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THURSDAY TARGETED TRAINING SC Supervisor Role in ISP Development

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1 THURSDAY TARGETED TRAINING SC Supervisor Role in ISP Development
Stacy L. Nonnemacher, PhD. Senior Clinical Consultant

2 SC Supervisor role along the way…
Agenda Assessments ISP Component Expectations General ISP Expectations SC Supervisor role along the way…

3 Timelines * SC must convene planning team within 20 days of selection of SC agency * ISP must be completed within 30 days of selection of SC agency (BAS will review within 30days)

4 ASSESSMENTS SC Supervisor: ensure that the assessments are conducted in a timely fashion and in the manner in which required

5 Assessments for Adult Autism Waiver
Type When For What Scale of Independent Behavior-Revised (SIB- R) (Bruininks, Woodcock, Weatherman, & Hill, 1996) Intake Annually Inform Service Delivery Outcome Measure Quality of Life Questionnaire (Schalock & Keith, 1993) Parental Stress Scale (Berry & Jones, 1995) Baseline Outcomes 5 5

6 ASSESSMENTS Complete before ISP meeting is held
Incorporate results (strengths and needs) in the ISP Results entered in HCSIS Individual > Evaluation > Assessment Switchboard Check entries in HCSIS for accuracy before finalizing DO NOT finalize SIBR scores until ISP is reviewed by BAS

7 ISP COMPONENTS SC Supervisor: ensure that all expectations are met BEFORE sending to BAS for review

Like & Admire Multiple perspectives Know & Do Behaviors listed within the SIBR summary report should be consistently captured and detailed within the Know and Do, Psychosocial, Social/Emotional and Understanding Communication screens. If BSS is not selected as a needed service, but there are some minor behaviors, strategies for how others support the participant should be clearly stated in this section 8

Check for spelling and correct dosages, frequency Diagnosis for a medication should be the symptom for why the medication is prescribed (e.g. anxiety), not Autism. 9

10 MEDICAL INFORMATION Health Evaluations: Evaluations in the past 12 months (e.g., physicals, psychiatric, dental, gynecological, vision, other specialists) Medical Contacts: If medical professional is mentioned anywhere in plan, include in Medical Contacts Developmental Information: Include when participant was diagnosed with autism 10

11 MEDICAL INFORMATION Psychosocial Information: Align behavioral information with Know & Do, Social/Emotional, Understanding Communication Physical Assessment: Align with other medical sections (e.g., if participant is diagnosed with cardiac problems, prescribed cardiac meds and sees specialist, include in this section) Immunizations: No need to include every childhood immunization. If not known or records are unavailable, include statement in Current Health Status 11

12 HEALTH AND SAFETY Throughout this section identify supervision needs in addition to skill strengths and needs Verbal prompting Physical assistance General Health and Safety Risks 911 skills Self-medication skills 12

13 HEALTH AND SAFETY Supervision Care Needs
Indicate what level of supervision is currently required to ensure the health and safety for the participant. Day, Home, and Community Screens should be completed. If no supervision in required, indicate a “0” in the “hours” column In most circumstances Intensive Supervision can be skipped altogether, as most services are in 1:1 and the level of supervision is captured in other areas of the ISP. 13

14 HEALTH AND SAFETY Staffing Ratio Health Care
Complete only if participant is already receiving services beyond the scope of the waiver. For example, if a participant is being served in a group home through private pay, indicate that staffing ratio and information in this section within the HOME option. Health Care Complete even if participant makes own health care decisions 14

Throughout this section, capture the needs expressed by the team and the needs identified in the SIBR assessment. It is expected that if there is an obvious need highlighted in the SIBR, that need will be captured in one of the Functional Information screens. 15

Social/Emotional Information Align with behaviors captured in SIB-R, Know & Do, Psychosocial Information and Understanding Communication Educational/Vocational Information Include any educational or vocational goals Employment/Volunteer Information Complete this section even if participant is not currently employed or volunteering (linked to our outcomes) Specific goals related to work experiences (volunteer and competitive) should be captured 16

Understanding Communication The intent of this screen is to capture idiosyncrasies that could be misinterpreted.  Align with behaviors noted in SIBR, Know & Do, Social/Emotional Complete this screen even if the participant is verbal. 17

18 Understanding Communication Screen

19 Functional Information
Non-medical Evaluation Job Assessment provider should submit summary to SC Enter Job Assessment Summary in this section Job Assessment Report Guide available on VTC

