NM 2014” by Harald Groven licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0

18 Submitting the same paper, project, or assignment twice “Assignments” by Ryan Hyde licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0

19 Misrepresenting or fabricating research, work, or results “Research” by Neil Conway licensed by CC BY 2.0

20 Helping another student cheat “The Answer to #2 is CHEAT
Helping another student cheat “The Answer to #2 is CHEAT!” by Mr_Stein licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

21 What would you do? You need to collect data for a lab project. Something happens that prevents you from performing your data collection (inclement weather, a failed experiment, faulty equipment, etc). How do you respond? You must collect (or recollect) your data, or explain why your experiment failed. You cannot fabricate data to finish the assignment.

22 Consequences A grade of 0 (zero) on the assignment or exam A grade of 0 (zero) in the course Suspension or expulsion from Florida Tech

23 How do we avoid plagiarism?
We cite our sources!

24 When should you cite material?
No No Is it common knowledge? Did you think of it? Cite it Do not cite it Yes Yes Adapted from Harris, 2001

25 There are other reasons for citing…

26 Citing your sources helps others understand your work
“Citation needed” by licensed by CC BY 2.0

27 Attribution shows that you respect the original ideas of others
“Who else has a bright idea?” by nhuisman licensed by CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

28 Citations are like a map to your research
“map” by flrnt, licensed by CC BY-SA 2.0

29 Resources Academic Support Center Writer’s Den OWL at Purdue RefWorks
Evans Library Tutorials Citing Sources and Plagiarism research guide Your Friendly Librarians

30 References Harris, R.A. (2001). The Plagiarism handbook: Strategies for preventing, detecting, and dealing with plagiarism. Los Angeles, CA: Pyrczak Publishing. Jones, L.R. (2011). Academic integrity and academic dishonesty: A handbook about cheating and plagiarism. Melbourne, FL.

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