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It’s better than it sounds...I promise!

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Presentation on theme: "It’s better than it sounds...I promise!"— Presentation transcript:

1 It’s better than it sounds...I promise!
Geography It’s better than it sounds...I promise!

2 But geography is so much more...
What is Geography? Geography is the study of the world, its people, and the landscapes they create. But geography is so much more...

3 Human Geography is the study of the world’s people, communities, and landscapes
Physical Geography is the study of the world’s physical features - its landforms, bodies of water, climates, soils, and plants.  Physical Geography  Human Geography  Rocks and Minerals  Population  Landforms  Settlements  Soils  Economic Activities  Animals  Transportation  Plants  Recreational Activities  Water  Religion  Atmosphere  Political Systems  Rivers and Other Water Bodies  Social Traditions  Environment  Human Migration  Climate and Weather  Agricultural Systems  Oceans  Urban Systems

4 What else is geography? Geography is a science AND a social science.

5 Science vs. Social Science

6 A science... Science is a systematic way to gather knowledge about the world and organizing that knowledge into laws and theories

7 A Social Science... Social science explores human relationships and the affects they have on the world around us.

8 Five Themes of Geography
Location Movement Place Five Themes of Geography Regions Human-Environmental Interaction

9 Movement Who moved? What moved? When was the move?
Where was the move to? Why did one move? How did one move? (ex. Car, bike, boat) Geographers want to know why people move and they study the routes people take from place to place.

10 Regions A region is a broad geographical area with similar features. (Ex. Climate region, desert region, Islamic region, etc.) The world is divided up into regions to help geographers study the world. What are some regions that you know of around the world?

11 Human-Environmental Interaction (HEI)
HEI is basically how we affect and are affected by the environment, and also how we disturb the natural environment.

12 Location Location is divided up into 2 parts
Absolute Location: A specific description like a GPS coordinate or an address such as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Relative Location: A general description of where a place is located. For example, North Carolina is north of South Carolina.

13 BUT... Your location can change depending on where you are in the world

14 Place Similar to location except it’s different.
It is more than just where something’s about personality! A place refers to the area’s landscape, which are the features that define the area and make it different from other places. PERSONALITY! --> Washington D.C.

15 Jeopardy Rules of Jeopardy 1. You must answer in a question.
2. You must raise your hand.

16 Answer: Place, Region, Movement, HEI, and Location
What are the 5 Themes of Geography?

17 Answer: a specific and definite location
What is absolute location?

18 What is a social science?
Answer: Exploring human relationships and the affect we have on the world around us What is a social science?

19 Answer: It’s the Personality of a location that defines this theme of geography.
What is place?

20 Some basics you need to know...

21 Latitude refers to the imaginary horizontal lines that run from
east to west around the globe. 0 degrees is the Equator. Longitude refers to the imaginary vertical lines that run from north to south around the globe. 0 degrees is the Prime Meridian

22 When you use latitude and longitude (GPS) you are finding LOCATION.
Remember: Lat is flat! When you use latitude and longitude (GPS) you are finding LOCATION.

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