20 GOALS SC responsibility to develop goal phrase, goal statement and concerns related to goals Goals should be developed even if service providers were not selected yet or no providers available Document in the “Concerns Related to Goals” section Clear statements Will the service provider understand the intention of the goal? 20

21 GOALS Goal Phrase is a few words that identify the particular goal
Example: Social Skills Goal Statement is a complete, long term statement of what the participant will be working on in the plan year Example: James will work on appropriate, reciprocal interactions with others when out in the community). Concerns related to the goal should be relative Example: James has not had a lot of opportunities to interact with unfamiliar people and usually shuts down or refuses to interact if someone is unknown 21

22 Objectives Developed by service providers
Submitted to the SC for input in HCSIS Follow-up with providers if not submitted Reviewed by SC using Objectives Cheat Sheet 22

23 SERVICE DETAILS Plan Dates Units of Service
Plan Effective Date = Eligibility Date Goal and Service Start Dates = date of notification letter that person is enrolled with provider (will be the same for initial plans) Units of Service SC Initial Plan Development = 1 unit BSS, Plan Development = 1 unit Job Assessment = 1 unit Job Finding = 1 unit 23

24 SERVICE DETAILS Authorization of Service Limitations
Behavioral Specialist, Direct and Consultative will not be authorized until Plan Development has been completed and the BSP/CIP is entered in HCSIS. Job Assessment will not be authorized until the Assessment Report is submitted to the SC and entered in HCSIS Job Finding will not be authorized until the participant has been in the job for 30 days. 24

25 SERVICE DETAILS Contingency plans
For initial ISP’s, be sure to enter the contingency plan for the SC- ongoing service. This spells out how and by whom SC services will be provided in your absence. By the time the annual ISP is due the SC should have contingency plans entered for every service on the ISP. The SC is to obtain this information from each provider and enter it into HCSIS. Day habilitation, Community Inclusion, Transitional Work Services, and Supported Employment should not exceed 50 hours per week combined.

Behavioral Specialist is responsible for entering BSP/CIP in HCSIS (need to have role in HCSIS) BSS has 60 days from being assigned to complete FBA, develop BSP/CIP and enter in HCSIS SC responsible for follow-up with BSS if plans are not entered 26

27 SC Agency * SC will complete and submit ISP for review (Pending Review) * SC Supervisor will review and either ask for revisions or send to BAS for approval (Pending Approval) BAS * Regional Office and Clinical will review the plan and send re: decision 1. Approved 2. Approved w Revisions 3. Rejected * Make requested revisions within 30 days Please Note: Communication between the SC supervisor and SC re: revisions needs to occur offline

28 General ISP Expectations and Comments

29 General Comments Check for spelling and grammatical errors
For narrative comments, suggest typing in Word, spell check, copy and paste in ISP HCSIS Mandatory vs BAS required Complete all ISP screens Using “Add” buttons Some ISP components allow the user to list information by using “add” buttons. Example: Individual Preferences – Important To, What Makes Sense, Objectives

30 General Comments ISP informs service providers Provider Access to Plan
ISP components should include comments regarding what works/doesn’t work, strengths and needs Avoid using language such as “No concerns in this area” Provider Access to Plan Read-only access Must have ISP Reviewer role SC may need to send electronic or paper copies to providers

31 General Comments Annual Review Plans
Requested revisions from initial plan should have been made Incorporates input from service providers Incorporates progress made on goals/objectives (UPDATES!) SC must submit MA 51 to BAS before plan can be approved Be mindful of Annual review date to allow for ample time for submission and review of plan

32 General Comments ISP (Initial & Annual) Feedback from BAS
BAS will correspond with SC regarding ISP approval or rejection Will receive two documents from BAS Clinical ISP Review Checklist Regional Office ISP Review Checklist Consult checklists for expectations

33 General Comments For critical revisions: For every ISP
Create a service note indicating what has been changed For every ISP Attendance sheet Agreement form Service Provider Choice form List of providers (statewide)

34 Resources Virtual Training Center
Supports Coordination>Supports Coordinator Documents ISP Common Errors and Questions ISP Review Checklist Printable Blank ISP Tool Template ISP Agreement Form ISP attendance sheet Service Provider Choice form

35 SAVE THE DATE!!! Oct 13: Supporting Participants in Their Own Homes: Creative Supports Oct 27: What is a quality Quarterly Report?

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