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India, China, Japan, & Southeast Asia

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1 India, China, Japan, & Southeast Asia
Chapter 7 & 12 India, China, Japan, & Southeast Asia

2 Cultural Diffusion These four areas were linked by a series of trade routes known as the silk roads. Because of this, these cultures became similar in religion, trade goods, writing, and traditions. Goods Gold from West Africa Spices from lands around the Indian Ocean Textiles from India, China, the Middle East, and later Europe Porcelain from China and Persia Amber from the Baltic region

3 Technology Paper from China through the Muslim world to Byzantium and Western Europe New crops from India (e.g., for making sugar) Waterwheels and windmills from the Middle East Navigation: Compass from China, lateen sail from Indian Ocean region Ideas Spread of religions across the hemisphere Buddhism from China to Korea and Japan Hinduism and Buddhism from India to Southeast Asia Islam into West Africa, Central and Southeast Asia Printing and paper money from China

4 India United by the Mauryan’s in 321 BCE Chandragupta & Asoka
Hinduism & Buddhism Matriarchal & Patriarchal Caste system Hindu Gods

5 China Buddhism—Siddhartha Gautama Filial Piety—Family worship
202 BCE, the Han dynasty began an empire Strengthened the central gov’t and began the idea of civil service Invented paper, horse collar, and the watermill Big traders along Silk Roads Tang & Song dynasties rule from BCE Khan dynasty (Mongols) conquers China in 1279

6 Japan Mountainous Japanese archipelago (four main islands)
Sea of Japan or East Sea between Japan and Asian mainland Proximity to China and Korea Influence of Chinese culture Writing Architecture Buddhism Shinto Ethnic religion unique to Japan Importance of natural features, forces of nature, and ancestors State religion; worship of the emperor Samurai & Bushido (The Sacred Sword) Coexistence with Buddhism

7 Southeast Asia Vietnam Located on trade route between China & India
Adopted Buddhism & Hinduism, civil service, and Caste ideas Korea Divided society controlled by landowners Adopted Buddhism and other Chinese ideas: writing, civil service, printing, & porcelain

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