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英語好繪演 Su-Ching Lai 03.22.2017.

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Presentation on theme: "英語好繪演 Su-Ching Lai 03.22.2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 英語好繪演 Su-Ching Lai

2 Outline for today Storytelling Drama Role play in class
Storytelling skills Selection of story books Drama Drama in contest Drama in class Role play in class Practices The title of the speech could break into 2 different topics and it could take 6 hours to finish.

3 Stories… Do you like stories? Do you like to listen to stories?
Do you like to tell stories? Do you tell stories to your students in class? Why do we tell stories?

4 Why do we tell/ read stories in our English class?
What doesn’t student like? Worksheet to come after each story book.

5 Be prepared!! Familiarize yourself physically with the book.
Read the story several times until you feel at ease and confident. Decide where you will break up the story. Decide when you wish to pause in the story to invite your students to join in. Plan what you’re going to say about the illustration. Practice, practice and practice! And lots of resources from youtube

6 Selecting stories… Students’ age Students’ language level
Types of stories: rhyming stories Picky Nicky repetitive stories Whose Mouse are You? fairy tales The True Story of the Three Little Pigs theme related David Goes to School pattern based The very hungry caterpillar Students’ age: story characters, story plots and its predictability and surprising ending. Students’ language level: story length, illustration, easy to read, story diversity, exploring problems.

7 What should I consider?

8 How do I tell stories? Using story books Using big books
Using a projector Using the computer Using audio cds Using props

9 Lesson Planning for story sessions
Select a book Consider the students’ background Decide how the story will be presented Decide what props will be used during the story Design activities related to the story Get feedback from the students

10 Activities related to story telling
Before During After 低年級:Teacher tells the story, using visual support, interaction is important. 中年級:Teacher tells or reads a story, interaction is important. 高年級:T. reads the story, give chances for prediction. Group reading followed by discussion.

11 Extended Activities Songs and chants Arts and crafts Worksheets
Crosswords Word search Role play Reader’s theater Games

12 Guess how much I love you
Video clip Movie trailer Power point presentation Worksheet 句型練習-as high as …

13 Gruffalo Story video Official website Lesson plan Gruffalo song
Reader’s theater Create your own monster Teaching demonstration

14 Mother’s day Guess how much I love you Love you forever
Mom’s memory box Monkey puzzle

15 Mom’s memory box Story PPT Song Reader’s theater Arts & Crafts
Good morning, mama Bingo Mother, mommy, mama, mom Reader’s theater Arts & Crafts

16 Dear Zoo Story video Lesson plan Dear Zoo song Matching worksheet
DI worksheet Class book Word search

17 Turkey trouble Story video Lesson plan Worksheet
Sentence practice Thanksgiving song Turkey poster Worksheet Teaching demonstration

18 Eric Carle

19 Why drama teaching? I hear and I forget, I see and I remember,
I do and I understand. Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Involve me and I will understand."

20 Drama helps… To create the use of imagination
To extend powers of creative self expression To increase decision making and problem solving skills To build up self confidence and a sense of worth To respect and consider for others. To expand the interest towards learning

21 Types of Drama Improvisation Role play Mime Masked drama Puppet plays
Performance poetry Radio drama Improvisation: a scene for a group of children, places Role play: doctor and patient, burglars, teachers, president and official,

22 Role Play in Class Reader’s theater Role Play Drama in contest

23 Interesting example I am reading.

24 The sky is the limit, so is our imagination…

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